A/N: I was asked to do a little something for the children of our GirlNapped! Couples, Sora and Kairi and Roxas and Naminé. I agreed, naturally. But I couldn't bring myself to write an actual story for them. It just didn't work. So, I've decided to do a collection of short stories for them. It won't be updated regularly like a story. I'll just put a new bit in every now and then. There is no plot. It's just a series of events. I hope you enjoy it!
How to Eat a Paopu Fruit
Movie Night
"Ven! You're gonna miss the movie!"
The one called Ven nervously brushed the imaginary dust off of his shoulders. It had happened a million times, but this time was different. This time he had an opportunity to be close to her. This time he was going to make a move. He nervously tugged the bottom of his shirt as he stared at his terrified reflection in the mirror. He was only a boy of fifteen and he was about to try and make a move on a beautiful lady of seventeen.
"Shape up, Ven. You've talked to her a million times," he encouraged himself. He ran his fingers through his naturally spiked, blonde hair. He gave himself an encouraging grin, looking much like his father, Roxas. He was his spitting image, after all.
"Coming!" Ven cried as he ran out of his room. He quickly hopped onto the banister of the stairs and slid down to the first floor of the villa where he lived with both of his parents, his uncle, his aunt, and their two children. He hopped off the edge, hurried past the kitchen, and into the living room where everyone was already gathered. He smiled and gave a nervous wave.
His mother, Naminé, smiled at him. "What took you so long?" she asked as Ven made his way past the army of people on the floor.
"Nothin'," he casually replied as he nervously sat down next to Aqua on the couch.
She smiled warmly. "I didn't think you were going to come downstairs. Terra said you were ill," Aqua greeted. Indeed, she was beautiful. Ven stared dreamily into her blue eyes. They were like pools of gentle water pulling him into their depths. Her cream-colored skin lightly glowed and looked so soft underneath the gentle lighting of their living room dimmer. Her blue hair cascaded down to her neck. How he longed to caress it. "If your bowel is upset you might benefit from eating prunes," she continued.
Ven snapped out of his daze. "W-What?" he stammered.
Aqua smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Terra said you had a bad case of constipation," Aqua explained, "Haven't you been listening?" Ven glared at the older brunette boy. He was seated on the floor a couple of feet away. He turned his head and Ven could already see the mischief in his blue eyes. He gave Ven a smirk.
Terra was the son of Sora and Kairi; he was Ven's cousin. They were best friends, but Terra liked to push his buttons sometimes. Terra was also seventeen. He was tall, tan, muscular, and handsome. He gelled down his brown, spiky hair so that the spikes were flattened and spread out. They fell to his shoulders. Most of the girls at school fawned over him. Ven never understood why.
Ven laughed sheepishly. He would seek out revenge later. Now was too important of a moment to ruin. "I-uh, just need to eat better," he laughed as he glared at the back of Terra's brown head, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
"Good to hear," Aqua whispered. The movie was starting. Tonight the family and a few of the farmhands (Tidus, Selphie, and Yuffie) would be viewing 'I Want to be Your Canary'. It was apparently a chick flick, Kairi insisted they watch it. As long as he would get to spend time with Aqua, Ven didn't mind.
He glanced over at his aunt and uncle. Kairi was already in tears just at the opening sequence. Ven shook his head and smiled. 'Aunt Kairi is so weird. She's such a sap,' he thought happily. He looked to his mom. He was glad to see she wasn't in tears. His father looked a little bored, though. Ven's glance traveled to their hands which he saw were interlaced. He sighed happily; he only wished he could be with Aqua that way in the future.
Ven nervously looked at Aqua. She was completely engrossed in the film; there was already a sword fight going on. He took in a deep breath. Now was the perfect opportunity. He could gently place his hand atop hers and if she reacted negatively he could pretend he didn't know. His blue eyes narrowed with determination. He used his fingers to quietly tiptoe toward her hand. His breath hitched as he got closer and closer. He could practically feel her smooth skin underneath his palm.
"Aqua, Can you see well? Why don't you come sit up here with me? My sister won't mind moving," Terra suddenly said. Ven inwardly growled.
"If Yuna doesn't mind," came Aqua's voice. Ven's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe this was happening. Terra quickly pushed Yuna toward the couch and away from Tidus.
