Alas looks down at her feet.

"Do you require time?"

"No." Alas blurts

"Now for the last wish."

The Djinn is breathing on Alas's face.

"Will the world be gone quickly after this last wish?"

"So quickly you won't remember my dear."

The Djinn is not as scary as he seemed to be.

"Why am I not afraid of you anymore?"

"You have found your place so there is none to fear."

Alas gazes at The Djinn a look of amazement in her eyes.

I just wanted to be close to Djinn. Craved his body heat his voice his touch. Why? I looked in his red eyes and couldn't stop. He was powerful knew what he wanted and took it deliciously evil. Killed tortured and no doubt killed he would control the world something I have always wanted secretly. He knew I know he did. There was a connection between what we both wanted. I wanted power, slaves, money, jewels, castle, mansion everything else that came hand in hand. I fantasized about having it all one day. This was my chance. I dreamed it, felt it, would bleed it if I could.

I feel the light scratch of the Djinn's claws on my cheek.

"It is an honor to be desired by such beauty."

I would not have believed the Djinn was speaking to me this way but he was right in front of me.

"Djinn…..I will be your prisoner forever. That means…"

"Make the last wish and free yourself from this world."

Alas exhales deeply.

"I don't know what to wish for."


"What do you want Djinn?"

"My wants are irrelevant."

"May I touch you?"

The Djinn doesn't respond but doesn't show signs of being against the idea. Alas feels his skin it's hot and almost as tough as cowhide. She traces her hands over his markings which stand out. She trails up to his face which is watching her intensely.

"Djinn I want you."

"How can that be?"

"You are all I want."

"If that is your desire wish it."

"Would you be with me regardless?"

"That I cannot answer."


"I do not choose where you go nor end up."

"I wish that you will have for me exactly the same feelings I feel for you forever."

The Djinn doesn't say done this time. A deep rumble starts in the sky. The ground quakes as hail rains from the sky. Alas peeks through the window. Chunks of hail nail the window so hard it shatters. Alas moves back into the Djinn. The stone in his hand rises and floats in the air. It explodes into a million particles of jewel. A beam of light appears in the sky parting the clouds. Djinn rush down the light onto Earth.

"Now what?"

"Time to rule this world!"


"Of course my Queen."

The Djinn extends a hand and takes Alas's hand in his.

Alas's eyes light up.

"I will have no mercy! Everything will be ours!"

"On the Contrary keep in thoughts since your emotions are mirrored by me if your love runs out so will mine. A most impressive wish on your part."

The Djinn smiles satisfied. Alas's anger rises

"Djinn you are deceitful and ruthless!"

"My nature my dear."

Alas's anger subsides and she smiles.

"Deliciously evil that's what I adore about you."

He opens the door. The Djinn and Alas walk out hand in hand. The world is in total chaos. Buildings are burning to the ground people are running frantic from the attacking Djinn.

"Know what?"

"Do tell."

"I think I want my middle name changed."

"What will it be?"

"No. My complete name will read Alas No Hope."

"Impressive indeed."

Alas giggles and hugs the Djinn close.

Not only had he released Alas from her self denial of the evil one she was but also gave her the opportunity to live free in a world unknown and unlimited.