AN: Be kind with reviews; i'm sensative! This is a work in progress. More chapters to come. Originally all the screennames had "(at)williammckinleyHS(dot)edu" after them but due to fomatting issues it wouldn't allow me to post it properly.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Glee related characters. I also don't own any of the emails.
TO: sam_i_am, hell_to_the_no, you_just_got_zized, poppin_wheelies, latina_dream69, kurt_mcqueen, dancing_azn, RachelBarbraBerry, tccbrowneyes, 25backhudson, BWarbler, tubbingtonfan1, vote_4_fabray
FROM: what_the_puck
YO everyone!
So considering the fact that : a) exams are over - b) the parentals are away this weekend and left me the house (idiots) - c) summer is here ? IT'S TIME FOR A PARTY OF EPIC PROPORTIONS! Whether you failed a couple classes or passed everything it's time to celebrate.
Where? Umm my house, obviously. When? THIS WEEKEND -saturday-
Yeah yeah don't start bitching about it being last notice just COME! The pool is open & the hot tub is working so bring your suits! This is no lame Rachel Berry party. This is a Noah Puckerman SLAMBASH ! My cousin agreed to get me a keg and I have no problem raiding my parent's liquor cabinet so prepare to get annihilated :-P ALSO no drinking and driving and none of that "I'm the DD" bullshit excuse for non drinkers. I want everyone to have a good time so shut up, drink up and sleep over.
Bring whatever you want. Bring whoever you want. This one's goin down in the history books boys! (girls too..)
Get at me! Lemme know your thoughts.
See you fuckers on SATURDAY!
Puckerman happily pressed the "Send" button. He leaned back on his chair nearly loosing balance and falling backwards. He laughed at himself a bit and then quickly got up, left his bedroom and went downstairs. He had a party in four days to plan.