Brandon Holmes held his breath. His hands, which were clutched onto the sides of the passenger seat on which he was sitting, had raised to either sides of his head and pulled his dark grey beanie over his red ears, now completely covering every strand of his dark golden-blonde hair . His almost-turquoise eyes had shot a worried look to his left, directly in the direction of his girlfriend, Stella 'Stell' Yamada, also known as The Revolutionist in the group. The small, half-Japanese girl was behind the wheel of her Asian father's 2010 9-seater Mercedes Benz Vito. How her passengers will survive their trip to Utah with her impatient driving is unknown.

It was winter break, and what could be more epic than a 10-day trip to Beaver Mountain during the snowy season? A week and a half of endless fun, not worrying about school or their careers.

A driver in an old BMW had honked the car horn as he drove past, causing Charles 'Charlie' Delgado to wake up with a jump. His head had hit the window hard and he massaged the aching spot with his icy fingers. He ran his fingers through his long brown hair. The Mexican boy glanced at the seat to his right, to the young man in the seat behind Brandon, Wendell 'Wen' Gifford.

The tall, strawberry-blonde's attention was focused only on his laptop. He had been looking at pictures if the lodge at which the group was going to stay, but now he was struggling to get signal, Frustrated, from both the freezing cold weather and the Wi-Fi being down, he slammed the computer closed and began to stare through the window. Wen wiped some of the mist off, in order to get a better view of the world that was passing by, resulting in the palm of the glove of his left hand getting damp.

Wen had heard what sounded like a purr coming from the seat behind him, causing both him and Charlie to giggle a little and exchange glances. Wen turned around in his seat and poked the short ash-blonde boy who was sitting behind him, fast asleep. Wen poked harder, and the boy hadn't moved a centimetre, so Wen hit him on the head, hard but playfully.

Raymond 'Ray' Beech, the group's former-rival-now-turned-friend, jolted awake. He made a moaning noise and asked, "Are we there yet?"

Wen shook his head no, and Brandon had turned around and raised his index finger to his lips, gesturing for them to be quiet. He then "flicked" his head in Charlie's direction, to show Wen and Ray that the boy had already fallen asleep again.

Behind Charlie, was Scott Pickett, who was also sound asleep, his dark brown bangs all over his face, possibly shielding his eyes from the cold.

Behind Ray and Scott, were three seats.

On the one behind Scott, sat his girlfriend Rebecca 'Becca' Beech, Ray's sister. The girl was the second-youngest person in the van, being a few months older than Charlie. Her deep blue eyes were feasted on the road, watching the cars and various kinds of vehicles speed past out the window. All that the others would be able to see of her was only her dirty-blonde, pin-straight, shoulder-length hair.

Behind Ray, sat yet another blonde girl. 16-year-old, bisexual Olivia 'Liv' White couldn't take her eyes off of the paperback novel that was held almost possessively in both her hands, which were red from the cold, not at all affected by Stella's driving in the least. They tall, shy girl couldn't have afforded enough money to pay for half of the required price to stay in a cabin at this lodge, but being the lead singer of up-and-coming band Lemonade Mouth definitely has it's perks.

In between Olivia and Becca, sat the last passenger of Stella's hell-ride and Olivia's girlfriend, Mohini 'Mo' Banjaree. The Indian girl, unlike her Olivia, was traumatised by their friend's horrific driving skills. The overachiever, along with Charlie, who had woken up again, Wen, Brandon and Becca, were praying that they would make it to Beaver Mountain alive. Mo had rested her head on Olivia's shoulder, being in the most perfectly comfortable position since her girlfriend was the right amount of inches taller than her. Olivia hadn't noticed this, or anything else for that matter, being the bookworm that she is.

Charlie had raised his head and sat up in his seat when he saw a sign that read Welcome to Beaver Mountain. Stella, who had obviously noticed it too, had shouted, "We're here!"

Scott opened his eyes and sat up, fixing his hair. Ray mumbled something that sounded like, "Drama queen," to Wen and Charlie, who chuckled.

Olivia still hadn't moved from her perfect reading position, while Brandon quietly said, "Finally," in his British accent that the fans loved so much, or more importantly to him, that Stella loved so much.

Lemonade Mouth wasn't an internationally recognised band, and they weren't even that big in the United States, but they had more fans than what they expected and a fair share of dough rolling in every time they recorded a song, made an appearance, or gave a performance.

But Lemonade Mouth wasn't about the fame or the money, it was about the music. More importantly, it was about being heard; their love for music, their struggles, and the emotions they feel show in their lyrics.

The only teenagers in the van that weren't in the band were the siblings, Ray and Becca. Becca wasn't all that into music, although she can play the clarinet, but Ray was the lead singer of their school Mesa High's second most popular band, Mudslide Crush. Scott was a guitarist of that band, but after an act of kindness in order to help out their rival band, and also a shot at winning Mo back, Scott eventually became part of Lemonade Mouth.

