"Good evening Molly. How is working in this death trap treating you?" Sherlock only came in to find the final dead body involved of his last murder case to prove Dr. Watson wrong about his findings. Again.

Sherlock and Watson turned their heads around into the open room to find that Molly was not there. "Well then, my dear old Watson. It looks like we will have to settle this another time. "

Just then Sherlock saw someone in the corner of his eye. It was a woman who looked kind of tall but that was because she was wearing heels. Grey heels to be correct.

She was wearing a white lab coat that was on top of what seemed to be a grey dress. Noting to casual looking. Her dark brown hair was tried up to the side. To Sherlock, she was breathtakingly beautiful in everyway.

The women turned around to walk towards Sherlock and Watson. He could not be what he saw. It was Molly. He found Molly attractive.

In his mind Sherlock was panicking like hell. He NEVER thought about Molly as more then a Young Geek with a love of dead bodies.

But some were in the back of his mind, he always had felt something for this young women.

But now, those feelings are about to take a whole new level.