I got inspired to write this story after watching Dark of The Moon :D. I was lying in bed, thinking about Transformers and possibly writing a fic about them when my Halo fic came into my head. This led to the possibly disastrous idea of merging two of my greatest fandoms. And thus this fic was born! Hopefully it doesn't suck and I don't kill anything… This is my largest experimental fic ever! And my first crossover. Hopefully it doesn't suck…

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers D': or Halo : (. If I did lives would have been saved!

Note that this is REALLY AU so its not gonna be exactly by the book but familiar elements will be incorporated. Again SUPER AU, so don't kill me.

In this fic the events (though changed up a bit) of the first TF movie happen on Reach. Also Noble Six joined the team before Reach to make this story flow better and to make my life easier.

Enjoy : )

Before time began, there was the Cube. We no not where it comes from, only that it has the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race began. For a time we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home. Searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Reach. But we were already to late.


The early sun glinted off of glaciers and snow covered mountains alike as it rose over the peaks and illuminated the icy valley below. On the surface it looked like nothing more than ice and snow, but below the ground was a different story. Beneath Reach's frozen earth in a secret lab, Doctor Catherine Halsey was busy studying something few knew existed. The grey haired doctor sipped at her coffee as she went over the latest reports on her datapad when the console next to here beeped three times. She gave an irritated huff at having her work disturbed before activating the comm. link.

"Doctor Halsey, I have deployed Noble Team to deal with the Insurrectionist problem you informed me about. You won't have much to worry about for long." The picture of a middle-aged man appeared on the screen as his voice filled the doctor's office.

"I appreciate your concern, Colonel, but those at ONI, myself included, believe that deployment of a top Spartan unit is a terrible misallocation of valuable resources." The doctor commented.

"Sorry, ma'am, but I'm going to have to disagree with you there. If there is a threat to Reach's security I will use what ever means necessary to destroy that threat, and Noble Team is the best means which to do so." Halsey narrowed her eyes at his picture, uncaring of whether or not he could see her.

"As you see fit, Colonel. Far be it from me to question UNSC command." She said contemptuously. "Now if you don't mind, I have work to do."

"Of course, doctor." The communication was cut as the Colonel left her to her work.

The old doctor let out a sigh before taking another sip of her coffee. As long as the Spartans didn't stick their noses where they didn't belong or stumble upon something they shouldn't have, everything would turn out fine. The last thing she needed was Spartans knowing about her projects. Halsey looked at the data now displayed on the screen before her and smiled. Yes, everything would be fine…

As always my intro is short as hell, but the (possible) coming chapters will be longer and filled with epicenes! Hopefully… I sure hope this was decent but there are only two other TF/Halo crossover fics and I needed to change that! And yes I altered the epic first speech of the great Optimus Prime, but! There is a reason! Reach is all part of the plan 'cackles evilly'.


Anyway hope you like it :D!

SS out.

P.S. If you haven't seen DOTM yet go! Go! Go!