WARNING: This chapter is SAD! SAD I TELL YOU! WAAAAH! *Cries* Anyway, for all of you Ryu haters out there, this chapter is dedicated to YOU. You'll find out in this chapter why Ryu always acts like a complete jackass. *Sniffle* SOOOO SAAAAD!


Oh come on, lighten up!

Chapter 9: The Truth About Ryu Yukio

Ryu walked into the woods, Aiko still dead in his arms, and as soon as he was sure no one was watching, his grin turned into a look of pure fear. His black heart beat faster and faster and his adrenalin made him run faster than normal through the woods, jumping over logs and ducking under branches, despite the darkness of night. He found a clearing and fell to his knees, laying Aiko down gently and putting his hands on his head, his eyes wide and teary.

"Ryu, don't you dare cry! You're a Shadow! You don't care!" Ryu told himself over and over again.

He had never cried before except for when he was Human, but kept his ugly past away from his mind. What mattered now was getting his snack back.

"Snack? Why the hell am I calling Aiko-chan a snack? SNAP OUT OF IT! She means nothing to you, Ryu! NOTHING!" Ryu yelled at himself, and cursed to the sky.

"This is all Shion-san's fault! If he hadn't been punched in the face by that Succubus, then Aiko-chan would still be alive! He deserves to die! But Aiko-chan wouldn't want that...WHY AM I CARING ABOUT AIKO-CHAN SO MUCH? DAMN IT!" Ryu kept fighting with himself for a large amount of time before hearing something behind him.

He turned, seeing nothing. Still keeping his tears from going down his face, he turned back to Aiko. He had to figure out a way to revive her. An Angel could do it, Angels get all the good stuff, but what kind of Angel would help a Shadow? A half Angel like that one with the long sword who was fighting the Succubus before Aiko was killed?

No, that Halfy was fighting for the Angels. Suddenly, Ryu heard something like a gun, and felt something rub up against the back of his head. Cold sweat dripped down his face, and for the first time in years, he was starting to fear death. He slowly looked behind him, and could just make out what was at his head. It was a gun engraved with crosses, and holding it, was man who looked to be about 25 with long white hair pulled into a ponytail that seemed to be glowing.

He was extremely pale and his eyes were a bright blue. He wore a pure white suit jacket with a fancy blue shirt underneath and his pants and shoes were also pure white. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the darkness. Ryu already knew that it was an Angel. This is was his only chance.

Beg to the Angel and get Aiko back, or die with her. What a choice difference. Although, Ryu wasn't that polite when it came to Angels.

"Don't you dare shoot." Ryu said in an aggressive voice.

Thankfully, the Angel slowly lowered his gun. Ryu quickly spun around, turning to face the Angel who had an emotionless expression on his face. Ryu noticed that he had a second gun in his other hand, and the Angel kept his fingers on both triggers.

"I didn't know Shadows could cry." The Angel said with an emotionless, yet calming voice.

Ryu growled at him, realizing he had let a tear escape his eyes.

"Insult me all you want! I don't care!" Ryu yelled at him.

"Are you crying because of the dead Demon? I didn't know Shadows cared." The Angel said.

Ryu scowled, but couldn't keep it up for long before he burst into tears.

"I'm such a weakling..." Ryu mumbled.

He looked up at the Angel, who seemed to be giving him a sympathetic look. Ryu wouldn't fall for it. That's the exact look he gave to his mother before he killed-Ryu kept those bad memories out of his mind.

"My name is Ryu Yukio, and I'm begging you, bring the Demon back!" Ryu said, getting onto his hands and knees at the Angels feet.

"Do you want to eat the rest of her soul that badly?" The Angel asked.


He looked at Ryu for a good long time before finally speaking.

"Why are you desperate to bring this Demon back when you're a Shadow? I thought they didn't have feelings. They're driven by hunger, am I correct?" The Angel asked, making Ryu even angrier.

"Well, I guess I'm just different from the rest." Ryu said.

The Angel chuckled gently.

"Alright, I'll bring her back. Just promise me one thing."

"And what is that?"

"Once you take the rest of this Demon's soul, which will happen whether you want to or not, you will have to die as well."

