"Could one of you explain what happened this week?" Andre said when class ended that day.

Beck and Jade, who were too busy being a couple once again, didn't asnwer.

"I think that THEY ARE TOO BUSY SWALLOWING EACH OTHER to notice you Andre." Tori said, with and annoyed and amused smile.

"Hey- Hey. Guys, you two... Please let go of each others faces long enough to explain to us." Andre attempted once again.

Jade pulled away from Beck with sigh.

"What could you possibly need to know Andre?"

"Well first off... Beck, what the hell?" Andre said as Beck once again captured Jade's mouth with his own.

"Beck, its annoying to kiss with that as background noise, wait a second." Jade said pulling away once again.

"Okay, Jade, then I have a question. Were you telling the truth when you said you have a cush on me?" Andre was only worried about that. Things could get akward with the group if that was true.

"Of course... wait how did you know about that? Beck did you tell him? Well I'm not answering that." Jade said aggravated.

"Of course, what? Jade this isn't funny. Just answer the question." Beck was worried. Maybe she wasn't just messing with him, maybe she was telling the truth.

"Fine, I'll answer the question, but I will only tell Andre. You don't deserve to know the answer to that question, right Beck? Come her Andre." Jade pulled Andre away from the group.

"Jade what are you doing." Andre said once Jade had stopped walking.

"Messing with my boyfriend. Look no matter what you are never to tell Beck the answer when he asks what I said okay?" Andre nodded. "No, of course not, no offence. Never had a crush on you only ever thought that your music was good. Remember you can't tell Beck." Jade said walking away, Andre following.


"Jade, please just tell me if you were telling the truth." Beck pleaded with Jade later that night in his RV.

"Why? You don't need to know. That is a very private thing. I was mad that is why I told you in the first place. basicly my answer is no way in hell will I tell you." Jade smirked knowing that he wouldn't give up.

"Please, I only made you mad because of my acting test. If it weren't for that then I would have acted like I did on Monday and Tuesday all week long. Please just tell me."

"No, Beck,just pretend I didn't tell you. Why do you need to know so badly anyway?"

"I can't just pretend that you didn't tell me. The reason I need to know so badly is because I'm jealous. I hate that you could have had this crush on Andre and I had to work just to get you to go on one date with me. Sure you are the one that is more possesive now but that is because I don't show ."

Jade smirked, she knew that Beck could get jealous, she just wanted to hear him say it out loud.

"Well I guess I could tell you eventually. Convince me to tell you. I doubt you can, but you can try."

Beck looked at Jade with his best set of puppy dog eyes, she just rolled hers. Beck knew that begging wouldn't get him anywhere. Then he got an idea, get Jade to beg him.

Beck leaned forward and started to kiss Jade's neck, that was a major turn on for her. Just when she was about to throw her head back and give him more room, Beck pulled away.

Jade's head snapped forward to look at Beck.

"What was that about, why did you pull away?" Jade's voice was filled with pure annoyence.

"I would continue, but it wouldn't feel right. All I can think about is this crush that you have on Andre."

"Beck, you know that you can't just stop."

"Really, well that is a desicion that I get to make on my own. To know that my girlfriend likes someone else, I can't continue."

"Beck... I don't like to beg, please just come back here." Durring the conversation Beck had started to pace around the RV.

"Jade, I don't like begging either, so I'm not going to. I'm telling you, either tell if that crush was fake or not, or I'll stay on this side of the RV, so as not to tempt you." Beck smirked as he sat down.

"Fine, stay over there." Jade said as she laid down on his bed.

Ten minutes later Jade still couldn't sleep. She knew that if she caved she would never live it down.

"Fine, I said it just to get you worried or mad. I never had a crush on Andre." Jade whispered into the silence of the RV.

"What was that Jade, I didn't quite hear you?"

"I'm not saying it again. Just get back over here and finish what you started." Jade said shifting so that she was resting on her elbows.

"As you wish."

"Yeah... I don't wish, I demand."

A/N: Okay that is the last chapter. I'm not quite sure about this ending. Please review.

imsantiago: Last chapter, sorry about not making it longer. Yes I have more stories in mind. I have an OC story, kinda, about Jade and three new students that I am about to start updating regularly. Please review one last time.

Random Storygirl: Ch. 7- If that was how you acted being bipolar, no lie I would laugh me ass off. Ch. 8- I would love to meet Cat's brother, he must be like the coolest guy ever. Ch. 9- Thanks, another great review. Please review again.