Title: Shotgun Serenade

Chapter: 6/?

Series: Teen Wolf, MTV

Genre: Romance/Horror

Words: 4109

Warnings: Violence, Sexual Content, Language, Child Abuse

Disclaimer: I own the Original Characters. Everything else belongs to the copyrighted owners.

Pairings: Stiles/OFC Scott/Allison

Feedback: Reviews get happy notes in return! This has been bugging my brain so let me know if it's awful. Haha.

Tinker187: As always love ya for reviewing! I'm doin' my best to keep up with my pace while I write two stories.

A/N: I just realized while it's so difficult for me to write a lemon for this story… I've only ever written yaoi lemons. Haha! Also if the dialogue doesn't match the show… Tough luck.

Every muscle burned, energy quickly depleting with each and every long stride. Moving with the grace of a cat, foot coming into contact with the ledge of the apartment building as Lyca threw herself off. Knees tucked up tight as she held her arms above her head, every sense heightened to the point she could hear a pin drop in the basement of the building she'd just leapt from. She could smell it all, every scent of the city heightened to the point it was almost nauseating. Eyes reflecting the streetlight as she tucked and rolled, launching her body forward into another sprint across the newest building's roof as she snarled to herself.

She could smell Furor and Beau, the pair sprinting through alleys and streets below her as she leapt from roof to roof. The next roof was ten feet farther than she'd ever be able to jump, in a split second she twisted her body to take the impact as her foot came into contact with brick siding. Reversing her momentum she launched herself back off of the buildings side, twisting herself for the hard impact on the ground. Throwing herself into another tuck and roll as she landed hard, rib cracking painfully as she faltered for a split second quickly regaining her pace as inhumanly fast as she possibly could. Toe to toe with her Alpha as she followed the blood drenched scent of the rogue.

They'd nearly managed to corner him already, Beau's gun had misfired in that moment causing the chase to resume. All three of them hot on the trail of the other werewolf as they efficiently followed him, separating again as they neared the warehouse district. Lyca's claws digging into brick and plaster as she scaled one of the buildings with a graceful ease, each muscle working in perfect synchronization with her thought patterns. Digging her feet into the roof as hard as she could, launching her body into the air as she got a clear shot at the Alpha. In a split second she'd swung her bow from her back notching a silver tipped arrow, vision almost tunneled as she drew her compound bow. Three finger grip loosened sending the arrow singing through the air as she let out a harsh breath. Steadying herself as she landed on the building she'd thrown herself towards.

No tell tale call from her pack mates, meaning she'd missed. A harsh rumbling howl from her Alpha had her swinging her bow back over her back, the weight of her quiver on her hip almost lead like. "Shit…"

"You did good, mon cher… He's out of our territory, he's no longer our concern. Let the Hunter's have their kill tonight." Beau's sniper rifle hanging heavily against his back as he appeared at her side. Both turning their eyes down into the alley to get a good look at the bloodied Alpha that had called off their game. "Mon ami… How do you fare?"

"I'll heal… Let's go… Next time do not hesitate. Kill or be killed, I will not protect you." Furor had blood dripping down from his hairline, he'd run headfirst through a wooden fence in his haste to get their kill hobbled. Needless to say his attempt had been thwarted by a rather crafty maneuver by the rouge Alpha. The last of his wolf receding behind his pale eyes as he growled quietly to himself. Another failed hunt, this wasn't boding well for anyone.

"You look like shit… With a capital S-H-I-T." Stiles said reaching out to press the back of his hand against Lyca's forehead. She looked even more pale than normal, almost like she had after she'd been drugged at the party. Frowning slightly as he realized werewolves more than likely had elevated body temperatures. "What happened last night…"

"Don't ask… Family stuff." Lyca leaned over resting her head against his shoulder with a soft groan. Turning her eyes up towards her boyfriend with a tired smile. The ache of the previous nights hunt still straining her muscles as she buried her face against his shoulder, nuzzling his neck as he gave a shuddering sound. "We were hunting…"

"Animals? Or the Alpha? Because nothing brings a family together like hunting a blood thirsty murderer." Stiles mused in a sarcastic tone, getting smacked on the shoulder softly as Lyca laughed and told him to 'shut up'. Resting his head over hers he looked across the Lacrosse field rather pleased that free period was one that they shared. One of the few periods they actually shared. Smiling he just chuckled to himself.

