
Disclaimer-I only own the plot and original characters. This story will have a considerable amount of sexual content which is why it's in the Mature section of the site but it's not a lemon. If this makes you uncomfortable, then I suggest you read another story.

Note: Thanks again to everyone who read, reviewed and favorited Given. It truly means so much to me because it showed that you were enjoying what I wrote. As a writer, that's very motivating and you guys let your presence be known by doing one or all of those actions. You're all fantastic!

The warm morning sun on his flesh didn't wake the sleeping hitman, it was the empty space next to him that did. He opened his dark eyes looking at Nika's side of the bed but he didn't question where she was. However, old habits die hard; he needed confirmation because assuming wasn't certainty and he refused to accept anything less. He grabbed the remote from the nightstand turning on the television.

A grin came to his lips at the image of his wife and Madison giving the twins their morning feeding. Part of him felt guilty for not being in Madison's place but he and Elaine had spent the previous night tending to the twins letting Nika sleep. His break was well deserved.

On his way to the bathroom he stripped dropping the clothes in the hamper in his closet. As he was about to turn on the shower he sensed a presence enter the room. Tension briefly passed through his perfect physique until he recognized the sound of her footsteps. Like the gentleman that he is, he opened the door for her.

With a wide smile she stepped into the spacious shower. Her eyes ran along his body, "Good morning."

He grinned cupping her face and kissed her full lips, "Morning."

", it's going to be great." Standing underneath the handheld shower head, she turned on the water.

"How are the twins?" He stood underneath the mounted showerhead and held her waist.

"They're good…but," she gently pushed him against the wall, "I already took care of them. It's your turn."

His lips gladly welcomed hers, his grip on her waist tightened in response to her hands traveling southward. Suddenly the room became hotter, he didn't know if it was because of the warm water or the goddess that was slowly planting kisses down his wet body. Frankly, he didn't care. Ever since birth of the twins he and Nika had little time for intimacy. When an opportunity arose he never questioned it, he simply enjoyed the moment. He closed his eyes enjoying her touch until he heard crying.

Baby Mila's cries caused his eyes to pop open; he sat up in the California king bed staring at the television screen. Nika was changing Mila's diaper and spoke softly to the three-month-old hoping to comfort her. Little Michael was in Mai's arms quietly gazing up at her with his dark eyes and a mischievous toothless smile. A subtle smile pulled at Agent 47's mouth. He turned off the television and headed for the bathroom.

After turning on the water he thought of the dream he awoke from. Since the birth of the twins he and Nika had become loving doting parents and had yet to come into any type of conflict with one another. Soon, they were only fulfilling their roles as parents and inadvertently neglected each other's spousal needs. At six weeks he expected her to broach the subject of making love but to his surprise, she didn't. They were still affectionate with one another, sharing casual kisses and brief embraces. Every chance they had to become intimate seemed to pass them by. He was reluctant to bring up the issue fearing that she would feel pressured and in turn negatively affect their parenting. When they were alone in the bed, neither acknowledged the elephant in the room but they definitely felt its presence.

The instant he entered the kitchen Mai greeted him.

"Morning Dad!" She called out then took a bite of her cereal.

Madison finished taking a sip of orange juice, "Hey Dad. Did you sign my permission slip?"

"Good morning girls and I did." He handed a slip of paper to Madison.

"Thanks. I can't wait to go environmental camp next month!"

Mai spoke, "You're so lucky. I won't get to go until next year!"

Nika walked over from the stove and placed a full plate in front of him before pecking his lips, "Good morning Frank."

"Morning Nika. Elaine's not joining us?" He brushed an errant strand of hair behind her ear.

"She and Robert ate earlier. They've taken the twins outside for a walk." She sat next to him catching the fresh scent of his body wash.

Madison and Mai got up from their seats and took their plates over to the sink.

"Come on Mai, Carl's waiting for us," Madison told her.

"Ok, bye Mom, bye Dad see ya later!" She kissed her parents faces and watched her sister do the same.

"Do well and be good and Mai.." He politely said to his daughters.

"I know I know..don't talk so much in Mr. Baker's class or I'll get sent home with a note again."

"Kiss Mikey and Mila for us." Madison replied before she and Mai headed towards the front door.

Nika happily told them, "We will and have a great day at school girls!"

He turned to his right when he felt her chin on his shoulder.

"Did you sleep at all?"

" After all, Mila does take after you."

"She's my mini-me."

"That and she likes to cry a lot over nothing." His smirk was wide.

A brief chuckle came from her followed by a light slap to his bicep, "Very funny..NOT!"

The smirk on his lips slowly faded, "After I meet with Diana at the office and check on the academy, I was thinking we could go out for lunch?"

Her green eyes and thick accent had a touch of guilt, "Oh..actually, Isabella and I gonna have lunch at Sorrentino's but I could cancel it?"

With a small shake of his head he replied, "You shouldn't. You haven't really been out since the twins were born; you need some time for yourself."

Hiding her disappointment, she answered, "You sure? I could call her and.." She stopped talking once he cupped her face.

"Nika, it's fine. I'll have lunch with Miguel and Karissa. We'll see each other after."

"Ok…" Her lips brushed against his.

He pressed his forehead against hers.

In the dojo of Holt Academy, Agent 47 and Karissa practiced sparring with Bo staffs. All the missed opportunities between him and Nika kept streaming into his mind making him more ferocious in his movements. Karissa immediately took notice and tried to keep up until she reached her limit.

On her knees she held up the staff above head blocking his strike, "ENOUGH!"

"What?" He nearly yelled back.

"You heard me!"

Agent 18 (Miguel) stood in the entrance curiously watching his daughter and employer/friend.

"We just got started!"

"Well I'm ready to finish!" With the staff still in her hands she turned it and struck him in the chest causing him to stagger back.

He looked at her with irritated eyes, "You're being over dramatic."

Panting, she stood up tearing off the protective padding off her body, "No I'm not. I don't know what is going on with you but you better get it in check! Because three months from now you're gonna be back here teaching these boys and young men how to control themselves and to not let their emotions cloud their judgment! And what you just did can't happen with them!"

Agent 47 knew she was right but didn't want to admit it. While he removed his pads he said, "You were losing."

"You're the one losing your temper over whatever's eating you," she shot back.

It was then Agent 18 walked in, "Something wrong?"

"Ask him," she walked over to him, "I'm meeting Jason for lunch. I'll see you at the house. Love you." After she kissed his cheek she left the dojo.

"You too." He smiled at her.

Agent 47 met Agent 18's stare, "What?"

"Lunch is on me. There's a new bistro across from the boutique."

Suspicion flashed through his eyes, "I need to change."

"Of course. We'll take my car."

Both Nika and Isabella graciously thanked their waiter once he came with their drinks.

Isabella brushed her long brown behind her ear, "So, how are Michael and Mila?"

Wearing a polite grin she responded, "They're wonderful, every day they're doing something new and cute.."

"How about you and Frank?" She asked already knowing what had happened between him and Karissa at the academy.

"We're good…"

From her tone, she could tell that the young mother was holding back, "But?"

She felt grateful that Isabella was her friend. Her gaze went to the table before becoming wet.

Concerned, she leaned forward and touched her hand, "Karina, what's wrong?"

"I..I don't think Frank wants me anymore.."