*Ukraine does use Ukrainian words on occasions. Translations will be in stars next to it but not part of the actual dialogue*

"Good God she is so beautiful." Canada sighed and whispered admiring a light blonde tiny beauty at a conference. She is so perfect in his mind. But she would never notice a guy the bigger nations wouldn't even recognize. Plus, she had her hands all over Russia much to Russia's disdain.

"You are Canada, tak? I am Ukraine, the sister of Russia!" *tak=yes* A pair of "colossal knockers" as Russia called them, were right in Canada's face causing him to blush like mad.

"Y-y-yes. Yes I am! You noticed me!" Canada's face beamed with happiness.

"Tak silly! You are a nation too! A," she leaned in close with her breast touching his heaving chest, "really BIG nation."

He gulped and smiled meekly at the beautiful woman in front of him. She was sweet and a bit flirty unlike Belarus, the previous crush he just had. Ukraine was a tomboy but for some reason, that attracted him more to her. He was drawn to her by a mere hello.

"Do you need something from America-er Canada. Da, Canada." Russia stepped into their conversation quickly recovering from calling Canada, America. He had his hand on Ukraine's shoulder with Belarus glaring at Canada for some reason not knownto him.

"Why are you talking to someone so lame Ukraine? He's an America wannabe. Let's go brot-"

"Nyet! Be nice to Canada, he has tons of fresh water for our planet." Russia said, making Canada smile which quickly became a set of clenched teeth when Russia leaned in and whispered, "Keep your hands off my syestra Ukraine. I want her with a different guy." in which he pointed to Japan who clearly wasn't interested in Ukraine.


"Good and if you don't obey," Russia smiled while talking to Canada, "I'll pound your glasses into your eye sockets."

Ukraine hit Russia's muscular arm lightly giggling as the Soviet trio walked away. Ukraine turned her head back smiling at Canada who did a totally sissy wave.

*When Canada got home to his apartment he shared with America (This apartment represents North America)*

"AMERICA! I need help!" Canada was fine until the second he saw America eating a burger playing C.O.D.

"What the hell do you want Canada? Who threatened to beat you up?" Alfred didn't even looked and kept talking to his friend on a headset.

"She said hi to me first! It wasn't my fault!"

"You're fucked...sorry dude, I want to be on everyone's good side and not fight them over a stupid girl an-"

"SHE'S NOT STUPID!" Canada burst in anger that America called such a nice woman stupid.

America dropped his hamburger and controller slowly turning around to Canada who stood with his hands on his hips.

"Did y-y-you just yell at me Canada?" America was practically speechless.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Canada bowed at America's feet in fear that America would take over his land.

"I'm...so proud you stood up for yourself and your little girlfriend. Who's the girl? Or does she not exist?"

Canada was a bit hurt by the comment but quickly muttered, "Ukraine..."

America threw his headset off and exclaimed, "UKRAINE WON'T EVEN TALK TO ME! WHY YOU! NO FAIR!"

Canada had never seen America in such a fit before and it startled him.

"Russia said he'd beat me and kill me if I got too close to Ukraine."

"Well, England heard the whole thing via headset and he said to pull a Shakespeare and 'Rome and Juliet' that shit or whatever that means." America put his headset back on and munched on his burger.

Canada sighed and laid on his king sized bed in the bedroom next to the kitchen.

"I want to know her more."