It was the world meeting. There was arguing going on in the meeting room, but that was typical for a meeting. The woman who stood outside the door, laughing silently to herself, was unnoticed by those who were in the room. She opened the door, and was unnoticed because of the arguing that was happening. 'Perfect.' She thought. 'This will truly be entertaining to watch.' The woman stood silently in the back of the room, as words and objects flew across the room. Someone in the room noticed her standing in the room, coughed loudly, and the room suddenly went quiet.
"What do you need Russia? You aren't part of this conflict!" England shouted.
"Well, we aren't supposed to talk about conflicts with someone else in the room, da?" Russia replied calmly. Everyone searched around the room, noticing the woman, and going silent.
"Well, now that I've gotten your attention," the woman said, walking to the head of the table. "Lets see now…" She looked around the room, "You, you, you, you, you, you, you, defiantly you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, and you." She said, pointing to various people around the room. "All of you, stay here. If I didn't point to you, please leave." The countries who weren't chosen left the room, complaining. The woman left the room for a moment, bringing in Prussia and Sealand, who had earlier been kicked out of the meeting room. She started randomly pairing people together. Italy with Germany, Russia with China, Canada with France, Spain with Romano, Hungary with Prussia, England with Austria, Sweden with Finland, Seychelles with Liechtenstein, Lithuania with Poland, Sealand with Latvia, Greece with Japan, and America with Switzerland. "Congratulations! You have been chosen for the Hunger Games!"
"Excuse me, but what is the 'Hunger Games'?" Japan asked.
"I'll explain later! Everyone, come with me now!" The woman replied.
"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Germany shouted.
"It's not! Trust me!" The woman said cheerfully. "It's just the Hunger Games! It's a survival game. Please come with me so we can get you prepared for the Games!"
The nations looked among themselves, and came upon a silent agreement. "Sorry, but we are in the middle of an important meeting, and we have no idea what this 'Hunger Games' is, so we're staying here." England stated.
The woman sighed, and then spoke "That's too bad, I really didn't want to have to resort to force." She snapped her fingers, and the countries were soon surrounded by multiple strong men. The men easily knocked a few of the nations out, but a few put up a fight. Even with the resisting, the few nations still standing were outnumbered, and knocked out before long. The men picked up the unconscious nations, following the woman out the door.
(A/N: Sorry, I had to do it… I was reading The Hunger Games, and then I read Hetalia… And then I stayed up late, and woke up early… And came up with this! My hand is asleep… and I can't move my fingers on my right hand… But, I don't want to kill any of them! The pairings actually are random, I wrote a list down, gave it to my sister, and told her to put them in pairs. I used numbers, plus she doesn't know what Hetalia is, so its random enough! I'm now wondering what I should do… Review if you want I guess…)