Hiya! LATEE! SO SORRY! T^T I've got such awful writers-block... Someone please help me! This chappy's about Luna, not much plot, but Luna's my first OC... I wanted to do something for her-Every one of my OC's has a little chunk of my soul...

~ Reaching ~

-Always for something bigger-

The meeting with the elder was long since over, and, due to the lack of confirming light, they still had plenty of time left in the 'day'. They'd each gone their own way, being told that whenever they wanted to come back for rest, to report where they'd woken up. Some of them had stayed together, as Myra was still hiding behind Lot and showed no plan of leaving.

Luna had long since gone off to her own affairs, looking for some place in the bustling village she could stay, without fear of being spoken to. The undying search had yielded her a spot in a flower bed, a large change from her normal places of rest. The only thing that through her off was the odd smell the plants gave off, although it wasn't near enough to get her away.

She was very determined to think everything over, no matter how out of character it was for her. She tried to remember why she'd even told that healer to come with her; she should've let her live her life unaffected. After all, they were now trapped underground, if she would've left her alone, she'd still be serving in the bar...

She tried to leave the thought, although she puzzled herself for why she'd asked the healer... She hardly ever spoke to anyone; she'd been 'burned' so to speak, far too many times. She lay back in the flowers, recapping all the horrid experiences caused by her second nature. Her tongue ran across the fang she tried so hard to hide, wishing with every ounce of her being that she could wipe away the beast in her.

Her thoughts wandered to every corner of her life, reminding her of the lack of memory before the age of six. She knew her parents had been either murdered, or thrown her onto the street due to the awful beast they found they had... she tossed back and forth, trying to shake away the second option. She'd spent her life looking for ways to rid herself of her other half, and searching for someone who knew her...

Not the most awe inspiring life... But the countless hours of wandering the fields had given her a good feel for her sword and heart for travel. She took out the blade, to examine the odd markings that'd never been traced to a single race. The blade that she seen every day since the beginning of her memory, joined by a belt to her hip. The only thing that could trace to her past couldn't be traced at all... It amazed her how much irony had invaded her life...

She rolled onto her back a let out a very deep, very long sigh, her eyes going blank as she lost herself to the wonder that she was looking up at the ground... In her thought, her eyes eventually found themselves closing and her mind going numb. She drifted off in sleep, shadows from branches bouncing around her face. Perhaps she'd finally slept under that tree, because when with that group, she never had a single nightmare...

She tried her best to avoid sleep, always being plagued with nightmares of the most inner of her fears. She'd always loved the night, hated sleep. Every fiber of her being wanted to stay awake for eternity, but the logic side of her shut the thought down. Her fears were confirmed, as different visions filled her restless sleep.

Every possible brutal way her parents could've been murdered or mauled ran through her head. This happened every night, although this was going to an extreme, buzzing about like a bee waiting to sting. She heard something, someone calling her... Someone shaking her, she squirmed as she slept, trying to get away.

Her head jerked up, as she finally managed to escape the inner fears she'd always kept to herself. She buried her face in her hands and hung her head. She could feel cool sweat trickling down her back, sending chills up her spine and adding to the tear she felt in her chest. "I'm sorry..." She peeked through her bangs, catching sight of the green-haired Kokori sitting on the ground next to her. "I should have warned you, but you disappeared so fast..." She furrowed her brow and looked at the grass, rubbing her hands in the flowers Luna had fallen into.

"These flowers are jinxed." She paused. "If you sleep in them you have nightmare's... I'm sorry." She stood and bowed, sensing the hostility coming from the girl she left. She hardly noticed the small nod she got as recognition, to busy wondering what could have scared the girl so much.

She passed the healer of the group, looking up at her in some silent conversation. She put up her hand in the smallest wave imaginable and walked away, both going in opposite directions. Abria continued on her way, she'd noticed the lack of their second beast, and hadn't stopped looking for her since.

