Chapter 1: Stupid Deals

Rodrick Heffley jumped off his white, dirty van and slammed the door shut. He snatched his backpack through the door's open window and threw one strap on as he idly yet furiously walked towards the school entrance. He was pissed, no doubt about it.

"pft, stupid college," he mumbled to himself as he treaded up the high school's front stairs. He was still thinking about a conversation he had earlier that morning with his parents.

"Rodrick, we need to talk," said Susan Heffley as he busted through the kitchen door. He woke up late, as usual.

"What about?," he replied, not really paying attention to her as he scoffed down a piece of toast and someone's neglected glass of orange juice.

"Your father and I have been talking about you and your future," she said as she picked up Manny from his seat, "and we were wondering what your exact plans are after you graduate?"

"You guys know this," he snorted while still stuffing his face, "after I'm done with school, I'll just focus on my band. School has been holding me back; when I'm done with it, I can actually focus on important thin-"

"No, you see, that's the problem, Rodrick." interrupted his father, Frank. He'd been quietly reading the paper. "We've put up with this far too long." He stated sternly looking at his dark haired son.

"Put up with what?" Rodrick complained, with his mouth full. "You guys told me I could practice in the garage and that it was cool fort m-," he continued but was quickly cut-off.

"Honey, we know that your music is your passion," started Susan while bouncing Rodrick's youngest sibling on her hip, "but we're really worried about what will happen to you if you focus all your time and energy on your band."

"But mom, I-" Rodrick tried to interject, getting up from his chair in a jolt of disbelief, but he was interrupted again.

"Listen Rodrick," started his father as he walked over to the sink, next to Susan and Manny, "your mother and I decided that in order for you to stay in your band, you have to at least go to a community college or something."

"WHAT?," Rodrick spat incredulously, eyes wide and mouth agape in disbelief.

"We can't have you wasting all your youth following some rock star dream, that in all honesty probably won't ever hap-" said Frank before being elbowed by Susan.

"Frank!" she gave him a disapproving look. "What your father means, Rodrick, is that it's ok to focus on something you love, but we also want to you continue your education just in case … well, so you have a back-up plan."

Rodrick was stunned. He looked to and fro each of his parents searching for some sign that this was all some sort of twisted joke. He was at lost for words and he couldn't really seem to get his mouth to close.

"C-College?," he stammered, "Seriously?"

"That's right, son," said his dad wrapping his arm around his wife's waist. Both of them smiled at their stupefied eldest, hoping to get him to react.

"But dad, school isn't my thing. Y-you know this!" Rodrick said a bit angrier now.

"Well, I guess you'll have to make it your 'thing' if you want to keep playing in your band," said Susan, with finality in her tone.

Rodrick was about to complain but decided to let it go. His parents seemed very serious; he knew that he couldn't change their mind, especially when they were both on the same team. "Fine." He spat, extremely annoyed.

He grabbed his backpack and was about to storm out the front door. He had his hand on the doorknob but his dad stopped him. "Oh, and Rodrick," shouted his dad from the kitchen, "the deal also means that if you fail this semester, you're out of the band."

Rodrick slammed the door behind him, cutting his mom off before she finished wishing him a 'good day'.

Rodrick made his way through the hallways and reached his first period class, since he carelessly missed homeroom period.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Heffly," said Mrs. Johnson as Rodrick walked through the door.

"You're very welcome," he answered back, bowing to his mid-aged English teacher. The whole class started to laugh and Rodrick felt his temper cool down.

"All right that's enough, class. Take a seat, Rodrick," ordered Mrs. Johnson and turned back to the board. A smirk spread across his face as he walked to the back of the room where his delinquent-like friends were. He loved being the class clown.

The class went by pretty quickly, considering how much he hated English. He spent most of the period goofing off with his band mates and doodling the logo of his band, a devilish diaper pin, on his forearm with a sharpie. He was still very mad at his parents for their, as he thought, ridiculous deal. But he decided that if he could just finish this last semester of high school, he would just take some easy and crappy courses at the nearby community college. That way, he'd get his parents off his back and he'd have more time to focus on his music. An amused smile tugged his lips as he thought about how all these minor setbacks won't matter in the long run and that, in the end, he'd still become a huge rock star.

"I take you didn't study… again," Mrs. Johnson startled Rodrick back to reality, handing him last week's test.

"Shit," he mumbled to himself as he looked through the stapled papers his teacher handed him. The pages were covered in red markings and on the front of the test was a huge D-.


