Like machines, the Serpente sisters sat up in the bed they shared, their hair complete messes and their eyelids drooping into half-moons.

The morning routine that they shared was a complex rhythm of having to take turns in the bathroom, hair care supplies, ruffled dresses, and make up that was best not disturbed until finished.

Pitone was the first to slip from the bed, her ivory colored feet stinging slightly as it hit the cold, deep green marble tile that floored their room. Like every morning, she sleepily staggered down the hall into the master bath, closing and locking the door behind her.

At the sound of the shower down the hall filling up, Vipera's eyes snapped open. She also did the usual, lightly hopping from the bed and fumbling down the stairs into the kitchen. The mouth-watering smell of bacon, smoked over hickory wood with butter drizzled on top made a smile touch her oddly red lips.

Letting the steam from the shower fog up the room, Pitone slid out of her nightgown and looked at herself in the mirror. She was the mirror image of her twin, Vipera.

Both had extremely dark, almost bluish looking hair with pale pink highlights that trailed down to their waists. Her eyes where an odd, bluish green color that stunned many. Their skin was an extremely fair, ivory coloring that clashed against her dark hair, and made her turquoise eyes pop brilliantly.

She stepped into the shower and let the warm water run down her back before using her special shampoo, which was blackberry scented. Everything she had was blackberry scented, her soap, her bath bubbles, her shampoo, her conditioner, even her perfume.

Meanwhile, Vipera had already scarfed down all of the food that had been cooked, wiping her mouth with a table cloth silently before folding it and setting it back down on the long, long, long dining room table.

The chairs where empty.

Not that Vipera OR her sister needed their father anymore.

Hearing the shower turn off, Vipera's aqua green eyes shifted to the ceiling and she silently made her way up the stairs to find her twin waiting for her.

At the same time, they both gave the same smile and purred, "Good Morning, Sister." Before Pitone turned and with light steps made her way back to their room.

Vipera went into the bathroom and grabbed her own towel, turning on the shower again and letting the room fog up she slipped out of her nightgown and looked at her in the mirror.

She stepped into the shower and let the warm water run down her back before using her special shampoo, which was raspberry scented. Everything she had was raspberry scented, her soap, her bath bubbles, her shampoo, her conditioner, even her perfume.

Shutting off the shower water the petite girl wrapped a white towel around herself and then left the bathroom entirely, trotting down to the room she shared with her sibling.

Ever so quietly Vipera opened the door, to find Pitone still wrapped in a towel digging for clothing in the closet. She made her way to her own closet, pushing a button on the wall. The door slid open to reveal a high tech looking clothes rack. She pushed the button again, and her clothes began to move before her like it would at a commoner's dry cleaners.

"How about… this, Twin?" both girls asked at the same time, each of them pulling out a dress with black fabric, and white ruffled cuffs at the end of the long sleeves. "I like your taste." They both complimented, and then giggled, taking off their towels and each grabbing the same sized B-Cupped bras and same colored undies, getting dressed into their dresses.

All part of the routine.

Pitone grabbed a comb carved from pearl, running it through her hair gently. When it was all long and straight, she tossed it to Vipera, who caught it and did the same. Vipera threw it back and Pitone set it down gently on their dresser-top.

Slipping on black, fingerless gloves, finally something was different; Vipera wore her glove on the right hand. Pitone wore hers on the left. They did the same thing with striped, knee high stockings. Pitone wore hers on the right now and Vipera wore hers on the left.

The sisters applied mascara to their feather duster eyelashes and then white powder to their eyelids before each walking to the center of the room and holding out their gloved hands. Their fingers intertwined and together, the two girls walked out of their bedroom to face the world together.

Descending down the stairs, they slowly entered the hallway that led to the library, the Twin's absolute favorite place to go during the day. The dark green marble connected with white marble pillars, which led to an arched ceiling.

"Lady Vipera and Lady Pitone?" they both turned to look at the old maid who had addressed them with bored and scrutinizing eyes. "Your father want's you. He returned from his year long trip to Tokyo- he says he has news for you girls."

"Thank you, Miss." They both curtsied to her, before turning and walking to their father's office which was on the east wing of their mansion with suddenly bright faces.

"Father has come back!" Vipera smiled widely, and Pitone mirrored the expression.

"I know! What do you think he has brought us from Tokyo?" she blinked, now thinking with a distant look.

"Well, he has news for us. So he must have something important." She grinned and they sped up slightly, the two fifteen year olds feeling like children on Christmas.

"Father!" they both cried as they saw a man standing in the doorway of his office. He had their bluish black hair, but they had incorporated their mother's eyes.

The extremely tall man, wearing a black tuxedo, looked at his girls and his eyes went wide. *My, how much they look like young woman now.* he thought to himself, before grinning and giving each girl a hug. "Girls! How has it been? I haven't seen you in a whole year."

His study was grand, the room made of wooden walls and floors with a big stone fireplace and his mahogany desk he worked on when he was not away. Above the fireplace hung their family crest- a green crest with two black snakes winding up the sides.

They smiled as they each received a patented-father-hug, or' PFH', as they called them. "We are fine. It is boring sometimes." They spoke in unison, and he grinned. "You had something to tell us?"

"Oh, girls, I did!" his eyes flashed and immediately the girls were suspicious. That look meant he was up to no good. "Well, while I was at Tokyo I met a man named Yoshio Ootori. He is the successful founder of a business that has agreed to help Daddy's."

"Something is up, Twin." Vipera looked out of the corner of her eye at Pitone, and her sister's eyes did the same, meeting.

"I completely agree, Twin."

Their Father scratched his head. "Well, you see, he was explaining to me how his son went to a very prestigious school in Tokyo named Ouran Academy. It is a high school."

Their eyes narrowed on him like vultures, and he was obviously intimidated by the girls. He stood up in an attempt to be able to step back, in case they decided to claw at him.

"I thought about how you girls have only ever been home schooled here in London… So…" he grinned. "I have decided that you girls are going to be transferred into Ouran Academy."

Their mouths dropped open.

Vipera stuttered, her eyes frantic and wide. Her hand immediately went up to twist her fingers into her hair, as she usually did as a nervous habit when stressed. "B-B-But F-F-Father! We have been h-home schooled our entire l-l-lives! We do not want to leave L-L-London!"

He threw his hands into the air grandly. "Nonsense! You'll simply love it! This is why the maids are packing your bags right now. You will live in a special estate just off of the campus grounds. It has been arranged all for you."

They growled at him, and he immediately could tell they were shocked. "You flight leaves in one hour, so go put on your school uniforms." He placed his hands on their backs, guiding them from his office before he almost pushed them out, slamming and locking the wooden doors behind him. "Have fun!" he called form inside his study, before sitting down at his desk and sighing.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the Serpente twins turned their heads to look at each other.

"Sister?" Pitone stared into her sisters eyes, before they both slowly turned away from each other to gaze down the hall, where maids and butlers where dragging huge bags to the front double door.

"Yes?" Vipera looked horror struck, her features rigid and her jaw clenched.

"This is not part of the routine."