Vamp's Mad & Elana's Panties Are History _Vampire Diaries_1

Disclaimer: I do not own the TV Show, the Vampire Diaries or the characters.

I make no money from writing this story. Favorite Alerts and comments are appreciated and spur further imaginative stories.

Please read, review and comment and if you are interested add this story as a favorite to encourage me to update with a new sizzling chapter soon.

Thanks to 1122 for the credible punishment reason.

Non-consensual spanking of an 18 year old. Please do no read if this subject matter bothers you.

Mystic Falls High School, Virginia

Seeing Red/The Ultimatum

The ultimatum to Elana was clear, though it was destined to be unpleasant for agirl who was used to getting her own way.

Stefen was seeing red, because Elana his pretty long brown haired girlfriend with a cute ass had disobeyed his strongest wishes and needlessly endangered herself, throwing caution to the wind acting impetuous and willful.

Stefen found himself stuck in a tomb in a volatile situation with Kathrine. When he found out that Elana had disobeyed and gone to the tomb anyway he saw RED!

Elana was cornered in the Cullen Mansion alone with her boyfriend Vamp, Stefen, but all was not well as he was ticked and boiling with emotions as he dealt the possibility he could have lost his love, Elana, that after all these decades made his life complete.

Stefen was definitely seeing red decided that she would have to put up with a spanking from him and hope that he would forgive her or go away. This could also be very embarrassing if this "411" got out. Maybe she would be able to keep her girlfriends in the dark. She knew Stefen was in no mood to turn her participation into a reward.

He had more disciplinary ideas as he sat down on the den sofa and motioned the pretty senior high school girl over his lap.

"Come here young lady bend over my lap". Stephen strongly suggested to Elana.

Elana pouted like a little girl of eight about to be spanked.

"What did I do to deserve a spanking"?

The pretty shoulder length brown haired 18 year old teen girl impishly asked.

Elana balked but she did lower herself for the awful and awkward trip across Stefen's lap misjudging the distance and landing hard on her stomach, but she was too lost in the thought of her upcoming spanking from her handsome boyfriend to care.

She can feel his middle respond to her over his lap as he watches her short tight black dress clad squirming bottom pleasingly moving in a up and down pattern.

Elana protested as her spanking was about to commence for the first time in her life since she was eight.

"I could not help it with a serious pout, that she was worried about him, so much!"

"You made a bad decision Elana, coming me to the tomb and I am afraid little lady that is a lesson your going to have to learn with an ass blistering spanking from me."Stefen said.

The deed had been done and it was time to pay the Vampire.

A Bottom Proffered

Raising her tightly clothed bottom he set about flipping her short black dress up exposing her skin tight Carolina Blue pantied bottom which shined in the light of the den.

Stefen was mesmerized at the way her taunt panties clung to the muscles of her lower fleshy bottom cheeks and he could make out her butt crack perfectly delineating her behind cheeks.

Elana looked back over her shoulder and tried one last time to distract him from her fate.

"Stefen, I really am so sorry I worried you. Can't we find something better to do together?" Elana almost whined.

"Another day another time Elana, though you have a lovely bottom!" Stefen said

He saluted her ass as he raised his hand high to start spanking Elana on her silky thin Carolina Blue panty clad bottom.

Instead in a move that even surprised him he lowered his hand and rubbed the seat of the cool silky thin panties and Elana moaned in want instead of in pain.

Stefen felt the Carolina Blue panty material cupping the baby fat of her butt muscles and rolling and massaging his palms into deeply into her ass flesh.

Elana's moans were those of arousal and she naughtily wiggled her ass smiling to herself believing that her merited spanking was about to become history.

End of Chapter One

What is Stefen going to do next?

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment. Story Alerts appreciated.