I own nothing.

"Wally what is this?"

The speedster had shoved a blue box into Dick's arms. "Just open it," Wally insisted.

"O-okay," Dick said, eyeing the box. He didn't know better it was moving. Was that a 'meow?'

Dick pulled off the top of the box. Sitting inside was a small black kitten. It looked up at Dick with bright blue eyes before it stood on its hind legs and licked Dick on the nose. "Gah," Dick said, wiping his nose. "Why did you get me a cat?" he asked as he gently picked up the kitten from the box.

It was then that Dick noticed nametag. On the tiny gold plated tag it read: "Go to Prom with me?"

Eyes wide, Dick turned to Wally who had taken great interest in his feet at the moment. "You got a cat just to ask me to Prom?" Dick finally said.

Wally flushed a brilliant scarlet red. "Is that a yes?" he asked.

Dick rolled his eyes and pulled his boyfriend closer. He gave Wally a small kiss on the cheek for before he said, "Yes you idiot."

The End. Please review :3