A ravishing dark skinned beauty is carrying a box up a flight of stairs. She stops on the second floor landing to catch her breath. An old woman leaves her apartment across the hall not paying attention and bumps into her knocking the box from her arms. The box lands upside down, the sound of breaking glass makes the girl pause.

"Oh! I'm so sorry young lady."

"Don't worry about it." She throws up a hand.

The elderly lady stands the box right side up. She helps the girl put stuff back in. While helping the lady pauses to stare at a picture, the glass is broken from the frame. It's a picture of a Victorian style castle covered in fog and gloom. She stares at the picture for a while. The area is now clean except for a few shards of glass.

"I'll take that." The girl snatches the picture and drops it back into the box.

"I must apologize again—"

"—No it's fine." She snaps.

"You moving in?" the lady motions to the box.

"Yeah, right across from you."

"Then we are neighbors. My name is Ms. Lovner but you can call me Rose." says the lady excitedly.

"I'm Alas." She nods.

"Just you are moving in?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Just nice to have a new neighbor….Most have moved on a count of the crime, you know."

"No. I just moved to Arizona a month ago from Indiana so I don't have a clue." says Alas.

"Indiana?" asks Rose with excitement.

"Yes." states Alas.

"My sister lives in Michigan."

"Yeah well it was nice to meet you." says Alas.

Alas turns away and heads up to her apartment without turning to look back. Rose watches her walk away stunned. After Alas reaches her apartment she drops her box on the counter. She walks though her two bed room apartment picturing the places her furniture will go. Her cell rings.


"Hey what's up?" says the caller.

"Well jack ass you were supposed to help me move in!"

"Sorry baby. I am caught up at work."

There's a muffled giggle in the background.

"Who's that?"


"Listen I don't need you so you can piss off!"

"Babe what's up? I told you I'm at work!"

"I can't believe I was dumb enough to move all the way out here!"

"There's no other girl just you baby!"

He was determined to plead innocence. Even though I was only twenty this wasn't the first time I was played in my life. I didn't even remember now why I liked this guy in the first place. I met him on a chat line, we connected right away and I moved here to live with him. I thought it would be a surprise since he loved spontaneous acts. The problem was he was seeing someone else at the same time, someone he was clearly more serious about. This was found out after the move, imagine how I felt.

"Why are you calling me?"

"I miss you."

"You lied to me!"