How Hard Can Being a Pureblood Be?
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or any of the characters derived from the Harry Potter series.
So some how it is not 12 am my time, which is usually around the time I post my new chapters, so I'm hoping I get more reviews/reads?
I'm adding my own character, so I can add in Theodore Nott, because I kind of love him also . He will be paired with her, and she will be the daughter of Bellatrix *gasp*. Hopefully no one minds, but don't worry, she won't be a villain or an antagonist, she'll have been taken care of by her father, who will be another extra character of mine because I don't know who else it would be. Well I guess I could use some minor characters, but then it would involve her being a sibling, something I don't really like adding to already formed characters…. Enjoy the chapter!
Chapter 5: Leaving
She found herself on the bed, not even remembering when she had sat down. Without the energy to even change herself out of her clothes, into her pajamas, she pulled the blanket off and fell asleep, hoping that when she woke up she would once again be "Hermione Granger" and the whole spiel of events that had happened within the past couple of days had been a dream.
July 17th
Waking up at 12:45 pm was not normal for Hermione, but whenever she was really stressed she had always slept in late. Her birth parents were moving in today, in only three hours, or so, and she wasn't even ready to say goodbye to the Grangers. They had been her parents for her whole 18 years of life, and she wasn't ready to give that up. Not for a family who, no matter what good reason, had given her up. The Grangers had taken the whole situation with amazing finesse, never the type to over react to anything. They knew this day was coming, and due to their training to be in hard situations with patients in the dental office they had learned never to over react, Merlin, the barely reacted at all.
Tears were normal for Jane in the beginning of the affair, she had always been attacked to Hermione, but as time passed, she knew she had to let go, and with that her parents had become distant. They were no longer "mum and dad". Of course they still treated her well, they could never be the Dursleys, but Hermione knew that the most contact she could have with her adoptive parents after leaving their house, and the muggle world in general, would be semi-frequent letters and phone calls.
She had acquainted herself with this idea, knowing that she needed to get closer with her birth family, which she had over the past half month. She sent them owls, and made sure to stay in contact.
Finding her way downstairs Hermione braced herself for her last meal with the Grangers. Taking a deep, if not shaky, breath she announced her presence to her adoptive parents who were having a light lunch.
"Hey," She started off awkwardly. "Is there any left for me?" She asked, trying to make the situation lighter.
"Of course honey," Tom started before being cut off by his wife.
"It's right on the counter darling," Jane continued, looking at her husband apologetically.
Hermione grabbed a small portion of brunch, some scrambled eggs, bacon, French toast, and sausages.
"So," Hermione trailed off after finishing her food, not sure how to approach the topic of her leaving for the Laryn's later today. "I'm really, very thankful for your care all for these years. You never let me feel unloved, and you were always there for me. You will always be close to my heart, no matter how far you are from my body. You raised me as an intelligent, loving, and book loving young woman, and I will always love you."
She finished off her tangent, tearing up, but not wanting to leave their presence yet.
"Oh honey, don't cry," Tom said, talking to both Hermione and Jane. "We will always love you also, and we would love to stay in contact with you. Like we said previously, you will always be our daughter. We just hope you can love the Laryns as much as you love us."
He finished off, tearing a tad also, but not wanting to let them go. Hermione got up and hugged them both, tightly. Letting go, she allowed herself to smile, hoping that they could actually stay in touch. She heard a small crack, telling her that the house elf from the Laryns was present. Drying her face with the back of her hand she turned around to talk to the house elf.
"Clippy," Hermione started, recognizing the young house elf. "My stuff is upstairs, second door on the right, after you send that to the Laryns can you come back and get me?"
"Of course, mistress," Clippy replied, already on her way upstairs. "Clippy will be back in a few minutes for the young mistress."
Clippy disappeared quickly, and Hermione spent the last few moments with her adoptive family hugging and recalling small events in her life. Frowning as she heard another crack, one signifying the return of Clippy, she stood up and said goodbye one more time, with a long hug. Pulling away she wiped her face, for what seemed like the 100th time, she smiled at them as she grabbed Clippy's hand. Waving goodbye one last time she felt a familiar pull at her belly button and when she next found herself aware of her surroundings she was in a large, what seemed like, ball room.
A/N: Draco makes an appearance in the next chapter, along with my characters. Who's names I still haven't thought up yet. Please review!