Summary: Set in New Moon, Edward leaves Bella. Victoria comes back for Bella and changes her. The Cullens find Bella while she is burning. When Bella wakes up, She doesn't remember anything. What will happen?

The Lost Get Found

Chapter 1 - Victoria visits

Bella's Point of View

It's been three months since he left. I was upstairs in my room finishing up my homework so that I could already prepare Charlie's dinner when I heard something in my window.

Before I could even look to see what was making the sound, I came face to face with Victoria. "Victoria?" I asked. My voice was shaking. "Why, hello Bella dear. It's nice to see you again." She had an evil grin on her face.

Her hair looked like it was on fire and her eyes were blood red. I knew this was going to be the end. Victoria had come to take revenge. Why postpone it? "I know what you're here for. Just get it over with."

I was glad Charlie was staying over at Billy's this weekend to watch the game. At least he was going to be safe. "My dear, who said anything about killing you?" Victoria laughed. "Then what are you going to do with me?" "I'm going to do something much worse than that." Before I could process what she just said, I felt like I was being burned alive. Victoria had bit me.

I bit my lip so that I could hold back my screams or else the neighbors would've heard me. I could hear Victoria laughing but I was starting to slip away. My eyes couldn't stay open. Blackness was taking over my vision.

Then, I felt like I was flying. I felt my body being dropped somewhere wet and cold. But that was all I could remember. Then the real burning started.

Alice's Point of View

Edward has been staying away from the family for the past few months already. Every time Emmett and Jasper try to catch him, he just escapes. There is no way we can ever sneak up on him. The family hasn't been the same ever since we left Forks.

We were missing two members of our family. I knew that Edward left to protect Bella, but they're soul mates! You can't just leave like that. You were destined together. All Edward kept saying was "It was for the best. Don't even look after her future , 've done enough damage".

I tried my best to fight the urge to just take a look at what Bella's going through right now but I knew it would upset Edward, so I had to resist the temptation. We were currently visiting Carmen and Eleazar here in Denali.

Jasper and Emmett were out in the backyard wrestling, Esme and Carmen were talking about redecorating the garden, Rosalie was in the garage helping Irina with her car and Carlisle was in the hospital, working. I was shopping online when a vision took over.

Bella was in her room doing her homework when Victoria enters her room. Oh God. No. I knew we should've stayed. Bella looked terrible. She looked like she hasn't slept in weeks. Wait. Bella wants to get this over with? Has she become suicidal? She's just like Edward. OH MY GOD. Victoria bit her! Holy crap! Victoria was dumping Bella's body in a nearby river in the forest. Then, the vision ended.

"Alice? Alice! What did you see?" Jasper was shaking my shoulders. He looked like he was about to have a panic attack. Esme, Rosalie and Emmett soon appeared in the room. "Bella." That's all I could make my mouth say at the moment.

"What about her? You know you're not supposed to look into her future. " Jasper reminded me. "No Jasper! We have to go now! Victoria came back for her and she bit her and she dumped her body somewhere in a river! We have to go get her!" Everyone in the room looked shocked. I was the first one to break the silence. "Come on we have to go now!" "We have to go tell Carlisle!" Esme said.

"I and Jasper will go after her tonight, you and Carlisle can follow us tomorrow morning. We have to help her." I said, panicking. "Wait, I'm coming with you. I've missed my little sister." Emmett said. Rosalie remained silent. "Okay, but we have to go now!" I rushed into the garage and got in my Porsche with Jasper beside me and Emmett and Rosalie got in the back. "You're coming too, Rose?" Emmett asked.

"Yeah, I have to apologize for being so rude to her before. I owe it to her." Rosalie looked like she was about to cry. "Call us when you get there!" Esme shouter as we sped through the driveway. "Okay. Go get Carlisle to come follow us!" I shouted as we were already out on the road. "What about Edward?" Jasper asked. Shit. I forgot about him. I pulled out my phone immediately. I dialed Edward's number.

It took a while before he finally answered. "What, Alice?" He asked. "Edward! It's Bella!" "What? I told you to stop searching for her future." Edward said, he was obviously upset. "It just came to me, Edward! It doesn't matter, look. Victoria came after her.