Ryu was silent for a while, before he finally responded.

"Alright, deal." Ryu said.

"Ah, by the way, since you introduced yourself, Ryu-san, I shall tell you who I am. My name is Kazuhiro Sujama." Kazuhiro said, walking over to Aiko.

"Can I call you Kazu-kun?" Ryu asked in a joking way. Kazuhiro didn't respond, but gave a small smile.

"You might want to close your eyes." He said.

Ryu sighed turning around and closing his eyes as a flash of bright light filled the area, and it was soon gone. Ryu turned around, opening his eyes to see that Kazuhiro was gone, and Aiko was back to her normal form. Her gash from the chainsaw was healed, and her eyes were closed as if she were sleeping. Ryu chuckled and gave a silent thank you to Kazuhiro.

"Maybe Angels aren't so bad after all." Ryu said, picking up Aiko.

As he was about to leave the area, something brushed past his face, and he saw another Angel in front of him.

"Or, maybe they do suck." Ryu said, and laughed as he ran the speed of light away from the Angel, which he eventually escaped.

"If my Familiar form was a bird, life would be so much easier..." Ryu mumbled, going into Shadow form and putting Aiko down as he walked through the outside wall and opened the front door, picking up Aiko again and carrying her into the house.

He laid Aiko in her bed, where Anika was sleeping with a stuffed bunny next to her. He went into snake form, curling up in a ball on the floor, seeing how everything had happened in such little time. When Aiko awoke the next morning, she was confused as hell.

"Ryu-kun?" She asked, poking the snake still curled into a ball.

Ryu looked up, and immediately went back into Human form.

"Ah, so sleeping beauty is awake." Ryu said, smirking at her.

"Shut up-wait. Ryu-kun, didn't I die?"



"That's for me to know, and you to find out."

"Why? Why am I alive?"


"Don't tell me you actually care for me?"

"No! Not at all! I just want to eat your soul, that's all! Don't take it the wrong way; I know how it feels to get your soul taken."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I used to be a Demon."


"I don't like to remember why I became a Demon...it sort've explains why I seduce girls all the time."

"Tell me!"

"Alright, alright."

"Onii-chan! Please play a game with me?" A little girl yelled as she tackled her older brother.

The boy simply laughed, with his sister on top of him as he brushed his black hair out of his face.

"Rui-chan, if I've told you once, I've told you a million times, I'm too old for house!" The boy exclaimed.

"But Ryyuuuu-oniii!" Rui complained.

"When I was Human, I was the only boy in my family. I had 5 sisters, and my father had died when I was a baby, so, I didn't know him very well. My mom, you could say, was a slut, and that's how I got all my little sisters, but she treated them all well, other than other sluts who just dumped their kids in random places. She took care of us, of course, but, still...something happened after a while..." Ryu explained.

"Mom? When are you coming home? Everyone's getting restless, and we have to stop just heating up spaghettio's every night! Mom, are you even listening? MOM!" Ryu screamed into the phone.

"Ryu, you can go one more night heating something up. I'm busy."







Then she hung up, and didn't come back. Ryu screamed in frustration. He had been years, using his mother's credit cards and money she had left behind. By now, he had dark circles under his eyes, which were larger than the average business man. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Onii-chan, when's mom coming back?" Rui asked. Ryu was now 18 and had been taking care of his little sisters since he was 8.

"Mom isn't coming back." Ryu said.

Rui, who had already known but kept her hopes up, sighed sadly.

"We're going to be OK, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I won't let anything happen to you or anyone else." Ryu said, smiling at Rui.

Of course, he knew he couldn't keep his promise forever.

"And then...that's when my whole life turned upside-down..." Ryu said.

"What happened?" Aiko asked.

"If I start to break down, slap me, OK?" Ryu asked, grinning at Aiko.

Aiko smiled and nodded.