"What's so funny?" Lyca grinned at him after pulling back slightly. Catching the amused look on his face, drawing a smile to her own lips as she simply gazed up at him. The metal of the stands cool against what little of her upper thighs that remained bare. Nibbling at her bottom lip as she gave him the most innocent look she could muster. "Stiles?"

"Don't even try and pretend you're not thinking what I'm thinking… You're corrupted." Stiles laced his fingers through her hair, smiling at the fact she'd left it down today as he leaned in brushing his lips against her own. Angling his own head so that their mouths practically melted together, growling into the open kiss as he brushed his tongue against hers. Swallowing her growl of approval as she tightened her fingers in his shirt, tongues twisting and rolling against each other in a sensual display of pure hunger. His other hand lacing through her hair following the example of his first hand. "Mmm…"

Lips parting with a pop as Lyca gulped down air, panting softly as she just offered a smirk as she let her hand fall innocently onto his lap. The gasp it drew had her leaning up, lips brushing against his as she flicked her tongue out lapping softly at the crease of his mouth. "What's wrong?" Tone innocently as she slid her fingers farther up his right thigh, squeezing softly.

"Not-Not here." Stiles barely managed to choked out as his eyes flickered wildly around the empty field. Her hand so close to his quickly hardening length, gulping down as much air as he could manage. Slowly drawing his gaze to- Stiles fell back with a surprised yelp. "Dude!"

"What? Why are you so… Oh… Oh! Sorry!" Scott was flushed with embarrassment now, trying to ignore the glares the pair was sending his way. Scratching the back of his neck he looked upwards to avoid the awkwardness as Stiles adjusted 'himself'. "I can't come over tonight Stiles… I'm studying with Allison."

"Studying… Dude, studying never ends with just studying. Gonna get your groove on." Stiles gave his best friend a goofy grin as he scooted back onto the cold metal stands next to Lyca, smiling as his girlfriend laced their fingers together.

"We can talk about his sex life later… I'm sure Scott will bring you a pair of Allison's panties as proof when he's done." Lyca laughed as Scott turned red with embarrassment. Leaning down she started sorting through her backpack, ignoring her cell phone as it rang. Before she could stop Stiles he'd snatched the phone flicking it open as the final ring sang out.

"Oh! Fucking… Right there! God… " There was no mistaking the sweet Cajun drawl as Lyca snatched the phone, cheeks bright red as she flicked it closed.

"You're cousin's…" Scott just stared at her, eyes wide as he looked at Stiles finding him just as shocked.

"Beau's gay?" Stiles was just as shocked as Scott, the Game Warden wasn't in the least girly other than his flamboyant hair. He'd always assumed he was making a statement so he could piss Jericho off… Yet… Giving Lyca a strange look. "And he calls during sex…"

"His hair is pink! How straight do you think a guy can be with pink hair? Jesus… And no, he doesn't… Usually… I'm on his speed dial. He rolls over on his phone…" Lyca muttered pulled the battery out of her cell phone resisting the urge to break it as she elbowed Stiles, whom found it appropriate to laugh at her, and threw one of her flats at Scott trying to wipe the dumbfounded looks off of their faces. Picking up her backpack she slung it over her shoulder, face flushed. "Stiles… I still want you to come over after school if you're not busy."

