Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist

"The thing that he seeks is me." Ling said stunning Everyone.

"What do you mean that you are what he needs? You don't mean that he intends to try and take your body for himself?" Lan Fan asked concerned for him. Ling nodded.

"Yes that's exactly it. You see in the book it says that one day someone will try and take the twin spirits and use it to become whole again. At first I thought that he was after a Philosopher's stone to help him succeed with the transmutation, but the stone would consist off hundreds or thousands off souls not two." Ling explained.

"But what makes you think that it means you? The book could mean something else." Breda said sounding sceptical.

"Because off the words futago no tamashi, which means twin souls. I didn't understand it at first but now it makes sense, he wants to take over my body because I shared my soul with Greed a few years ago. I had two souls." Ling explained.

"But wouldn't that make it the opposite way round? I mean wouldn't you be able to stop him from taking you over?" Roy asked, "and besides I would have thought that he would have gone for you because you are Emperor."

"That is also the reason he has chosen me..." Ling stopped what he was saying remembering something that he had read in one of the books that Ed had been studying on the way there. "I know how he intends to do it. Lan Fan I want you to go outside and keep watch, let us know if you see him." Ling ordered, Lan Fan did as he said and left the house to sit on the roof to keep watch.

"General we need to find Alphonse." Ling said urgently, Roy looked at him in confusion.

"Wait a minute! You just said that we don't need to search for him because he will come to us." Roy replied.

"He will but we need to still find him, Alphonse could be in danger." Ling said as he rushed out off the house, "Lan Fan can you see anything?"

"Yes he seems to be heading East towards the woods. Do you want me to come with you my lord?"

"Yes thank you." Ling replied, Lan Fan jumped off the roof and followed Ling as he headed towards the woods, Roy followed them with Havoc and Breda.

"What do you mean that Al could be in danger? I thought that as long as Takeo is inside off him that he would be safe."

"I thought that as well, but then I remembered reading about something about this in an old book I've been studying from. Takeo has been slowly taking Al's spiritual power over the last few months. That's why he wasn't able to find his way back so easily, because Takeo has been making him weaker." Ling explained, "if we don't stop him soon then Al's soul will be too weak to return and Takeo will have the power to do what he needs." Roy couldn't believe it. They rushed over towards the woods hoping that they would be able to separate them and save Al.

In the woods Takeo lay in wait knowing the Ling and the others would be after him.

'Takeo let me go! Please you don't have to do this.'

"Yes I do. I have waited for two hundred years for this opportunity and I'm not going to let it go now." Takeo said clapping Al's hands and transmuting a trap to catch Ling in.

'Even if you manage to catch Ling, you still need to get back to Xing to preform the ritual.' Al said angrily. Takeo just laughed at him in return. He sat there patiently waiting for Ling to arrive listening to Al rant on about moral codes and doing the right thing.

"Ha ha, doing the right thing hey? Like when you tried to bring back your dead mother? Or when you and your brother left that girl Nina with her father even though Ed had an uneasy feeling about him?"

'We didn't know what he was going to do. Ed just thought that the feelings he was getting was from the chimera's that Mr Tucker had been creating. If we had known about what had happened to Nina's mum then we would have done something to help her.' Al replied furious with Takeo for bring that up. 'Anyway we weren't the one that did it. We never did anything that would hurt anyone else, we fought to find away to get our bodies without sacrificing anyone else. Unlike you, how could you do that to the Emperor? He trusted you and you killed him for your own selfish needs.'

"I did it for my father! He lost everything because off what the Yao and Chan families did. I never did show you what happened to my father did I? Would you like to see?"

'No I wouldn't! I have had enough off you and your lies. Now let me go!' Al yelled trying to force his way back but finding that he wasn't strong enough to do it. Takeo just ignored him and listened out for Ling's footsteps so that he could set his trap.

On the other side off the woods Lan Fan stopped and looked down at the pile off leaves that were on the floor. "My Lord stop!" She shouted causes Ling and the others to stop.

"What is it Lan Fan?"

"These leaves have been placed here." Lan Fan said knelling down to examine the pile. Havoc and Breda looked at each other wondering what she was talking about.

"An animal may have put them there, I mean it is Autumn they will be getting ready to hibernate soon." Roy replied, saying what Breda and Havoc was thinking.

"This hadn't been done by an animal, he is waiting for us." Lan Fan said pointing towards a couple off trees.

