Authors Note: As if I could do a song challenge without basing one on this Scottish band! I'm a little hyper just now thanks to passing all my Highers. :D So tell me which of these you've enjoyed. Thanks for all the support guys, love you all!

Dignity – Deacon Blue

Jackie laid back in to Robbie's arms, taking a moment to breathe in the ocean air and look out at the clear blue water.

They had a small boat to themselves bar an older man who was captaining it. It was their first holiday as a couple and they could not be happier than they currently were: Robbie pressing kisses to all the exposed skin she was flaunting.

Greece had been Jackie's idea because of it's peace and serenity, it was such a change from the bustle of Glasgow but deep down they missed the comfort of their shared home.

They were with each other though and that was all that mattered.