Ryu walked home with a bag of groceries in his arms, and sighed to himself. He had to get a job to get some more money, and only got at least an hour of sleep a day if he was lucky. He arrived at the house, but for some reason, didn't hear Rui or his other five sisters playing or arguing. He took the key out of his pocket and opened the door slowly, and the horrible scent of blood filled his nose. He also saw the most horrible sight. All of his sisters were dead and slaughtered on the ground. Ryu's eyes widened, and he dropped the groceries and backed up, tripping down the little step that led to the front door. Ryu scrambled back into the house, in a complete panic. He put both hands on his head, looking like he was about to rip his hair out. Who had done this? Who would be so cruel to slaughter his sisters? Tears streamed out of his eyes like a waterfall, and he realized that Rui wasn't there. Could one of his siblings have survived?

"RUI!" Ryu yelled at the top of his lungs, looking everywhere for his sister.

"Ryu…" Said a very quiet and hoarse voice. Ryu whipped around to see Rui on the floor of the living room, barely alive. Ryu ran over to her, falling to his knees at her beaten body.

"Rui, who did this? WHO DID IT?" Ryu demanded.

"Mommy…" Rui answered. Ryu's heart stopped. Their own mother had exterminated them?

"Was it really mom? Did she do it?" Ryu asked.

"Mommy…sent…bad people…" Rui mumbled. Anger and hatred boiled inside of Ryu. He whipped out his cell phone, and was about to dial 911 when Rui lightly grabbed his wrist.

"Don't…I'm not…going…to make…it…" Rui mumbled.

"Rui, don't be stupid! I'm going to save you!" Ryu yelled.

"Sayo…nara…Onii-chan…" Rui said, and her hand fell limp on the ground.

"Rui? RUI! NO, DON'T DIE ON ME! COME ON, WAKE UP! RUUUIIIII!" Ryu screamed in agony. All of siblings, dead, and Ryu wasn't there to save them. He broke his promise. Ryu burst into tears, cradling Rui in his arms. Ryu screamed once again, and heard footsteps. He stopped crying, and looked around. He noticed his shadow had a different form. He screamed, and scoot backwards. His shadow came out of the wall, and smirked at Ryu.

"Holy...Ryu, I'm so sorry..." Aiko said.

"No, it's fine." Ryu said.

"So…was that your Shadow? The person who made you a Demon?" Aiko asked. Ryu nodded.

"The Shadow told me everything that I told you. About power, revenge, and how he'd take my soul in the end. I agreed, just like you did, and I slaughtered my mother soon afterwards, and then man my mother had hired. Although, what I didn't tell you, is what happens after your soul is taken. Depending on what the Shadow wants to do, you can one, have your body taken over by the Shadow, two, turn into a Shadow, or three, be reborn as an Angel, which rarely happens to Demons. I was made into a Shadow when the rest of my soul was taken." Ryu said.

"Does it...does it hurt?" Aiko asked.

"Well, it hurts a lot more than getting sliced up by a chainsaw, I'll tell you that. But, yeah, it's indescribable pain when you're turned into a Shadow. It's even more pain when your body is taken over, but it's painless when you're reborn into an Angel." Ryu said.

"Oh...so, tell me, Ryu, why do you seduce girls like you do? Especially Teto." Aiko asked.

"It's because Teto reminds me of Rui." Ryu said.

"So, you seduce girls that remind you of your family?" Aiko asked.

Ryu nodded.

"It brings me back to when I was still a kid, and I'd have to role play someone's boy friend every time, or their prince charming." Ryu said and chuckled.

"What, were your sisters actually in love with you?" Aiko asked with a smile on her face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they were." Ryu said and chuckled sadly.

"Y'know, this is the first time I've seen you not acting like a total idiot." Aiko said and giggled.

"Yeah, well, my dear Aiko, I believe one of us is going to be last, so, should we race?" Ryu asked, giving a cocky smile to Aiko.

Aiko smirked, rolling her eyes at him.

"I am so going to beat you!" She yelled, darting out the door to the bathroom. Ryu smiled at her for a second before darting after her.

Well? Was it sad? Do you still hate Ryu? Hm? HM? I'd like to know :3 Also, one of Ryu-NGS's OC's were in this chapter, the rest are coming in a few chapters, and it's going to be FUNNEH. For you Mikuo fans out there, Mikuo's coming in the next chapter, so, yeah.

Next Chapter: Mikuo Gets His Own Yandere and Miku Gets Another Hater