"So I'm not really sure what we should do about the chemical pH testing thing… It's not like we can go around sticking our fingers in anything I have around my place. I guess we could read the labels and look stuff up?" Lyca said as she tossed her backpack in the backseat of Stiles' jeep. They'd taken to riding together, seeing as Micah had stolen her car. No one would tell her what was up with him, he was tweaking like a meth addict lately. At least he'd stopped harassing Stiles. Smiling at her boyfriend as he pulled out of the parking space.

"Holy shit!" Stiles slammed on the break, eyes quickly snapping to Lyca. "You okay?"

"Fine… Is that?" Lyca jerked her seatbelt off, jumping out of the car as quickly as she could. Her shoulder a little sore from being jerked so hard as she gaze upon the sickly pale man standing before the blue jeep. The first thing through her mind was to kick him in the face… Not an easy feat, but she knew she could manage with as much as she detested him. The tang of blood hitting her nose as he collapsed.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Stiles was panicking for some odd reason. Looking up as Scott ran over, people were starting to stare and chatter as if he'd hit the pale teen. Glaring at Derek as the other male mumbled something.

"Dude! Get out of here!" Scott hissed eyes flickering around until he caught Allison looking at them. Clenching his jaw for a second before he looked at Stiles, something clicking into place in his brain.

"I've been shot… I…" Derek grimaced holding his arm as he sat on the ground. His beast clawing at the inside of his body as if it was trying to rip free. Eyes bleeding a glowing blue as Stiles and Scott panicked.

"Don't do that here!" Stiles yelped reaching out to grab Derek by the arm. The other male turning wild eyes at him with a growl. A true wounded animal.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott growled helping Derek up, practically shoving him against Stiles.

"It's a different kind of bullet." Derek grunted, glaring at Stiles. He didn't want the help, but his head was spinning far too fast for him to protest. He glanced over at the female, not particularly curious at that moment.

"A silver bullet?" Eyes flicking from one side to the other as Stiles tried to put two and two together. Stiles was trembling under Derek's weight, cars honking behind his jeep. Shifting his weight from one side to the other trying not to give out under the adult males weight.

"No stupid. Some kind of special bullet… I can't heal. If I don't do something soon…" Derek growled out, clenching his arm as it throbbed. He felt nauseous. The urge to vomit was starting to surface as his vision blurred.

"That's what she meant by 48 hours…" Scott said under his breath. Looking towards Allison as she paused staring he cursed mentally. He had to get out of there.

"Who?" Derek hissed. His arm giving another painful throb, shaking his head slowly from one side to the side.

"The hunter…" Scott snapped. He had to get out of there and fast… Allison was starting to walk over.

"You have to get me that bullet." Was all Derek hissed out. Scott was so damn close to the Hunters daughter, he'd have access to the bullets.

"Just… Get him out of here. I have to go…" Scott snapped at Stiles as he rushed off to intercept Allison, smiling at her as he made up excuses.

"Right… Leave us with the wounded wolf man…" Stiles grumbled as he glared after Scott, turning his eyes towards his own girlfriend. "Got room for one more?"

"The sooner we get rid of flea bag the sooner." Lyca growled before climbing back into the Jeep, this time in the back. Hell if she was lucky Derek would lose his arm or something. As Stiles shoved the wounded werewolf into the passenger seat she narrowed her eyes kicking the headrest. "Douche bag."

"You really like holding grudges don't you?" Derek growled out as he looked back at Lyca. The pair falling into a glaring contest. Shaking his head, giving a grunt of pain he just leaned back in his seat growling at Stiles. "Drive…"

"Uh… Right! So… You two know each other?" Shifting the jeep into drive he practically tore out of the parking lot onto the main road. Derek just gave some unintelligible answer to his question.

"He stole my doll when I was seven after I proved I was smarter… Then he flipped my skirt and pushed me face first in mud. You still haven't apologized… Douche." Lyca was tempted to punch Derek, the urge subsiding as he gave a shuddering breath of pain. Rolling her eyes she looked towards Stiles. "Where are we taking him?"

"To his house." Stiles quickly answered turning down the street that would take them towards the burnt up Hale house.

