Okay guys, here is the long awaited next chappy to Little did you know. . . Don't forget to read and review once you have finished reading this chappy! Thanks guys!



Chapter Four

This time round, I awoke with a start. Loud booming noises echoing around the caved in shop walls that have held us here for just a few hours. There were voices; calling, begging for me to answer them. I was too tired to answer. I wanted sleep, although; sleep was far from what I got. Pressure surrounding me, made me open my eyes.

It was Lenix; tightening the hold he had on me, in a protective manner. Within seconds, breathing became a task. I groaned as I tried to go back to sleep but the loud noises and voices were becoming to loud; or maybe even clearer. Then as the wall nearest us crumbled; we moved, shifted across from the crack in the wall. Blinding light flooding the darkness of our hold.

"Let Ichigo go!" The mixture of voices cried out the demand of my freedom, Lenix growled in reply. I was pressed against a wall with him crouching in front of me; blocking me from their view.

"Why should I hand over Ichigo; what do I gain from it?" Lenix spat out every word, the Lenix had got to know in our short time together as disappeared. Their Deep blue was now used in Lenix's place. I lower my self to the floor. My efforts; our efforts were in vain. I suppose it was silly to think that I could have changed him. Feeling my shift in position, Lenix glanced over his shoulder to weakly smile at me. This gave me some hope.

"You gain nothing, you cold beast. Now release Ichigo!" Zakuro demanded, taking a confident step towards us. Lenix lowered his crouch; out from the sight of the others, he gently gripped one of my hands that was closest to him; I blinked at this. Giving my hand a gentle squeeze; I gazed up at Lenix; he winked at me. I smiled, he wants me to play along with him. Lenix was still there; this was all an act.

"Are you death? Release Ichigo!" Zakuro demanded again. Lenix just chuckled. From what I could see from the position I was in behind Lenix; they were all here. The mews and the other three aliens; it was their faces that got me the most. They were all sharing the same look; surprised, unsure and betrayal. Noticing that They had my attention; Kishu was the first to speak.

"Why are you protecting Ichigo, Deep blue?" Kish asked in a shaky voice as he stepped forward towards us. Lenix raised himself higher in the crouch but mot entirely out of the crouch. His grip tightening on my hand; I squeezed his back gently, glancing over his shoulder his gazed asked a question, Do you trust me. . .? I weakly smiled at him and slightly nodded my head. He smile a bright smile at me. Moving his gaze back to the others in this caved-in shop; his chuckle now dark and heavy.

"You know, I have grown quite tired of people not know my real name. Ichigo here, is aware of my real name. as she also aware of the fact that I may have fallen for her" Everyone gasped at this, Lenix only smiled brighter then he was already. "So if you don't mind, I would love to be alone with the one who I can truly trust" With this we teleported; only the echoes of them calling for us to return were heard as we soon arrived at our new location; a bedroom.

We now stood at the foot of the king sized bed, still holding one of each others hands. I was soon hit by a wave of dizziness; as I began to sway on my feet. Lenix picked me up bridal style, as so he could place me gently down on the soft royal blue silk sheets that covered most of the bed. Before slowly joining me by laying on his side beside. We were silent for a few minutes before I spoke.

"I take it that, this is your bedroom, hm?" I asked rolling on my side as so I could look at him. His face adopting a sweet smile as he reached out a hand to collect one of mine.

"Yes, this is my bedroom. Sorry that it is a bit dark in here, though" He sighed deeply as he closed his eyes. At the mention of it being dark; I decided to take in my surroundings. The room look tiny and well kept; there were no windows as well as no door. Both the book shelf and the large desk that stood beside it; appeared to be made out of a dark oak-like wood but the chair that sat with the desk was a normal wooden chair. But what caught my eye the most was that; one of the four walls was nothing a large mirror. As I continued to gaze around the room, I could feel Lenix watching me, my reaction was a key to him. From my reaction he could tell what I was thinking.

"So what do you think of my temporary bedroom?" Lenix softly whispered in my ear, I shivered as his warmish breath travelled down my neck.

"I think. . .hm, well. It is different; what do you mean by temporary?" I asked raising an eyebrow but keeping my eye fixed on the mirrored wall opposite me. As Lenix quietly chuckled; it made me shiver more, uneven wave of his warmish breath travelled down my neck.

"So, you think that they are going to be willing enough to let me stay here; as I continue to betray them" As he spoke; I felt his lips brush against the skin of my neck. I shuddered at the sensation.

"Sure, I mean; you are their leader and all. . ." I spoke with a daze of the feel of his lips on my neck, never really touching my skin but making their presence known. Lenix released a long tired sigh.

"Did all I have told you about me, got in one ear and the other, little mew" He chuckled at the end, gaining me goose-bumps and a quick shudder. Still with in my daze like state; my answer wasn't what I intended of saying.

"Hm, I think I forgot but why does it matter; at least then you have some advantage over them, right?" There was a short silence before we shifted. Me now laying on my back with my head in the middle of a pillow and my arms far from my sides; Lenix on the other hand was now on top of me. He held himself up using arms that were now pressed down as so he was resting his elbows; these were placed either side of my upper body; he as also straddling me at my hips with him pressing his knees down into the mattress but grasping my hips at the same time. Now that we were in this position our faces were only a few inches apart.

Lenix chuckle lightly at my bewildered expression, lowering his head. He place his lips to my neck and gently kissed up and down for a few mintues; I relaxed as the sensation sent wave of pleasure through me. After a couple of circuits he raised his head back so he could look at my ; now flustered face.

"Well if you have forgotten what I have told you; then it appears to me that you need to be taught a lesson, hm. . ." I blinked a couple of time before managing to speak back.

"How are you going to teach me, Lenix" From what I could tell; he really had no trouble of thinking of a ay to teach me a lesson. With that he chuckled in subduing manner, I gulped at this. "Don't you think that we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves, I mean. . . we have only just started to get to know each other and for another issue; I am only sixteen" This didn't falter him, he just rolled his eyes and sighed but didn't make signs of getting off of me.

"Ichigo, you said that you trusted me. I do not see why we can't, mm. . . express what newly born love we have for each other, but you may be right in the terms that you are a little young for my liking; but that won't change my mind. I have made my choice; Ichigo, I want you to become my mate"

Hey, you know what? I never thought that I could write a cliffie but here we have it :D Okay guys! Please read and review!


Thanks guys, bye for now!