"I can sense it too, but something feels different this time." Ling said turning around to see May heading towards them.

"My Lord I have been reading through the books that Edward had and I think that I my know how to get him out off Al and trap him." May said running up beside him, "It could be a bit risky though, I'm concerned that if I do it that it could hurt Al as well." May said sound unhappy with it. Ling looked around the corner off a tree to make sure that Takeo wasn't near them and then asked her to explain it to him.

"Al is the one that will have to do it, and that is the problem. If Al is too weak to fight back then he won't be able save himself." May explained.

"Then we should hurry! General do you think that you and your men can convince Takeo to allow Al back long enough to get May to explain it to him?" Ling asked Roy who nodded.

"Just tell us what we need to do and we will do it." He replied. They Listened to Ling's idea before heading into the woods to try and find Takeo and convince him whilst Ling, Lan Fan and May headed back to the house to explain it to Winry who would also have to try and help.

Roy curiously walked through the woods looking for Takeo to pass on the message that Ling had told Roy and the others to give to Al. He came across a tree that had a pile off leaves in front off it like the other one that Lan Fan had found and stopped, calling out takeo's name.

"Takeo! Listen we need to take Al back to the house. It's his brother, May has just told us that something has gone wrong and Ed may not make it and Winry wants Al there so that he can at least say good bye. Please let him have that chance." Roy pleading with emotion in his voice. Havoc and Breda bowed their heads in sorrow making sure to still look out for any movements that could tell them his location.

"So what? Do you think that I am stupid enough to go with you back to the house? I know that you have probably figured out what needs to begun and is planning on tricking me into another trap." Takeo said refusing to allow the request. Roy sighed and sat down on a log that was on the ground.

"Ling has told me about what supposed to happen to your Mother. Please Takeo don't do the same thing to Al. I know that you have some compassion in you, otherwise you wouldn't have spared those men on the tracks and you would have kill the passengers on the train as well especially the one that heard Al talking to you out loud." Roy replied hoping to convince Takeo by telling him that he is a good person. Takeo sat there quietly for a moment contemplating what he should do.

'Takeo if my Brother is dying then I would like to see him before he passes on, please! DON'T DO THIS TO ME!' Al screamed at him trying desperately gain control again.

Back at the house Ling and the others waited patiently hoping that Roy could convince Takeo to allow Al to see Ed. He glanced over to the room that Winry was in, who was sitting by Ed's bed crying for him to wake up but sadly getting no response from him. Riza sat next to Pinako on the couch sipping a cup off tea quietly, not long haven woken up. Ling checked the clock on the wall when Roy walked in with Alphonse following behind him.

"Where's Brother?"

"He's in there with Winry." Ling said simply pointing to the room that Ed was in. Al went in there without a word with his head down, a guilty expression on his face from the sound off Winry's crying. Before Al could go into the room May grabbed his arm and looked at him with tears staining her red cheeks.

"I warn you, Winry isn't happy with you at the moment and is likely to scream at you." May said doing some sign language that made Al nod at her. She handed him something before allowing him to walk into the room, prepared for what he had to do. Winry heard the door open and looked up to see the person that she hated the most at that moment walk into the room that had her dying boyfriend in it.

"YOU GET OUT! HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE IN HERE AFTER WHAT YOU DID!" She screamed, standing up and glaring at him with angry eyes. Al gave her a sad smile and walked over to the bed side placing a hand on Ed's.

"I am sorry Brother, I promise that I will make this right." He said, he looked around the room for something that he could transmute and decided that he would borrow some metal from out off Pinako's workshop. He went to get it and then came back placing it on the table.

"This is for you Brother." Al said transmuting the sheet of metal into and beautiful metal dragon. Winry, who was still in the room despite the fact that she didn't want to be in the same room as Al, walked over to look at what Al had made for Ed. She frowned when she noticed that the dragon statue had Takeo's name on it and not Ed's. Before Winry could say anything to him, Al clapped his hands again and closed his eyes concentrating.

"BETSUBETSU NO!" Al shouted placing his hands onto the dragon. It glowed and after a few seconds Al collapsed onto the floor. May ran it to the room followed by Ling and the others who looked concerned.

"What happened? He was transmuting something one minute and then the next he was saying something in Xinginess and collapsing." Winry said confused.

