The reception hall was bustling as neatly dressed couples and families were milling around in between the tables. Ezra Fitz flattened his jacket collar and took a sip of his wine. His good friend from college, Patrick Olsen walked over in his tuxedo completed with a black, silk tie hung around his neck.
"Ezra…" He called and grabbed his friend into a bear hug. "Glad you could come. I didn't get a chance to talk to you over at the church."
Ezra smiled. "You seemed pretty busy, rewriting your vows…over and over again."
"Hey," Patrick interjected. "I don't have your charming wit Ezra. I bet when you write your vows it'll be a piece of cake."
"If he ever gets married." Came a voice behind them. Best man Cole Dupree stood in his red tie and a rose pinned to his lapel.
"Or a girlfriend." Another friend of theirs joined them and said.
"I have a girlfriend." Ezra defended. "It's just…complicated."
Cole laughed. "Well, when this 'girlfriend' of yours isn't so complicated you have to introduce us."
Everyone else agreed and Ezra looked away trying not to show his friends his doubt. He looked over at the dance floor which was being cleared by the caterers. The DJ was giving his sound system a final check. He looked back at Patrick who was sipping his wine. He stopped abruptly.
"I'll be right back." He took his wine glass with him and walked over to the doorway where his mother was greeting people. Ezra couldn't tell who they were until they walked more into the room. He froze. It was Byron and Ella with Mike following behind them. Then, Ezra saw a flash of black hair over Mike's shoulder. Aria.
Should I say "hello"? He thought to himself. He pondered on the options then decided that if he didn't he would come off as rude. He gulped and walked over to Patrick. Ella's face lit up when she saw Ezra approaching. Patrick turned around and grabbed Ezra's shoulder.
"Ezra, this is…"
"Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery." Ezra finished for him. He smiled at them.
"Oh, you know them…" Patrick looked at them back and forth.
"Hello Mr. Fitz." Ella said cheerfully.
Patrick turned and faced Ezra. "Mr. Fitz? Wow, that sounds so…professional."
"Well he worked at Rosewood…and now he's gone off to Hollis." Ella said.
"Really?" Patrick gave Ezra a surprised look.
Ezra half-smiled and glanced at Aria, she looked at him quickly then looked at the floor.
Ella nudged her. "Say hello."
Aria pretended to have almost forgotten. "Right, hi Mr. Fitz."
They awkwardly looked at each other for a few seconds then Patrick's mother took Aria's parents to see the cake. Patrick followed and Mike went off in other direction.
"Small world after all, huh?" Aria said as she put her right foot in front of the other.
Ezra laughed. "What are you doing here?"
Aria sighed. "My parents know Patrick's parents…how do you know him?"
"He's a good friend of mine." Ezra stuffed his hands in his pockets. Aria crossed her arms over her chest.
"I should probably go." Aria said softly. She smiled at him and walked away while her heels clicked against the floor. She proceeded towards the table her parents were sitting at. Mike looked bored as Aria slid in the seat next to him.
"Why were you talking to him?" Mike asked.
Aria shrugged. "I was just being polite."
"Aria, how's Mr. Fitz?" Ella asked. Aria froze. She didn't even ask because she went to his apartment the day before.
"Oh, good." She replied trying to sound convincing.
Suddenly the DJ's voice boomed over the speakers. "I want everyone who is not married to get on the dance floor right now! Come on over and partner up!"
Aria and Mike shifted awkwardly in their seats. Ella glared at them and they reluctantly stood up. Mike immediately went over to a tall blonde in the corner, while Aria was greeted by a college guy with dark hair. The music started and they danced along to the music. Aria caught glimpses of her parents smiling and laughing. Mike's hands were slowly inching lower and lower down the blonde's back. Aria and her partner moved around while they danced covering almost the whole floor.
"Now," the DJ spoke up again. "I want you to switch partners with the person closest to you!"
Aria had her back to the next guy she would dance with. Her partner spun her around and she lost her footing and almost fell sideways. She felt two hands grab her arms and looked up. She was face to face with Ezra.
"Hi." She smiled. He smiled back, his hands still gripping her arms. They straightened up awkwardly and pondered on whether to dance or not. Aria looked around, everyone on the dance floor was already dancing with someone else. So she rested her left hand on his shoulder while her right hand grabbed his left. She felt his hand at her mid-back. She looked up again and smiled once more before looking down as they swayed to the music.
"I don't think I've ever danced with you." She said. Ezra's hand moved slightly.
"Definitely not in public." He replied. He squeezed her hand and she looked up and leaned in so she could whisper in his ear.
"You know, you're not my teacher anymore." Her head stayed where it was next to his and their bodies were pressed up against each other. They swayed back and forth in between couples on the dance floor. Aria closed her eyes wishing things could be like this all the time. No hiding, no avoiding, it would just be perfect. Ezra tried hard not to rub her back or do anything remotely romantic. He searched for her parents, an image of their mouths gaping wide open flashed into his mind. He located them at the same table they were at transfixed on Mike and not them, but that wouldn't last for long. He tapped Aria's back with this pointer finger and she gazed up at him. He strained every fiber in body not to kiss her right then and there. Their eyes searched for each other's lips and as much as he wanted to, he knew he couldn't.
"You know you're a pretty good dancer." He replied instead. Aria cocked her head back suprised at the comment, but laughed it off.
"Thanks." She simply replied smiling. She rubbed her thumb against Ezra's hand.
"Now switch again!" The DJ yelled. Couples started to move all around them, but Aria and Ezra stayed right where they were. Someone coughed behind them. Aria let go to see her brother staring puzzled at her. She opened her mouth to say something but waved good-bye to Ezra and grabbed her brother's hand.
"Gross." Mike said. "I'd rather see you make-out with that teacher then dance with my sister."
He yanked his hand away and walked back to the table. Aria laughed to herself. If only he knew... She located Ezra dancing with a woman in her thirties and caught his eye. They stared at each other smiling, like laughing at an inside joke only they knew.