Ray was Lemonade Mouth's biggest enemy, but every since Scott and Becca had started dating, the band, had realised what led him to grow into the big bully that he is. Or was, almost.

The car had come to a stop, with a big jolt and a bit of a bang. Everyone except Stella and Olivia had been shaken by this.

The car was parked in front of a cabin, if you could call it that. It was more like a double-story house, big and spacious.

"Park the car in the garage," Stella ordered Brandon, handing him the car keys once the group had gotten out of the van.

Charlie looked at Wen, astonished, and said, "There's a garage! In a so-called cabin!"

Each one of them had taken their own luggage out of the trunk, the boys helping the girls with their's, and stepped into the front room.

The living room was wonderful, and the teens had especially loved the fireplace and the 32-inch Plasma television. Every room had a heater, even the bathrooms.

Downstairs was the living room, kitchen and a bathroom.

Upstairs, were 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms.

After looking around, the gang had assembled in the living room after Brandon had parked the van, while Ray and Scott were tending to the fireplace.

"Okay!" Stella shouted, clapping her hands to get her friends' attention.

She stood on the wooden coffee table, and the others looked at her waiting for the brunette to continue.

After Scott and Ray had started the fire, Ray said, "Get off the table, Yamada. It's not like your dad owns the place."

He made a gesture with his hands to emphasise the command.

Stella and Ray were the biggest rivals one could ever encounter, constantly making a scene whenever they argued, neither of them ever hesitant ti point out each other's flaws and mistakes. However, they had become closer over the past few months, and although neither of them were comfortable with the idea of them being thought of as friends, they were forced to accept their weird relationship, and both insisted that they only got along on occasion.

Stella rolled her eyes at Ray's order and continued.

"So, I've decided that Mo and Liv would probably want to share a room, so I'll share with Becca, and the four of us will share a bathroom. So girls on the East. There will be no boy and girl sharing! Is that clear?"

The rest of the group mumbled words that sounded like, "Yeah," or "Whatever."

Wen, being the pushover that he is, saluted Stella and obediently said, "Yes ma'am."

"Boys, same on the West," Stella went on, sounding much like a dictator, "Brandon, Wen and Charlie can share, and Scott and Ray. For the bathrooms, there is a strict 'first come, first serve' policy, but if you are sick or there is an emergency, use the one downstairs!"

The friends, without questioning Stella's order, had gathered their luggage and had settled in their assigned bedrooms. Each took turns in the bathroom, and one by one they walked down the stairs in the sleepwear and sat down near the fireplace.

Ray had moved the sofas so that the gang could sit around in a circle, but nobody knew why, except Stella, shockingly, and Ray, of course.

The group of teens saw Stella walking towards them with cups and a bottle of alcohol.

"No, way!" Olivia shouted, being the most timid of the lot.

"Come on," Stella begged, "We're gonna play I Never."

"But my way," Ray interrupted.

"Oh, boy," Mo grumbled, but Scott and Stella smirked at the idea. Everyone else exchanged confused and worried glances.

"What, exactly, is your way?" Becca asked, which was a weird question considering they live with each other.

"Well, if you have done the thing you drink a full cup of liquor, right?" Ray asked, and the others nodded, "But if you're the only one who hasn't done it, you must be dared by the most experienced person in that field of whatever it is you have never done."

It took about 10 seconds for Ray's class to finally understand what he meant, but then Scott, Brandon, Charlie, Becca, Mo and Wen had given in to the idea, in that specific order. It was clear that Stella was already down for the game.

All eyes were now on Olivia.

"Oh, alright," she agreed, mainly because she didn't want her friends to think of her as boring.

Stella had organised the group in alphabetical order, so Brandon was to go first.

"Mmmm," he thought, "I've never had sex."

He looked around shocked to see that everyone was downing their drinks, Olivia struggling with hers, and Mo and Wen also seemed a bit overwhelmed with their drinks. Then he realised that Charlie hadn't touched his drink either.

"Olivia?" was all Charlie could get out of his mouth, beyond shocked to see the introverted girl's secret/

Ray swallowed the last sip of his drink and said to the two inexperienced boys, "So explain…."

"You too, Liv" Stella added, causing Olivia to blush.

Charlie remained silent, but all Brandon said was, "At least I'm not the only one."

Next up was Charlie.

"Okay," he said, and then his face was consumed by a mask of embarrassment, "I've never gone skiing."

The others laughed, and Stella shouted, "What?"

And then they all drank their alcohol until the last drop was consumed.

"Okay," Ray said, "So, who's the most experienced skier in the room?"

Mo and Becca shrugged, and Scott and Wen nominated Stella, while Brandon and Olivia were still trying hard to finish up their drinks.

"So, Charlie," Stella started, her voice filled with malice, "Here's your dare….."

So, this is it. My sequel. Is it good? Or should I stop? Please Review.