"You can't take me there!" Derek snarled, eyes flaring as he narrowed them at Stiles.

"Why the hell not!" Stiles jerked the car off of the road turning to glare right back at Derek. The other male was bleeding out all over his passenger seat. Those stains weren't going to come out. It didn't matter what anyone said.

"Because I can't fight off hunters in my state." Derek breathed, clenching his arm as he felt the heated roll of blood down his pale flesh. Eyes burning blue as he growled at Stiles, the pain in his arm caging his beast again as he tilted his head back hissing out at the pain.

"We can't take him to my place." Lyca leaned back in her seat. Furor hated Derek, if they showed up on the porch with him… Derek would be dead anyways. Running her fingers through her hair she tried to come up with a solution, clenching her own jaw as Derek gave a pained sound.

"Can't take him to mine either…" Stiles answered back anxiously as he tried to figure out what to do with an injured werewolf that couldn't be taken anywhere. He was so pissed at Scott in that moment. Of all of the stupid things, why couldn't he of at least helped this far.

"Ask Scott… It's out best option…"The soft sound of fabric ripping just below her voice as she spoke. A soft rustle signaling she was digging through her backpack for something. Lyca reached forward pressing a water soaked strip of her shirt against Derek's forehead. The other wolf seeming to calm momentarily before his body tensed with another growl.

"Fine…" Stiles shook his head in aggravation as he pulled out his cell, dialing Scott. No answer. The phone continued to ring as he slapped a hand against his steering wheel. "He's not answering."

"What do we do… He should be-" Lyca started to panic. Scott was supposed to find that bullet. What the hell was he doing? Her words quickly interrupted by the fact Scott finally found time to pick up his own phone.

"Yeah… Alright. Just hurry, okay?" Stiles leaned back in his seat. Hand tapping erratically against his steering wheel as he listened. Eyes flickering towards Derek for a moment.

"What did he say?" Lyca pulled the wet cloth from Derek's forehead, rewetting it before she pressed the semi cold cloth to his forehead again. The male wasn't trying to pull away from her as he had at first. She reached out with her other hand slowly petting his hair, a motion a mother would show to their own children as if it would ease their pain.

"He wants us to wait at the animal hospital till he can get a hold of the bullet." Stiles started the jeep, looking over at Derek with an 'I-hate-you-and-I-hope-you–fucking- choke-on-your-own-vomit' glare.

"Tell him to hurry, Derek's bleeding all over the upholstery." Lyca gave Stiles a pleading look. Despite the fact neither of them was an avid Derek fan… It was difficult to stand by and just let him die. Especially in the jeep.

"I'm sorry for being injured… You're still a bitch." Derek grunted out after a few tired moment.

"And you've still got a stick up your ass." Lyca snapped back, narrowing her eyes as she removed both of her hands from Derek. See if she tried to comfort him again.

"Not helping!" Stiles snapped at them. They were fighting like… Well, dogs.

"It'll be too late by the time he gets here." Derek was hunched over the exam table trying not to lose whatever was in his stomach. The room was spinning and blurring as his nails ached, lengthening as his body tried to heal only to find it impossible. The black veins slowly seeming to grow like a fungus up his arm as the poison spread. Eyes flickering around until he caught view of something that could have been of use. Jerking drawers open he yanked out a bone saw examining it in earnest.

"What are you doing?" Stiles voice almost broke. Lyca was in the other room to try and find something that they could use to ease Derek's pain. Eyes widening as she walked back in with a clear bottle and a syringe.

"I need you to cut it off…" Derek growled, his stomach was burning and fighting him as he clenched his belly. Arm throbbing painfully as the poison spread like wild fire throughout his arm. Eyes trying to bleed blue again only to have the pain hold back his shift.

"Cut… Cut your arm off!" Stiles nervously looked towards the bone saw. Derek didn't actually expect him to cut his arm off… Right?