"Class dismissed," called Mrs. Johnson from her desk, "Rodrick, please stay behind for a minute."

"Great," he grunted as he stuffed the test into his black and ripped bag. He walked up to the teacher with his hands in his tight jeans' pockets. "Wassup, teach?" he asked carelessly.

She looked up from her paperwork and gave him a very concerned look. "Rodrick, you're failing and at this rate you won't graduate," she said.

Fuck, he thought to himself. "What do you mean I'm failing? It's just one stupid test," he said anxiously.

"It's not just this test," she continued, "it's the two from before and the fact that you haven't handed in a single decent essay this whole year."

Thanks a lot, dad, he hissed under his breath.

"What was that?" asked a baffled Mrs. Johnson.

"Nothing!," he answered nervously. Ever since his dad stopped writing his essays, he's been handing in papers actually written by him. He sighed, "Look, what do I need to do to pass this class?," he asked, resting his hands on the desk.

Mrs. Johnson looked at her computer where the class' grades were in display. Then she went through some papers she had on her desk. Rodrick rolled his eyes impatiently as he waited for his teacher to answer.

"I'm sorry," she said after that short pause, "you currently have a solid 63% in my class and there are only a few weeks of school left. I don't see there's any way that you can bring your score up to a 75% in such a short amount of time."

"No, come on, there must be something," Rodrick asked desperately, his eyes wide with alarm. "A project, some sort of extra-credit, anything!"

They were suddenly interrupted by a knock. They both turned their attention to the door, where a girl stood awkwardly, realizing that she walked in a serious discussion.

"Um, Mrs. Johnson," the girl said meekly, "I have next week's article." Rodrick shot her a reprehensive look, she was so not helping.

"Oh, thank you sweetie," said Mrs. Johnson, "leave it here, I'll read it later."

The brunette girl walked up to the desk and as she searched for her article inside the mess that was her messenger bag.

"Just a second," she said as she tussled through all the stuff in her bag to find her work.

Mrs. Johnson, who was paying attention to the girl's struggle, suddenly shifted her attention to Rodrick, who was with his arms crossed, looking down at the intruder. She looked at them both and smiled. "I've got an idea," she said rather enthusiastically.

Both Rodrick and the girl stared curiously at their teacher. "Andrea," she started, "how would you feel about tutoring Mr. Heffley in English?"

"What?" spat Rodrick, obviously not seeing eye-to-eye with his teacher. The girl also seemed tremendously confused.

"Andrea is one of my top students and by far the best writer in this school," said Mrs. Johnson. "She could help you improve your writing." A smile spread across Andrea's face. She knew this to be true, but she'd never admit it out loud.

"Um, I thought you said there was no way for me to pass this class with what little time we have left," he interjected.

"Well, not by yourself, at least," said Mrs. Johnson, "If you put all your effort into passing this class and actually listen to her, you might just get to 75%."

"Excuse me, Mrs. Johnson," interrupted Andrea raising her hand as to be called on.

"Yes, Andrea?" asked the teacher.

"I actually have a lot going on right now with the school paper and-" Andrea started to make up some excuse to get out of tutoring but Mrs. Johnson quickly interposed.

"I'll exempt you from the English final," she said smiling at her star pupil.

Andrea had great English grades, but being in the Advanced Course meant that she couldn't be excused from her final. And considering how she'd rather not have to study for yet another final, this was actually a great deal.

"So, do we have a deal?" asked Mrs. Johnson, shifting her eyes between both students.

They both seemed uncertain still. Rodrick really had to pass this class. Andrea just really didn't want to take that stupid final. Rodrick looked over to Andrea and she looked back at him. A mutual sense of agreement was shared between the two. They slightly nodded, still staring at each other.

"Fine," the both said in unison, looking back at Mrs. Johnson.

"Splendind!" she exclaimed as she stood up from her chair. "Now, run along before you're even later for your next class." They'd been so caught up with the conversation that they forgot the bell had rung a few minutes ago.

"Bye!" waved Andrea as she ran out of the classroom to her next class.

"Later, Mrs. J," said Rodrick as he unhurriedly walked out of the room.

A smirk spread across his face. No more English work for me, he thought, convinced that he'd get that girl Andrea to do all his work for him.

A/N: Hey, this is my first fanfic for Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I love Rodrick/Devon so I just had to make one about him. This first chapter's a little slow, I know, but I had to get the ball rolling. Let me know what you think!