"C'mon," Terra beckoned.
Yuna frowned. She stood up and grumpily approached the couch. She crossed her arms and slouched in her seat. "Stupid Terra," she grumbled under her breath, "I was so close…"
"I know the feeling," Ven muttered as he sat back. He watched as Aqua quietly whispered with Terra. It wasn't fair. He knew if he was a couple of years older he would have a chance with her. Ven just knew he would be able to win Aqua's heart if he only had her attention.
The movie ended in an hour and a half. Kairi was bawling her eyes out as Sora escorted her out of the room. Naminé and Roxas left the room quietly, hands still intertwined. Ven knew what that meant. He stuck out his tongue in disgust. He loved that his parents were in love, he just didn't like to think of their actions of 'love'.
"Guess we should get goin', eh?" Yuffie said as she stood up and stretched her arms.
Yuna frowned. "So soon?" she asked as she walked over to her raven-haired friend.
Yuffie nodded. "It's getting late," she attempted to explain.
Tidus approached the two ladies. "In order words, Yuffie's got a date with destiny," he joked. Yuffie stuck out her tongue at him.
"I should probably get home too. We've got school tomorrow, after all," Aqua suddenly announced. Ven froze.
"Let me walk you to the door," Terra suggested with a smile.
Ven quickly intervened. "I can do it. Besides, Terra it's time for you to uh-apply your acne cream, right? Ooh, and you need it too you're breaking out all over the place! I have to go outside anyway," he hurriedly explained, "C'mon, Aqua. Why don't I walk you home while I'm at it?"
She smiled at him. "Thanks, Ven. I'll see you tomorrow, Terra," she quickly said as Ven ushered her out of the living room.
Ven breathed a sigh of relief once they were out the front door. He was glad to know Terra couldn't ruin things this time. This time he was going to make his move. Aqua and Ven made their way down the road toward where Aqua lived. She lived over the hill; she was never that far away, which was how Ven liked it. He was able to walk with her to school every morning.
He glanced over at her. She was staring at the moon. He loved the way the moonlight made her glow. She was stunning. "S-So," he croaked hoarsely. He quickly cleared his throat and laughed nervously. "So, how did you like the movie?" he asked.
"It was sweet," Aqua replied gently, "I only wish the princess was able to be with her love while she was alive."
Ven nodded. "Yeah, tragic love is the worst," he added.
She chuckled lightly, "It would seem so."
"Then again, u-unrequited love ain't so great either," Ven nervously added. He felt his palms become sweaty as he nervously rubbed them together. His heart pounded in his chest. This was his moment.
"Aw, Ven. You're so sweet. Is there someone that you love?" Aqua asked curiously. Ven took a deep breath and nodded his head. She smiled. "I'm sure the lucky girl feels the same way. You're a wonderful guy. I only wish…"
His heart practically jumped out of his chest. "Y-You wish what?" he quickly asked almost too enthusiastically.
She placed her hand on her heart. "That he returned my feelings," she whispered.
"He'd have to be crazy not to!" Ven defended, "You're the prettiest girl on the island, Aqua!"
She smiled. "Ven, you don't have to say that to cheer me up. I don't think a guy like that would be interested in someone like me," she answered as they reached her doorstep.
Ven furiously shook his head. "There's no way. I know for a fact there's someone that loves you. I know the guy really well, you could say," he replied sweetly. He felt the excitement building up inside him.
"Is it Terra?" Aqua quietly asked.
His heart dropped. "T-Terra?" Ven croaked, "You love him?"
She blushed and looked away shyly. "I-I don't know if I love him. But I do like him a lot," she attempted to explain, "But I can tell from your reaction he doesn't feel the same. Just forget I said anything. I'll see you tomorrow, Ven."
He watched as she slipped into her house and locked the door behind her. Ven sighed as the cold feeling of heartbreak washed over him like a tidal wave. "Terra? Why Terra?" he grumbled as he kicked a rock.
A/N: I know it's short, but the chapters will come up quick so it'll make up for it. Please, PLEASE tell me what you thought! I'd love to receive some constructive criticism! Please review with any comments, questions, or concerns and I will definitely get back to you!