Now she's burning somewhere in a river. We have to go get her" The other line was silent for a couple of seconds. "I'll meet you in Forks." Then the line went dead. "So, where is Bella now?" Emmett asked. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Bella was lying there on the river. She was a mess. She was covered in mud and leaves. She was not moving or anything but she was breathing. The transformation is still happening.

"She's still there. Lying there, she almost looks dead but I saw her breathing. She's probably still burning." I answered him. Everyone was silent for a while. I continued to look at her future but she was still the same. She didn't move at all, but she was breathing. I made it to her house in 10 hours. We quickly got off. Victoria's scent still lingered in the air. Charlie wasn't home, so we just ran into the forest, following Bella's scent.

Then we found her. She was in a nearby river. Her body was floating. She wasn't moving at all. We quickly rushed to her side. "Oh my God. We should bring her to the house!" Rosalie said. Which surprised me, she never really did like Bella. "Okay." I carried Bella's dripping body onto a patch of soft grass. "I'll run Bella to the house. You guys follow. " I said. They all nodded. I got Bella's body again and ran as fast as I could to the house.

While I was running, she started to dry up. At least I could lay her on the couch, now. I got to the house. I opened the door and ran to the couch. I then placed Bella on the couch. I got some towels from the bathroom upstairs and dried her up.

I went to my room and looked for some old clothes I could put on Bella. As soon as I got them. I got Bella and put on some new clothes on her. She looked so peaceful. How can someone feel that peaceful when they are burning? Just when I was about to call Jasper, They entered the room. "Is she okay?" Emmett asked. "She looks peaceful, but I'm pretty sure that she's burning. Her heartbeat is really fast."

"How can someone feel so peaceful when they are burning?"Rosalie asked. "I was wondering the same thing." I answered. "Maybe we should wait for Esme, Carlisle and Edward to get here before we actually do anything." "So what now?" Emmett asked. "We wait for the transformation to finish. I can smell a lot of venom in her system. It shouldn't be too long now." Everyone was silent for a moment.

"How could I have missed this. I could've prevented this from happening." I felt so frustrated. Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head. "It's not your fault, darling. Victoria probably made a snap decision." I sighed. "I hope Bella's going to be okay, though." I looked at her limp body on the couch. I missed her. "This is all my fault. If I had been in control..." Jasper started.

"Stop."I put my finger on his lips before he could say anything else. "This isn't your fault. It doesn't matter anyway, what' s done is done. All we can do now is hope that Bella turns out okay."I said. Everyone else looked at Bella. I was pretty sure they were hoping for the same thing. For once, I didn't know what was going to happen next.

Edward's Point of View

I was rushing to the airport. I didn't even bother taking the car. I was running faster than I have ever ran before. My angel was in danger and I wasn't there for her. All I wanted for her was to have a normal and human life.

Instead, I endangered her life even more. I can't believe I let this happen. I was tracking Victoria. I lost her in South America. I can't believe I let her get away. The thought of my Bella never blushing scarlet again, her heart never beating again, the thought of her being icy cold and pale killed me. This is all my fault. If I had just stayed there with her, I could've prevented all of this from happening. I gave the cashier my credit card. Oohlala. Handsome AND rich. Hmm. The thoughts of the cashier was irritating me.

"Here you go. One ticket to Seattle." I got the ticket and left. I didn't have any luggage with me. All of the people were staring at me wondering why I didn't carry any luggage with me. I didn't really care. All I cared about right now was being there for Bella and holding her back in my arms. Why, hello there. The flight attendant brought me out of my thoughts. "Can I have your ticket, sir?" I gave her my ticket.

She stamped on it and I got on the plane. I sat on the far back. It was going to be a long flight from Rio to Seattle. All I could think of right now was my sweet angel suffering. I had to get to her. I was practically cursing myself for ever leaving her behind. For lying to her. She must really hate me. I wouldn't blame her. Angels like her should never love monsters like me. I closed my eyes for a minute. This was going to be a long plane ride.