50 Theme Challenge 4 out of 50

He's been following me for a long time. I have no idea how to stop him. I have a feeling he will kill me, and very soon. The question is who is he, and why does he want me dead so badly?

Couple-RoxasxSora mention RikuxSora


Warnings-Blood and Gore, slight Rape, Sadistic Roxas, lemon, OOC, AU

Sora's POV

Blissful Pain

I don't know how long it's been since he's haunt me, but I know he wants me dead. He hates me and I have no idea why. I try my best to ignore him, but its no use. Whenever I try, I wake up with cuts on my wrists and legs. So I have no choice but to acknowledge that he's there. When I told my boyfriend Riku about him, he demanded I call the police. I had already tried. He's always never to be found whenever they show up.

He writes me letters all the time. He wrote to me that his name is Roxas and described to me what he looks like. He said that he has dirty blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes.

I always seem to find him wherever I go. I see him out my window when I try to go to sleep or next to my door when I walk home from work. He always has this sadistic smirk on his face and blood lust in his eyes. It makes me shiver whenever I see him. There are days when I go to bed crying just praying he would leave me alone. But he will never go away, I know that now. Because I've tried everything in my power to get rid of him, but Roxas is here to stay.

It was time that I accept that.

I live a life with and man I love and a man I fear. I know one day Roxas will be the on that ends my life, but for now I'll enjoy my life with Riku.

Today was just like any other normal day. I was walking home from the bus stop near my house. I was thinking of what I should make for dinner, but all my thoughts stop as soon as I entered my home. The first thing I found was a trail of blood on the floor that came from my bedroom. My heart beat doubled in speed.

I was scared but I called out for my lover, "Riku!?"

I was answered by silence. I hesitated a moment before I decided to follow the trail of blood. It leads me to the bathroom at the end of the hall. The smell of blood and death was strong, I couldn't help but cover my nose. I was so scared I was trembling. I didn't want to open the door. Fuck I was frighten to find what was behind it. I couldn't help but start crying hoping to god it wasn't what I was though it was.

With a trembling hand I slowly opened the door, the scent of blood and flesh stronger then ever. My hopes were shattered when I saw Riku there cut up in pieces floating in a bathtub filled with his own blood. He looked like he's been dead all day.

I fell on my knees both hands on the floor in tears falling like rain drops. I was terrified because I knew Roxas is the one who did this, and I knew it was my fault. If I wasn't so selfish by staying with Riku just because I was scared of Roxas, he would still be alive with another person who would have been better for him. I should have known Roxas would kill Riku, he loves my pain. What better way to hurt me than killing my most important person.

I jerked my head up screaming at the top of my lungs, "RIKU!"

But all of a sudden out of no where I felt a knife on my throat.

"Get up…"The dark voice commanded.

I knew it was him. I knew what Roxas came here to do. He's here to kill me. Well he can do whatever he wants to me now. I no longer care, without Riku I'm just this broken person without a heart. At least when Roxas ends my life I could be with Riku again.

Roxas slowly lift me up by pulling my hair, knife still against my throat. Weird thing though, I felt no pain from him yanking my hair. I suppose I was too frightened to care.

He soon leads me to my bedroom where the bed was covered in stains of blood. I assume this is where he killed Riku. I couldn't help but let out a few sobs at the thought of Riku getting stabbed by Roxas.

He laid me down on the bed, then said laying his knife lightly against my lips, "Shush now, don't cry. If it'll make you feel better, what he felt when I killed him is nothing compared to the pain he's receiving in hell."

As he was saying this I had a better look at the man that I had fear for most of my life. His eyes were indeed sapphire, hair dirty blond and almost as spiky as my hair. Never before have I ever had a good look at Roxas. He is probably one of the most gorgeous men that I have ever seen.

Deadly yet beautiful

How cruel

Maybe if things were different, maybe I could have gotten to know Roxas. Maybe I would have been with him instead of Riku. And maybe things would have never been this way. But sadly I couldn't go back in time and fix what has happened. I had to accept what was happening.

I close my eyes slowly accepting my fate.

Then, all of a sudden, I felt his lips on mine. He was kissing me and as he was kissing me he was slashing new cuts on my left arm. I hissed at the pain but he only bit my lips making me open up to him which deepened the kiss. I couldn't help but accept the kisses; my arm was losing more blood making me feel dizzy.

I couldn't' help but confused by all of this. If Roxas hated me why was he kissing me? Why was he showing me affection? Could it be that he also loved me? If so why go this far to gain my attention?

As Roxas continued to kiss me he pulled down my pants and boxers. He used two of his index fingers to swipe the blood dripping from my arm. I stared confused. I then felt him slide the fingers cover in my own blood inside me. I shuttered at the intrusion. I tried to pull his arm away from me, but he only used his free hand to remove mine from his arm. I just closed my eyes tears falling from the uncomfortable feeling. I couldn't believe this was happening.

I whispered, "P-Please stop…please..." I took in a quick breath as I sobbed out the pathetic words.

"Why?" He grabbed his knife brushing it gently against my member, "Look at how hard you are. You're enjoying this."

My eyes widen surprised. Roxas was right, I am hard! B-But why? I shouldn't like this at all! But here I am lying in the same bed where this man murdered my boyfriend and I was getting off on all the things this sadistic man was doing to me. What the hell is wrong with me?!