She found the girl huddled under a rather small oak tree, her eyes wide and panicked. Abria made her way over, watching as the girl nearly jumped out of her skin as the healer sat down next to her. She quickly turned away and pursed her lips, seeming to lock herself up so no one could get through to her. Abria racked her mind for some way to start what she was sure to be an interesting conversation. "Err... Hello." She greeted, mentally slapping herself for the lamely made introduction.

The shut-up half-cat shrugged and continued staring into the distance. Abria sighed and scooted closer to the girl. "Tell me, why do you seem to despise of people so?" She asked, hoping she wouldn't be driving the stake further between the girl and any human interaction. Several long seconds passed as the hollow sound of a moaning wind blew through the tree. Abria furrowed her brow and shook her head, gazing up at the rustling branches. Seeing as she wasn't getting anywhere with her question, she tried to change the subject, hoping to at least drive up some exchanging words. "It's a wonder, this place. The wind blows and the light floods about, yet there is no point of origin." She paused as the girl turned, and the healer reveled in her own silent victory.

Luna pursed her lips, scowling slightly as she realized she wasn't getting away from this healer. "The wonder is that river." She muttered, letting out a deep rooted sigh of displeasure. "It flows like any normal river, yet its origin, is a cliff. I swear, it's the oddest thing in this village." She scoffed; raising her eyebrow was the healer chuckled at her comment.

Her giggles dying out, Abria choose to trust her wavering voice. "I thought the oddest thing was the small people." She let the last of her giggles and stared at the girl, she was so... Dark. Coming near her was a challenge, even in Telma's, it felt like she was giving off a warning sign. Something buzzed by Luna's face and she swatted at it, scowling at her attacker.

Something in that scowl hit Abria, something off. It was hard and bold, a single white fang, completely matching Lot's. Abria recalled the glares the two half-breeds had gotten as they walked through the town; people looked at them like they were the enemy. Like they were the awful thing that ruined their city, unlike these Kokori, who hardly gave any of them a glance despite them towering over the little people.

There must be a story in her somewhere. Like an untapped gold mine, waiting to be broken into so that its contents could be driven out and put in the open. The healer stared at her, long and hard, drilling her with a stare sharp enough to make the beast fidget. Finally Luna decided to actually speak, just to get Abria's eyes off her. "Is the reason you've been searching only to question me and attempt my murder with your eyes?" She asked, dry and flat.

Abria scoffed and rolled her eyes, obviously not enjoying the joke. "Of course not." She paused, and tried to imagine what Lot would do in this rather oddly made situation. Lot. He was a beast, like this little ball of fire, perhaps this job wasn't hers. Perhaps Lot was more the sort to deal with a girl like Luna, being one of... Her kind, and all.

The healer stood, deciding to something she rarely did: Give it a rest. This girl obviously didn't want any sort of friends; the only strange thing was why she would even stay in a group. A group that grew a bit closer every day. Abria smiled to herself at the thought, and frowned at another. All these warning signs got to her, it was just an herb they needed, was all this really necessary?

Abria stood, stretching and looking down at the girl gazing up at her. "I'll be taking my leave now, if you don't mind." She paused, raising an eyebrow as she caught something of disappointment in the beast's eyes. "Perhaps, if you ever want to actually speak... Ah, you know where to find me." Her motherly set kicked back in. "Be back before dark-if that exist here. Be sure to thank Saria for allowing us to stay in that hut, and don't cause trouble." She took in a breath; Luna raised her eyebrow and scoffed. She'd never caused real trouble, besides the occasional theft-only necessary, mind you.

Abria reluctantly walked away, leaving the half-beast to gaze off in the distance behind her. Something else managed to pop into her head, the entire reason they were here. They were in an underground city, inhabited by small, hundred year old people. This was overly confusing; she would need to talk to Alfons about it. The Lot about Luna, then Valetin about Valerie, then Myra because they enjoyed their talks. Dear Nayru, a healer's life could get busy when going on a forsaken quest.

Why did I give the entire chappy to Luna and Abria? I like sisterly things. Luna was-As I said- My first ever OC. This was my silent little thing honoring that. Sorry for the shorter chapter, stupid block... Hope ya don't mind, story line resumes next time. Please review!