"Ugh Winry not so loud, my head hurts." Ed said behind Winry causing her to jump out off her skin. She slowly turned around and watched as Ed slowly raised his hand to his head. Winry glared at Pinako who sighed. "I will explain later, first we need to attend to Alphonse."

"No I want you to explain to me now, why you told me that Ed was dying when he wasn't? Well I'm waiting!" Winry said with her arms crossed.

"Winry, can I have something for my headache please?" Ed asked sounding groggy from sleep. Winry turned to give him something when Pinako stopped her.

"I'm sorry Ed but you have already had some and need to wait for a couple off hours ok. Would you like some water? You mouth must be really dry." Pinako asked receiving a glare from Winry.

"Ye' please Granny. Thank you." Ed replied. Pinako went out off the room with Winry following her with a pissed off look on her face.

"I am sorry Winry but I had no choice." Pinako said getting a glass from the cupboard and passing it to Winry to fill at the sink.

"Why didn't you have a choice? You could have told me what you had planned so that I had an idea, instead off making me believe that he was going to die. That was too cruel even for you!" Winry said bitterly.

"I'm sorry Winry but I knew that if I told you that you wouldn't off acted as you did just know. If Takeo had off realised that we were lying then May's plan would have failed." Pinako explained. "We need to get Al separated from him and Al is the only one that can do that."

"But how did he know what to do?" Winry asked confused following Pinako back into the room.

"May told him through sign language. Apparently Takeo doesn't know how to read it." Pinako explained grinning.

They went back into the room and Winry help Ed with his water. On the bed beside them Al was lying with Ling and May watching intently, waiting for any signs that something had gone wrong.

"Hello is anybody there?" Al asked as he walked around trying to figure out were he was. It was pitch black and Al was wondering if he had done the transmutation wrong and ended up somewhere that he may not be able to escape from.

"Ah I wondered how long it would take you. How have you been? It has been such a long time since we last saw each other." An eerie familiar sounding voice said.

"Truth is that you? Where are you? Or better yet where am I? Does this mean that I am in the portal off truth?" Al asked wondering why he couldn't see anything.

"You are inside you gate." Truth replied.

"What? How do I get out?"

"Ah, you will have to fight your way out!" Truth replied.

"ALPHONSE ELRIC WHAT DID YOU DO?" Came Takeo's angry voice. Al looked around bracing himself for any attacks that might come.

"How can I fight if I can't see?" Al said aloud nervously waiting for inevitable attack. Just then Al had an idea and clapped his hands placing them on the floor, using the flash off light to see where his enemy was.

"Ha ha aha. You expect that to work?" Takeo laughed punching Al who was knocked to the floor. Al quickly jumped back up and listened to Takeo's laughter.

'I may not be able to see him, but I can hear him.' Al thought, he stood there quietly waiting to hear Takeo's voice to try and determine how far away he was.

"What you aren't talking to me now? I thought that we are friends." Takeo said sarcastically, Al didn't answer. He bit his tongue and listened, slowly moving towards the voice that had been tormenting him for months.

"Come on Alphonse you must have realised that that was what I had been planning? I mean you are supposed to be smart. Or is it your brother that has all the brains in the family?" Al screwed his fists into a ball as in got closer to the person that he longed to beat up.

"So you and the Princess ah, I wish I had off thought off that. But than again there isn't any guarantee that she will become Empress." Al stopped when he realised how close he was to him. He pulled his fist back and smacked Takeo right in the face causing him to fall to the floor in surprise.

"What the? How did you?" As soon as Al had hit him to moved back a few steps so as to not be hit back.

"Come here and fight me you coward. Stop hiding from me...!" Another hit and Takeo was on the floor again.

"Ah I see what you are doing...agh!"

"Stop that!" Al noticed that each time he knocked Takeo to the floor the lighter the room became again, making it easier for him to see him. Al, now being able to see ran to Takeo and kicked him in the knees causing him to scream in pain.

"You will leave this place and never come back!" Al demanded angrily, standing above Takeo as he held his knee in pain.

"No I can't not loose I have been waiting for this for too long."

"You are dead! And the dead can not be brought back! Now go through those doors and get what has been waiting for you." Al said pointing towards Takeo's gate that was right next to Al's.

"NO! I will not give up." Takeo said jumping up and charging towards Al. Al dodged the attack and grabbed Takeo's arm pinning him to the ground and breaking his arm cause him to scream again.

"GET OUT OFF MY SOUL!" Al screamed, dragging Takeo over to his gate.

