April 1123AD

Waves gently caressed the shore, like hands searching for something they had lost. Light shimmered from their bodies, the reflection of the mighty sun dancing among the salty waters. A small fishing boat with a few flasks and wrapped loaves rested half-in-half-out of the water, seemingly sleeping on the shore even as the waves called for it to play and dance like the sun. Had he been out here for any other reason Halt may have smiled. As it was, the only expression on his face was that akin to a father losing his son – for indeed that is what it was.

A large presence shifted into view, Erak. The Skandian bore a similar grief. A great warrior had passed and he found himself missing the boy, though he had only known him for a short while. He placed a heavy hand on the grizzled Ranger's shoulder, both as a sign of comfort but also signaling a time that must happen. "The sun is setting; we must set him off before the vengeful dead call him to their wicked arms."

Halt started, sighed and nodded. "Yes, we must put him in the boat."

Though slight of frame and even lighter from the starvation he had suffered, Will's body was the heaviest burden any of them had ever carried – each having grabbed a portion of their friend for their own separate comfort and need for closure. They had decided upon a traditional Skandian funeral, seeing as the apprentice had fallen in battle protecting the land and its people. However, while Halt understood and liked the idea of sending Will off with food and water for the journey to the afterlife, he did not like the customary burning of the body and had adamantly declined all suggestions. Thankfully, Erak had not argued with him and the matter quickly settled. Will was to set sail for his final resting place, where Halt hoped he would meet his father and mother and look down on Halt with that smile of his.

Oh how Halt's heart ached.

They had asked for the funeral to be private, knowing many would wish to come to their savior's sending. This was private; his son was dead. Dead; oh how that word stabbed Halt repeatedly.

Beside him Evanlyn – no, Princess Cassandra – let loose a wild gasping, choking wail before flinging herself upon Horace in despair. The young knight was no better, his eyes tinged towards destruction. Surprise at the Princess's action kept him from flinging his sword to the ground and wailing his own sorrow to the skies. Ever the chivalrous knight, he turned his energy to soothing Cassandra, rubbing small circles on her back.

Erak sighed deeply before stepping toward the small boat and checking that all was ready. Halt silently joined him at the edge and gazed down upon his child's still form. They had kept Will in his Ranger garments, saxe in sheath and strung bow on his left with a quiver full of arrows nearby. He was prepared for battle, just as he had been merely days before.

Bronze caught the sun and playfully reflected in Halt's direction. The man felt his whole body quake in reply – he had only been an apprentice!

Erak placed a hand on the side and began to push; desperately Halt clung to the side, his eyes searching his apprentice for any signs of life, just one was all he needed. Alas, there were none and he regretfully let go.

The little boat's sail caught a gentle breeze that purred as it ruffled the grizzled Ranger's face and began to move. The quiet wind seemed to swirl around Halt once more before joining the rest of it in taking the body away. The laughing waves stilled behind the departing boat as if in reverence, a quiet moment of silence before jumping to catch the sun before it set.

Death feasted that night,
The souls of the living:
Morsels seldom in grasp.

Yes, for one had passed while the other survived.

Revised June 21, 2018.

General Disclaimer for the entirety of the story: Ranger's Apprentice is the sole property of John Flanagan. I release my story to the general public only as a story arc with no intention of receiving payment in any way.

Notice for new and old readers: The story is currently under reconstruction. I will be editing each chapter to correct grammatical errors and fix the flow/direction of the story, as well as develop the characters better. My intention is to have the story completed by July 17, 2018. Most likely from today June 21 to July 17 there will be a clear break in writing style, as mine has developed much since 2011. I thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy the finished product.

Thank you.