Roxas gave a low snicker, "You realized now haven't you?"

I looked up tears still flowing, "Huh?"

He lowered his face close to mine licking his lips, "You're just as fucked up as I am…"

"W-Why are you doing this to me?" I demanded. If I was going to die then I have the right to know why.

"Why?" He sat up laughing loudly, "He wants to know why! Isn't that rich! I'll tell you why! You always tried to hide me, you've never acknowledge me! Whenever I'm around you always ignore me! Well Sora I will not be ignored by you anymore!" He yelled

I was still confused what was he talking about? I've never even properly met Roxas… I'm starting to think he's just crazy.

Obviously done talking, Roxas pulled his fingers out of me and took off his shirt. I couldn't help but admire his body. He really was a beautiful man…. It was too bad that he was mad with blood lust. After taking off his shirt he undid his pants and lowering the boxers freeing his erection. He spits in his right hand that was still stained with my blood. He stroked his member with the same hand slicking it up with his own saliva. I was no longer going to fight him. I need to realize there is no way out of this. I need to accept my fate and just enjoy the last moments of my life while I'm still here.

After he lubed up his member he set his knife down and slowly pressed his erection against my puckered hole. I closed my eyes tightly as he penetrates me. It hurt so much I was trembling. I couldn't help but try to push him off me from the great pain, but once again his strength won over my own. He quickly pushes all the way inside me, which made me scream in pain. He covered my mouth as I screamed louder.

I couldn't help but enjoy the pain though. I don't know why but it felt good the way he was stretching me out in such a raw manner. I moan from the feeling. Roxas is right, I really am fucked up. After a couple of minutes he began to move inside me making the pain much greater. I moaned enjoying it. After the fourth thrust he made inside me I arched my back closing my eyes screaming loud in pleasure after hits my prostate. Roxas smirked and hit the spot over and over again.

The room was filled with sounds of sheets moving and moans and groans. I was ashamed that I was enjoying this so much. I even went as far as moving my hips with Roxas's rough thrusts. For some reason fucking Roxas felt so right, like him becoming one with me was something that was meant to be.

When I stared up at him with my lust glazed eyes, he gives me a smirk that looked to be he was satisfied with my reaction to all of this. His face was flushed and he only let out a few pants here and there. Why was he being so quiet?

One more rough thrust from Roxas had me coming, my body trembling from what was the best orgasm in my life. I lay on the bed panting enjoying the aftershock. Weird thing though Roxas stopped moving and he still had an erection. When I looked up to see his expression, I was surprised to see a sadistic grin on his face. He then grabbed his knife licking the blade. My eyes widen, but I sighed. I knew what was going to happen. I was ready. I was ready for him to take my life.

But to my surprise instead of killing me he cut open his own throat! I was in complete shock. When I blinked Roxas was gone. Wait where did he go?

W-Was it a dream?

No I was still on the same bed and I still felt the stickiness of my orgasm.

But suddenly I felt like I was choking and something wet was leaking from my neck. When I place my hand on my neck I touched a warm liquid. I raised my hand in front of my face and my eyes widen seeing it was my own blood. I rose up quickly to find where Roxas disappeared to, but when I looked around he was no where to be found.

As I move my other hand I felt that I had a tight grip of something. When I rose my other arm my eyes nearly left it's sockets when I saw it was the knife that Roxas used to commit such violent acts. It was impossible though. Roxas was the one to cut open his throat. How come he was suddenly gone and I was holding his knife with a new cut on my throat?

This can't be right. Why did Roxas suddenly disappear, why was I the one slowly dyeing, how come I am the one holding the knife.

From all the blood loss I couldn't help but fall down on my back against the blood stained bed. I kept a strong hold on the knife, I turned my head staring at the deadly weapon. Then I began to look at my cum stained shirt following the trail leading below my waist. But something caught my eye immediately. I saw a clear blue dildo on the bed next to my legs. It looked like it had dry blood on it, but wait that's not right…unless.

Then like a train it hit me. It all makes sense now, why he was never around when I was with someone else. Why Roxas always seems to disappear every time the police came to investigate. Why I was never able to get rid of him.

I was the one who cuts my arms and legs.

I was the one who wrote those letters to myself.

I remember now this morning I killed Riku. I stabbed him in his sleep then dragged him to bathroom all the way to the tub. I cut him in pieces that morning. Then I took a shower and went on like I normally did every day.

I'm the one dyeing slowly right now from cutting my own throat.

Roxas doesn't exist. He's only the darker part of me that I always tried to hide. Everything he said earlier makes sense now. That side of me is so sadistic and dark. I had no choice but to imagine it was a different person.

It was so different I loved it but I also hated it because of how fucked up it was. I guess it felt the same way for me. It hates the fact that I always ignored it and pretended I didn't have these sadistic feelings. That side of me eventually had enough and decided to go on a rampage.

As I lay there in my final moments in this world, I gave a sadistic smile finally after all of my time of being alive I finally accepted these dark feelings. And it never felt so good. I started to laugh uncontrollably cutting any part o me that was skin.

I slowly die from the pain I love so much.


Well there was something a little different. I never really wrote stories like these before. So please tell me what you think! And sorry for the darkness but I need to change the flow a little.