"Truth how do I get him out off me?" Al asked looking over at him.

"Simple you will have to kill him in here so that his gate will open and retrieve him." Truth said shocking Al.

"No there has to be another way. I can't kill him!" Al argued.

"It is the only way of getting ride off him, and is what he had planned to do to you." Truth explained. Al sighed and looked at Takeo who was now a quivering wreck.

"I can't do it. There must be something else I can do? Please what will it cost me if I just used my alchemy to open his gate?" Al asked.

"It will cost you something some dear to you. Think carefully, are you willing to loose something important to you just to spare his life?" Truth asked. Al thought about it for a moment and then came to his decision. He walked over to Takeo's gate and clapped his hands, placing them on it.

"I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I killed him, it would make me just the same as him. I'm no murder." The door glowed blue and then began to open. "Please forgive me May." The large door opened and out came a large black dragon with glowing red eyes.

"NO PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO GO IN THERE! PLEASE I AM SORRY!" Takeo screamed as the dragon flew to him and snatched him up into his claws, Al looked away too afraid to look as Takeo was carried onto the doors, crying out for forgiveness. The dragon carried him into the large doors where other dragons where waiting inside.

"It is done. Go now Alphonse Elric, I hope that our paths will not meet again." Truth said smiling at him. There was a flash off white light and then everything was dark again.

"Al? Al please wake up!" Al could hear someone calling his name, he slowly opened his eyes to see Ling and Roy standing beside his bed.

"Al your awake!" A girl screamed jumping onto the bed to hug him, Al rubbed her back before gently pushing her away from him so that he could have a look at her. She was Xinginess and had beautiful dark brown eyes and long black hair.

"Al are you alright? What happened?" The girl asked him with eyes that showed love and happiness in them.

"I feel fine. But um...who are you?" He asked her confused as to how his girl knew him. The expression on the girls face changed from happy to sad making him wonder what was going on.

"Al it's me May. Don't you remember?" May said, she looked up at Roy and Ling who also looked concerned. Roy sat down on Al's bed beside him.

"Al do you know who I am?" He asked, Al nodded. "Off course I know you General. Why wouldn't I?" Al replied. "Hi Ling, where's Winry and Brother?" Al asked looking around to find Winry sitting beside Ed's bed, a worried expression on her face.

She looked up at Al and gave him a sad smile. "Hi Al, How are you feeling?" She asked him.

"I'm ok. How is brother doing?" Al asked concerned. Just then Ed opened his eyes and turned to look at him.

"Hey Al." Ed said with a smile. Al looked around the room and realised that he was in the Rockbell home and not in Resembool.

"Um...What are we doing here in Resembool? Wasn't Ed supposed to be guarding Ling in Central?" Al asked confused.

"Don't you remember Al?" Winry asked concerned.

"No I don't. The last thing I remember was standing and waiting for Ling and Brother to drive by in the car. What happened? Did you get really hurt Brother?" Ed looked at Roy and Ling hoping that they might be able to explain something to him. They stood they staring at Al in shock and worry and wondered if this was what it meant by 'A sacrifice will have to be made.' Roy said that he would go and check on Riza and Ling followed him with May to leave them to talk in peace.

"What's wrong with him? Why doesn't he remember me?" May asked with tears falling down her cheeks. Ling Frowned and went to read the book again. He picked it up and opened it searching for the page that had the warning written on it. He read the line and sigh when he had realised what his mistake was.

"I read this wrong. It didn't mean that someone would be sacrificed, it meant that the person possessed would have to sacrifice something in order to save themselves from the person that has possessed them." Ling explained.

"So you mean that Al sacrificed his memories off May and what has happened to case Takeo out off his soul.

"Yes it would appear that that was the deal that was made. Though I'm not sure why nothing else was taken." Ling said.

"May was taken from Al's memories because he loves her. She was the reason he wanted to go back to Xing in the first place." Roy explained. May couldn't take it any more, she sat on the couch next to Riza and cried.

A few days later Roy had explained to Ed what had happened to Al and the reason he had lost his memory off what had happened.

"That bastard, if I had off been there with Al I would have told Truth to shove it."

"I know poor May, what do you think she will do now?" Riza asked resting her head on Roy's shoulder.

"She said that she is going to try and have him fall in love with her all over again." Winry explained. "But this time she isn't going to teach him her alchemy."

