Disclaimer: Sorry to disappoint all, all rights goes to Disney Pixars. Don't own anything.

Chapter 1: How it all began

A sky blue Aston Marin DB5 glazes blankly at the stormy grey sky of London. Agent Finn McMissile: suave, daring, extremely brave and one of the best, brave field agent from British intelligence. Well that's what every says nowadays, they might know him as Finn McMissile, but what of Finn McMahon an honest police officer and detective. No everyone has a beginning even a spy. They might seem super cars created for espionage not all of them are destines to be a spy but each in every car can be one. You just need to find the opportunity.

"A penny in your thoughts, McMissile?" Finn turns towards the speaker of that voice and it was Dmitri Slingkiler a BMW 135i coupe surveying him with a calculating glaze. Finn flashed relaxed smile, but it seems to attract more attention to when a Lotus Exige and a Cayman S blushed beneath their fenders.

"More like a shrilling though thanks for your concern Dmitri."The Beemer took a small slip from his rosy oil and sigh as the liquid hits its mark.

"Ahh…Nothing is better than a nice chilly rose oil to refresh your engine." Finn who is not much of a drinker simply orders a non-alcoholic cocktail.

"I don't know about you but it is nice to stop being an agent for a while and be normal civilians for once." One of the agents a blue mustang with white strips too participate in the conversation.

"I don't know what's going on in your ECU but what you are saying is. You of all people wanted to have a normal life? No gadgets, no hot chicks and fight bad guys taking names doesn't appeal to you at all McMissile?"

"No it's just…never mind just forget what I said anything." The mustang looked away but a very sexy Mercedes-benz SLK AMG caught his eye. Finn kept his glaze at his drink yes sometimes it is fun and action pack to be a spy, but there are so many things he needed to give up to be one for instance his real identity.

Around the 1960's century a new batch of police officers came to Scotland Yard. One of them fresh off from police academy was Finn McMahon. A pale yellow Triumph Spitfire salutes his superior a black Range rover.

"McMahon I heard you passed your test with flying colors but can't you handle the practical part of the job. You will be partnered with John Smith, patrol." A dark green Triumph GT6 nodded stiffly.

"A pleasure to meet you McMahon I'm sure we can co-operate." The Range Rover smoked a cigar causing McMahon is cough a little from the smoke.

"Well what are you waiting for get moving, you don't have all day." Was that an eye roll from Smith?

"Yes sir." chorus the two cars before filing out the station. They were greeted by the busy streets of London. "Say McMahon you like football?" asked Smith after a ten minute silent interaction.

"Why do you ask?" asked Finn turning the question back to Smith. The Triumph shrugged as they stopped at an intersection.

"Well the last partner assigned to me was….very patriotic talks nothing but the Queen or the royal family."

"Oh I see…well did you hear about a football team in Germany was it Mini Ballers?"

"Ah yes they played last week against Peugeot lions! It's a shame they last it was an amazing match." Finn however was amused, maybe patrol isn't bad at all. They passed Elephant and Castle to see small G-wizes hogging five parking spaces. Smith muttered something suspiciously like tree huggers.

"Need something to unwind that window for you?" Smith glared at Finn, and then added in an undertone. 'Wise guy.' The two officers managed to negotiate the G-wizes for the other cars waiting in line for a spot.

"Tell me more about yourself McMahon. We have all day to tell stories." Finn sighed perhaps inquisitive co-workers are very common especially in police force. It's their job to know everything.

"Well. said Finn a sly smile surfaced on his front bumper. I prefer long drives at the beach, sitting on a cushion armchair with a roaring fire and of course enjoy reading." Smith actually did a double take and nearly crashed into an outdoor pub. He regains his composure before stare sternly at his new partner.

"Ha ha a riot you re McMahon. You should try standup comedy." said Smith clearly recognized Finn was humoring him. The two officers made their second time around their route.

"Say since it's your first day how about I treat you a drink tonight?" Finn was about to decline when at that moment Finn's and Smith's radio crackled into life.

