Three Days later.




By Rita Skeeter

I have known Harry Potter since he was a mere boy of twelve and watched him grow up to become the man he is today. He and his wife, Ginny Weasley-Potter, who we know are expecting another child soon won't have to worry about a friend for the child to play with because his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, are also expecting a child that will be in the same year as the Potter's child. But wait! Hermione, who as a teenager had a knack for famous wizards, isn't married to the father of her unborn child. Dolores Umbridge says that "When I taught Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry I saw something immature like this coming. The two were reckless and I am not surprised at all that this happened." Well I guess we all know what this will lead to…. DRAMA!

DAMN IT! Why the hell can't the profit just mind their damn business? I mean really, there's point in invading people's privacy, there all just nosy bastards! What will 'Mione see when she sees this? She'll be so upset. How did they even find out about our baby? I groaned

"Dad must have told someone at work."

Suddenly I heard Hermione walking into the room.

"Told someone what at work?"

"Err that he might be retiring soon," I lied laughing nervously.

"Ronald don't you dare lie to me," She ordered scowling. I swear that woman can see into my mind and thoughts at all times.

I took a deep breath and handed her the paper. She started reading and the expression on her face turned from curious and slightly angry to outraged and somewhat hurt.

"I'm sorry 'Mione I never meant for this to happen," I apologized quickly.

"Why are you apologizing?" She asked while shaking with anger. "It's that bitch Skeeter's fault for putting her pointy little nose into everyone's faces! And that know-it-all Umbridge for sharing her snooty little opinion!" she started to walk towards the door but I stood up grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"To give those little skunk bags a piece of my pregnant mind!"

"No Hermione! That will just give her another thing to write about and cause us even more trouble," I argued trying to reason with her. Never try to reason with a pregnant Hermione Granger.

"No I am going!"

"No you need to rest!"

"Oh shut up you can't stop me this time! And stop with the whole 'you need to rest thing!' I am only a month pregnant!"

"Well I want you to rest and not cause a scene at a place that determines our lives!"





"Ugh! Fine! I invited my parents over today to tell them about the baby by the way!"

"Wait what!"

"I already told you and I'm not repeating myself! Now as you told me yourself I must go rest Ronald." She stomped out of the room and into our bedroom leaving me to stare at the door in confusion. I turned around and kicked our kitchen table lightly so Hermione wouldn't hear. It still hurt. Suddenly I saw Ginny appear in the living room out of nowhere.

"Where is she?" Ginny demanded as I walked in.

"In our room," I told her but grabbing her wrist as she walked towards our bedroom. "Listen you can't just barge into our home whenever you like Ginny!"

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do Ron!"

"Well guess what-"

"Ginny!" Hermione said rushing into the living room and giving her a hug.

"I saw what the paper said and came right away! I'm so sorry!" Ginny told her sadly.

"It's okay; really I'm fine, sort of."

"No you're not come on lets walk around and talk it off," Ginny said pulling my wife-err I mean girlfriend, towards the door.

"Sorry Ginny I can't, my parents are coming over in about an hour and I need to be here when we arrive."

"Okay fine but whether you like it or not you need girl time so I am staying here and will leave when your parents come," She told her. "Ron, go to my house and help with James. Harry needs it trust me. I'll come home when they get here and tell you so you can leave."

"But I-"


I sighed and disapperated to Harry's house where I saw him attempting to feed James but had barf all over his shirt.

"Blimey mate; if you can defeat Voldemort I don't see how you have a hard time feeding a baby," I told him causing him to jump around in fright.

"First of; don't do that to me. Second; this is way harder than it looks! A year I've been doing this and all he does is barf and spit on me and cry! You will soon understand."

As if on cue James started crying and Harry turned around trying to calm him down. I walked towards Harry and James and picked the little minion up. He stopped crying.

"Mommy," James said excitedly.

"Wait, what?"

"You really do need to cut your hair mate, you're twenty six and your hair is almost the same as it was when you were eighteen," Harry told me causing me to glare at him.

James eventually calmed down and was put asleep for a nap. Harry and I spent the next fifty minutes just talking while James was asleep until Ginny appeared and told me to go home.

"Hermione's parents arrived," she told me.

I said goodbye and disapperated home to find Hermione and her parents sitting around the table and drinking tea.

"Hello Ronald," Mr. Granger said stiffly.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Granger please just call me Ron," I greeted.

"Then please call us Tom and Mary," Mrs. Granger told me. (A/N I couldn't find their first names anywhere so I just made up some, contact me if you know).

"So Hermione why did you invite us for tea today," Tom asked his daughter.

"Well Ron and I have some news to tell you," Hermione told them.

"What is it dear," Mary asked.

"Well I'm pregnant," Hermione said nervously.

"WHAT?" Tom and Mary yelled at the same time.


"Mr. Granger (I decided this wasn't the best time to call him Tom) I assure you that we will take care of this baby just the same as we would if we were married," I told him.

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO PROPOSE TO HER AND NOW YOU'VE GOTTEN HER PREGNANT?" He yelled at me before turning to Hermione. "Hermione I am ashamed of your choice in men."

"Dad if you must know my choice in men is perfectly fine! And maybe I'm not ready to get married yet!"

"Oh but you're ready to raise a baby! And to think I thought you had your priorities straight!"

"Tom, honey, Hermione is very intelligent and I am sure that this baby will be raised correctly," Mary told her husband. "And you should be happy! You're going to be a grandpa!"

"Well under the circumstances I am not happy!" And with that he turned around and walked towards the door to leave. "Mary, come with me," he ordered.

"I'm sorry dear," Mary told her daughter sadly. "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks mum."

Mary gave the both of us a sad smile and followed her husband out of the house.

"'Mione I'm so sorry," I told her as she leaned into my chest and began crying softly.

"It's okay."

"No it's not, you're crying and that's not okay," I said hugging her.

"No really I'm fine, in fact I'm actually quite tired," she said slowly letting go of me. "I think I'll head off to bed."

I could tell this was a fake act and she was trying to look strong. I wanted to comfort her but I sensed this was not the time. She walked into our bedroom and closed the door. I could hear her changing into her pajamas and I looked around our apartment and sighed in realization.

It's almost time.

I walked into our small office and over to my desk. I had hidden it in my old Gryfinndor scarf. I opened the desk and saw red and gold stripes. I unraveled the scarf and pulled out the small black velvet box and I opened the box and inside was the present I had wanted to give her for years,

It was a silver engagement ring with a single diamond. That was it, it was simple and beautiful. But I am not ready. I am a coward of the answer no. I love her but does she love me? I mean what if she hates me for doing this to her and she doesn't want to spend her life with me?

Well I guess I can only find out if I ask.

So what did you guys think? Ron won't propose to Hermione until later chapters and I might change the title but I have no Idea about it currently since I changed the story line completely in my head while I was with my cousin last week. I'm going to camp next week so I won't be able to update then but I'll try to get another chapter in this week if I get the right number of reviews (wink wink). Tell me if I made any mistakes and I will correct them as soon as possible!