follow the dreamer, soldier

Character: Luna.

Disclaimer: Anything you recognise, I do not own

A/N: Written for the 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Challenge, using Option II in descending order.


The hat slides down her head, blonde hair pressed against her skin and all she remembers before the scream of 'Ravenclaw!' is a glimpse of bright blue eyes and brown hair. She glides to the blue and bronze table with a dreamy smile and her raddish earrings swinging, the noise from their cheers propelling her forward. They greet her with wide grins and waving hands and she smiles back, mind full of Nargles and the next issue of the Quibbler. The Sorting continues and she cheers along, thoughts so full of what the next seven years and beyond will bring.