"13-Adam, 14-Adam do you copy? Smith turns up the radio and began speaking to it.

"13-Adam and 14-Adam copy go right ahead."

10-14 has been spotted on 359 Ashley place. Take precaution."

"Had he or she made his move yet?" asked Finn into his radio.

"That's a negative 14-Adam still can't be hurt to be cautious."

"Well then might as well go you can't say no to this old gal." The dispatcher on the over hand muted the other channels and only focus on Smith.

"Do you want me to file a complaint to your superior and get demoted even further?" she said lightly but there was a hidden threat in her smooth tone.

"No madam we are on our way. Let's go McMahon"

It was sunset when they arrived Ashley Place cozy cottages littered the place with peace. It's seems almost impossible for something wrong to go wrong in this neighborhood. Cars lounged in their front portages while kids raced each other in a mini track course.

"Peaceful isn't it. Let's hope this stays for a while. An ideal place to raise kids I suppose." Finn have to agree this is peaceful maybe too peaceful.

"So Smit…"

"Call me John geez you kids these days need to loosen up a bit it's the 20th century anyway. Just one thing don't swear please."

"Fine then so John is this the waiting game for something to happen?" The Triumph pulls a copy of the Daily Telegraph from his glove box.

"Don't jinx the situation chap. Let's just hope this is a false lead." The two patrol cars parked nearby the neighborhood. Finn however had his eyes scan the community for any movement. It was nearly an hour since they arrives even Smith who worked for the force for many years lost all patience.

"I guess it's a mistake I mean nothing is happening." Finn on the other hand felt a slight tugging in his wheel axle. Sort of like a gut feeling, like something is going to happen." The suddenly shots rang out the quiet neighborhood. Bullets wheezed passed his side mirrors.

"Get down!" cried Smith taking cover behind a fence. Two black Porsche 911s fires their guns from the rims of their tires. Its slim design made it to fit between stokes of each tire and light enough to carry it around them. Finn scooted behind the fence with Smith. Over the racket of guns firing at the two officers Smith shouted something about they should be out of bullets by now. Sure enough gunshots stopped Finn used of his side mirrors to check if the close was clear.

Okay focus Finn how shall we go about this situation? Then one quote pop up from his memory. "Open your eyes, train your ears, use your head. If a mind you have, then use it while you can." The rookie officer spots a bright pink Jaguar XJR-15 in (of all places) the dead-zone or in popular slang no-man's land.

"Bollocks" swore Smith seeing the little car timidly approach the hostiles. Then an idea flows into Finn's ECU.

"John take this whatever you don't stop shooting!"

Wait! McMahon! What are yo.." Smith's suspicions were confirmed when Finn came out of cover and started dodging bullets. The pale yellow sport car spots the little pink car then out of the corner of his eye sees Smith firing every bullet accurately at the two Porsches who immediately duck to avoid the line of fire.

Finn grabbed the pink Jarguar "Gotcha! He gently covers its valuable body with his from any further harm. At the same time he shifted his attention to his right and pointed a spare gun at the two. Freeze or I will shoot!" One of them did freeze but the other one a much older model sneer and whip out a .32 caliber shotgun and pointed at Finn.

"Heads UP! cried Smith giving another revolver to Finn who caught it and fired it straight to its windshield wiper stunning the car in seconds. This is exactly what Finn needed; he pushed the girl car into Smith's save tires and tackles the Porsche with all of his might. He quickly places a parking boot on the resisting car disabling it within minutes.

Smith seeing the new kid in action only had one thing to say.

"Wow kid did you get some kind of declaration marksmanships?"

a/n: Hello readers and writers in Cars fandom! I am not new to fanficion though I am new to this fandom…. So what do you think? Is this acceptable? Or should I continue? I have this little plot bunny by watching the movie a couple of times ( yes I love Disney Pixar Cars creation, the first one not so bad but Cars 2 gotta love Finn, Mator, Holley…well basically everyone who appeared aside from Doc (RIP).

Oh a small note to pairings I have been lurking around for a good few days….Holley and Mator FTW!