"I don't blame her, so what now?" Ed asked.

"Well Al mentioned to me that you wanted to talk to me about something." Roy said giving him a look that said 'I know what you have planned.' They said that they would be back and went off to talk to each other.

"Well General I don't know how much Al has told you but everything isn't going to go as I had planned. I was hoping to do something special on Winry's birthday for her but now after what has happened I don't think it would be right." Ed said showing Roy the box that he had in his pocket.

"Yeah Al did mention that to me. You still could you know, everyone will understand." Roy said taking the box that Ed held to admire the ring. He read the inscription that was inside the box and sniggered at Ed, causing him to frown.

"Hey what is so funny? I bet that you have a name for Riza." Ed said snatching the box of off him.

"Not like that. What made you think off that for a pet name?" Roy asked curiously.

"It's because when ever I was lost and needed someone to guide me she was there, shining a light to show me the right path." Ed explained blushing slightly from embarrassment.

"I see so she is you shining star." Roy commented smiling. "Well if you are going to do it then I suggest doing it now. I know that you want to have it all planned out special and all but I think that you both have waited long enough." Roy said. He saw May and Al walking towards them and noticed that Ling and Lan Fan had also come out for some reason.

"What's going on? You two having a private meeting or something?" Al asked wondering why Ed and the General was standing out the way in a corner off the garden.

"Well...um...I was showing Roy something and asking him his advice." Ed explained. He walked over to Winry, who was still sitting at the table on the porch, and knelled down on one auto-mail knee. Winry's eyes went wide when she noticed what he was holding out to her. Her cheeks going bright red as she felt giddy and embarrassed at the same time.

"Winry, I love you with all my heart. And though I have already asked you this, I want to do it the right way. Winry My Shining Star, will you stare the rest off my life with me?" Ed asked her opening the box to reveal a stunning Sapphire and diamond ring. Ed knelled there with a nervous expression.

"Edward Elric I thought that you would never ask." Winry screamed falling on to her knees to kiss him. Everyone awed at the sight. Roy realising that he needed to get something off his chest walked over to Riza and held out his hand to her.

"Riza, I know that I am an idiot and a fool, but I love you and always have. I know that you may not share my feelings but I needed to tell you before my heart exploded with the emotion that I have been trying to hold back." Roy said, Riza looked at him with wide eyes. She wanted so badly to tell him that she did fell the same and that she had loved him for a long time, but was too much off a coward to say it. The image off the dream she had been having replaying in her head.

"I am sorry General but I can't return your feelings, but I thank you for your honesty." Riza replied with a red tint gracing her features. Winry sighed and walked over to Riza frowning at her with disappointing blue eyes.

"Riza that is not true and you know it. Now why don't you tell the General how you really feel about him." Winry said making Riza feel ashamed and angry.

"My feelings are my own business Winry and I would appreciate it if you stayed out off them." Riza replied. Roy stood there lost for words.

"So you do have feelings for me?" Roy asked wryly.

"Yes, but I am afraid that I would stray you from your path if I was to return the love that you have for me. You have worked so hard to get where you are now and I don't want you jeopardising it because off me." Roy laughed at her causing her to pout, which he found to be very cute.

"Riza you are the reason I am still walking the right path. It was you that saved me when I was nearly lost to my own flames off revenge. You who has stood my me and helped me continue on when I didn't have the strength or will to. In a way you was my guiding star like Winry was for him." Roy confessed. Riza's face was now bright red and was being hidden behind her hands. Roy enjoying the sight over her when she blushes pulled her hands away and continued to pour his heart out to her.

"There is nothing to be afraid off, the laws about officers being allowed to see their female subordinates and you don't have to worry about you straying me from my path, cause you are on off the reasons I am doing it." Roy said with a smile. Riza understood what he meant and leaned forward to kiss him softly on the lips. "You talk to much."

May looked on with a sad smile, she had hoped that Al would be doing the same now and they all would be happy. She glanced over to Al who was congratulating Ed and Winry and made a silent promise to herself.

'I will find away off getting you to fall in love with me again. I promise Al.' She knew that it would take time but she was determined to do it.

Ling and the others stayed another night before heading back to Xing. May gave Al a hug at the station and told him that she would write to him so that they could get to know each other. Al agreed and watched as his new friend left to go back to her home land. The feel off sorrow and loneliness filling her soul.

YAY I have finally managed to finished it. Hope that you enjoy.