How Hard Can Being a Pureblood Be?

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or any of the characters derived from the Harry Potter series.

AN: I don't know if anyone here actually reads Naruto fanfiction, which I also don't own Naruto by the way, but I'm sorry that I haven't been updating if there are readers of my Naruto fanfiction…This was not betaed, but if anyone is willing to beta for me, who is only often, that'd be awesome Tell me of any errors and I'll get them fixed as soon as possible, I only had spell check to make sure everything was all right. I should have the next chapter up very soon, probably within the next couple of hours because I really like how it's going so far!

Chapter 1: Secrets Revealed

Date: June 23, 1998

Patient: Hermione Jean Granger

Parents: Jane and Tom Granger

Blood Type: AB+

She stared at the results of her appointment with her doctor, willing them to change, but they didn't. She knew what this meant; her mother was type B- blood, and her father O+. There was only one explanation for this, she was adopted. Of course she had thought about this before, her parents always were a bit more doting than others, and always shied away from the topic of where she was born. She had never thought it to be unusual, until now.

There was only one course of action after staring at the paper for so long, and as she picked up her muggle cell phone her heart was beating too fast for her liking.

Waiting as her cell phone rang indicating the call was going through she worried about the reaction her parents would have.

"Hello?" Jane Granger, her mother, answered.

"Mom, it's Hermione, I was wondering if I could come over to talk about some things," Hermione said, hoping her voice wasn't shaking like her hands were.

"Of course, dear, we always have time for you," her mother responded.

"I'll be over in a second," Hermione said as her heart once again sped up.

They exchanged partings and once Hermione hung up she took her wand and apparated into the living room where both her mother and father were waiting.

She sat down on the couch opposite her parents, trying to act as though her heart wasn't beating out of her chest, but Jane noticed the worried atmosphere her daughter exuded.

"Hermione, darling?" Her mother asked. "Are you okay? You seem a tad off today."

"I just got my results back from my healer," Hermione said. "And I was wondering why my blood type was AB+. Since, according to biology, it's impossible for me to have that blood type."

"…So you've figured out," Tom said, trying to comfort his wife at the same time. "We adopted you before you had even reached a month of age. We couldn't have children no matter how hard we tried, and so we went to adoption. Our world was falling apart till we found you, a beautiful baby girl that had barely been in the adoption agency for a week. You were perfect. We were so afraid of telling you, it's always been a hard topic. We hope you understand."

"Of course I do," Hermione said. "I just wish that I had found out some other way. Have you had any contact from my birth family what so ever?"

"No," Jane said, finally put back together. "But we did get a note the day we adopted you for you to open once you figured out your heritage." Jane continued as she walked to the desk in the corner of the room.

She came back to the couch moments later holding an envelope.

"This is for you, darling," Jane said. "Take it and read it, you deserve to know the truth, but please know this. We'll always love you."

"And I'll always love you, mother and father," Hermione said, looking at the note. "I'm going up to my room; I'll be back down soon. I just want to read this privately." She said, hoping her parents would understand.

"Of course," Tom said. "Take your time."

Hermione stood up slowly, making sure her feet worked after sitting down so long. She walked up to her room, taking her time, and once she was there sat down on her bed.

Staring at the envelope she realized how expensive the quality was. Heavy set paper, her first name written in beautiful calligraphy along the front, and gold embossing set along the edges with the paper sealed with wax.

She broke the seal gingerly, and took out the note, feeling it at first, a light crème in colour and also with gold embossing along the edges

Lifting up the edge of the folded note slowly, she started reading:

"My Dearest Hermione," it started off.

"We never wanted to give you up, but there was no choice. He Who Must Not Be Named was searching for pureblood families to join him, and while we remained neutral in the First War, we knew that he would search for us, and we couldn't risk hurting you. Your birthday is September 1st, 1979. We know you have probably been raise as a muggleborn, since you were left at a muggle hospital, but we hope that you have gone to Hogwarts by the time you get this letter, and that He Who Must Not Be Named is long gone. We want you to know that a glamour charm was placed upon you at birth and that only you or either of us can remove it. Please contact us, by floo or by owl.

Your Loving Parents,

Elizabeth and Alejandro Laryn

She gasped after she was done reading the letter. Unsure of what to do next she decided the best thing to do was to remove the glamour charm. She grabbed her wand and mumbled the incantation quietly while holding the wand above her head.

When she opened her eyes moments later she looked into the mirror and her old petite body, bushy brown hair, and dull brown eyes were replaced with a height of 5'9", and sleek pale, almost white, blond hair hair cascading down in loose barrel curls. She now had a full body with large, almond shaped, bright grey/blue eyes, and thick curly eye lashes.

Her clothing, which previously fit her perfectly, felt a little short and tight. She stared at her reflection for a bit, and after becoming comfortable with her new appearance she changed into clothing that was, once, too large for her, but now fit perfectly.

Falling into bed and a quick dreamless sleep her last thought was to reminded herself to owl her parents first thing tomorrow morning.