"Yes. If the poison reaches my heart I'll be dead." Derek's vision blurred again, this time it was staying. The sudden vertigo had him gripping the side of the table, teeth aching as they tried to elongate. The pain subsiding the wolf, just barely.

"Can't we just take it out?" Shaking his head as Stiles tried to worm out of having to cut off a human arm… Werewolf arm. Same difference really.

"If I could… I would have already." Derek hissed. His stomach lurching as he swallowed hard trying to keep the bile down. Blood slowly dripping from the bullet wound.

"Right…. Um… He'll show up." Stiles quickly came up with an excuse.

"If you don't do it. I will…" Reaching out Lyca grabbed the bone saw examining it as she just smiled at Derek. Flicking it on she raised a brow at the quickly moving saw as she continued to look at the tool before flicking it off.

"Why do you hate me so much!" Derek snarled as he tied off his arm preparing himself to lose a limb. The room was spinning as adrenalin flooding his veins. Heart slamming against his ribs as he looked at Lyca, he knew without a doubt she'd do it and wouldn't flinch at the prospect of ripping off a limb.

"Because you're an angst filled pile of shit…" The words were just as hard as her glare. No compassion in her sapphire eyes as she looked directly at into Derek's eyes.

"…" The room was spinning far too quickly for him to protest what she'd said. Something seemed to be working its way up into his throat.

"Exactly. Give me the saw." Stiles snatched the bone saw from Lyca, whatever beef she had with Derek was a really bad one. Looking at the saw in his hands he almost started praying for Scott to show up and save the day. Raising the saw up a little to examine it he realized it was a saw to cut off casts.

"I got the bullet… What the hell are you guys doing!" Scott was breathless as he ran into the exam room, bullet clutched in his hand as he tried to regain his breath. Looking at the saw in Stiles hands before looking at Derek with his arm held out and tied off.

"Give it to me." Derek's voice faltered as his body lurched, claws digging into the exam table as he doubled over. Blood and bile pouring from his lips as his stomach finally won out. His knees giving out at the same exact moment his vision failed him. The heavy impact of his full weight against the ground had his body jerking.

"Shit!" Scott hissed, he'd dropped the bullet in his haste to give it to Derek. Diving after the bullet as he tried to catch it, cursing as it rolled down into the water drain under one of the equipment tables. Reaching down he tried his best to get it, fingertips brushing the cold metal as he pushed himself past his limits.

"You… Have to…" Derek was fading in and out of consciousness, the poison was taking effect faster than he thought it would. A cool hand against his forehead had his eyes trying to flicker open as he tried to get to his feet.

"Derek? … Scott get the bullet now!" Panic laced Stiles voice as he looked between Derek and Scott, there wasn't enough time. This was going to kill him. Opening his mouth he tried to say something, nothing would come out though.

"Nnn…" Derek groaned as he pulled himself from his jacket, trying to shove away from Lyca. However he found himself leaning against her and Stiles as he attempted to help himself to his own feet. Eyes fading blue as the throb turned into a cold hard stab with every beat of his heart.

"Here! I got it." Leaping to his feet Scott held the bullet tightly not wanting to drop it again as he ran over to the table, slapping it down with a soft look of worry. Everyone watching as Derek ripped the bullet open with his teeth dumping the contents out. Scott leapt back as Derek lit the wolfs bane, watching the plant spark and crackle as it took. Eyes wide as Derek shoved it into his wound.

"Holy shit!" Stiles was in pure shock as the black veins receded back as if it had been all part of an elaborate joke. Swallowing hard as he looked at Scott. This had been far too close for anyone's comfort.

"You still look like shit…" Lyca was the first one to even remotely try to snipe at Derek as she narrowed her eyes.

"Better than dead." The snarl in his reply had Scott and Stiles looking at each other in a confused manner. Derek rubbed his hand over his newly healed arm. A lot better than dead, he thought grimly.

"I'd like you better dead." Lyca sang out with a brilliant smile, eyes sparkling with annoyance.