Disclaimer: SURE.

Alright, so here's the deal. I've been reading a bunch of Wally/Dick/Roy bonding fics and I really wanted to write one, but I have scarce ideas, and honestly I wanted to make this a long series of one-shots, two-shots, and maybe even three-shots. So, in my time of need I look to you, the readers. I need you to request things or tell me some ideas you want to see. You can request whatever you want in a fic, I'll do it all. But no slash. I could do implied slash, and maybe even dialogue slash, but no…physical slash. Other than that, I will do whatever you request. But this first one's mine, and a little short, but that's just to get things going. This is pre-Young Justice.

Chapter I: A Red Hoodie

Kid Flash, Robin, and Speedy sat on top of the dark roof after a patrol well done. It was early January and the inky-black water that stained the inside of the alley was thinning into a layer of ice. The stars were twinkling dimly, out-shined by the lamp posts and streetlights that clouded up the sky. Kid Flash was going on about – well, Speedy didn't actually know. He was too busy being concerned with the way the youngest of the three shivered. He did some petty reconnaissance.

His costume doesn't have any sleeves!

"Rob." The eleven-year-old turned to look up at him, shifting his gaze from the sky to his friend.

"Y-y-yeah?" His face contorted as he tried to keep the teeth-clattering noise out of his speech pattern. It didn't work.

"You cold, kid?"

"N-nah. I-I-I'm f-f-f-fine."

"Here." Roy took the faded, red hoodie out of his bag and handed it to the Boy Wonder, "Put this on before you catch a cold." He nodded gratefully and put the hoodie on. Once he had it on, Wally began laughing hysterically. Roy smiled, amused, but didn't dare to laugh.

"What?" Robin asked indignantly.

"Oh, man!" Wally chuckled, "You might – might want to pull that up…" He turned to see what he meant. The neck hole of the hoodie was falling down his shoulder, the end of the sleeves went way below his actual hands, and the end of it almost made it school regulation. Robin gathered the end of the hoodie, the sleeves, and the part that was falling off his shoulder and pulled it closer to him, making him look like just a head in the midst of bundled clothing. This only made Wally laugh harder.

"Shut up." He ordered, punching the thirteen-year-old's shoulder.


"Robin, save the punches for Ivy."

"He deserved it." Robin scoffed quietly, looking back at the foggy sky.

"Yes, yes he did. But right now I got to get both of you two home."

"W-w-w-w-wha?" Wally asked, not chattering like Batman's protégé, but just adding to the surprise effect. He latched onto Speedy's left arm.

"Yeah. I kinda promised Batman and Flash that I'd get you two home safely."

"Awwww!" Robin joined in, dropping the hoodie out of his arms and clamping onto Speedy's right arm. He looked down at the two, the whites of Robin's mask wide in innocence, the head-hole still slipping down his shoulder, Wally smiling eagerly, not letting go of his grip on the older vigilante.




"Pretty please?"


"Rob," Wally snuck a side-glance towards the Boy Wonder, "He's resisting. Plan B?" The boy nodded. He took a spray out from his utility belt. Roy flinched as if anticipating to be sprayed.

"Oh, calm down, tough guy, it's only water." He sprayed the harmless liquid at the seventeen-year-old, then pointed it at his mask.

"I really didn't want to do this, Roy…"

He sprayed a little on the corners of the domino mask.

"…but you forced us to this point…"

He stuck his finger in between the adhesive side of the mask and his skin.

"…and there's no turning back…"

He ripped off the mask and Speedy was met with something he had never expected. A flooding ocean of blue bored into his eyes. Robin took a step closer.

"No! No! Get away from me!" he shook his hands at the younger boy. He stepped closer, making his cerulean eyes bigger, wider, with a pleading furrow in his brows. He took another step closer, until he was right in front of his target. It was quiet. Everything in the world stood still, maybe even time itself. The azure he had for eyes glittered and sparkled, the glares on his eyes dancing around his irises, making the boy look like a well-drawn anime character. And that's all Roy could think about. How blue they were. It was insane. And he just kept staring, and staring, and staring…


"Whoa." Roy gasped when he finally came to it. Where was he? He looked around, Robin and Wally, in civvies, were both sitting on the tall stools that lined the kitchen bar in his apartment, talking about something.
"What the HECK just happened?" he inquired, looking around in disbelief.

"Rob, it's warn off!"

"Holy guacamole(1)!" he gasped, ducking underneath the stool. After a silence, he came back up and asked, "Why isn't he throwing anything yet?"

"I don't know…"

"Eh." He sighed, waving it off facetiously, "I don't really care. It was getting lonely in here anyways. So what exactly did you guys have in mind?"




Yeah, this was just an introductory story to the real stuff. Review, people! And I'm such a BSer with Teenage Rebellion. But I promised myself I would finish "If the Shoe Fits…" before I started that up again. I'm like on the third chapter and it could easily be a twenty chapter story. So, when the new YJ episodes start coming in August, I'll probably start back again, for ironic purposes of course. And remember, send in requests, I'm all ears.

(1) Robin's old catchphrase. Yes, oh, yes I did.