Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Marcus/Seth
Prompt: Ever ever after

"Is this a habit of yours…? Falling off of stuff?" The girl asked with a smile as rain fell around her and the man she had just rescued.

The man smiled back as the girl cupped his cheek. "Only when you're around to catch me." And they kissed.

Ever ever after

Marcus sat with his arm around Seth's shoulders, the younger tucked against his side. To say that he was bored would have been an understatement. He knew Seth was bored too; his lover hadn't stopped shifting through the whole movie. But neither had the heart to get up and leave after Alice had asked them so sweetly to watch the new movie with her. Seth's shoulders were shaking as he tried to contain his laughter.

"So romantic…" Alice sighed, a dreamy look on her face.

Seth lost it. His laughter bubbled out of his mouth before he could even try to contain it any longer. "Really Alice? Romantic!"

Marcus tried to suppress a grin but it was hard to do so. He always found it hard to do anything but smile when Seth was smiling or laughing.

Alice sat up and gave Seth the best glare she could manage. "What? You don't think that was romantic?"

"No," Seth stated, still chuckling.

"Oh? Then what do you consider romantic?" Alice rested her hands on her hips as she waited for his answer.

Seth barely had to pause before he answered. "The last time Marc came back from hunting he kissed me."

Alice rolled her eyes. "What's so romantic about that?"

"Not the kiss. Marc was holding me close but not in that oh my god, sex now way. He was kissing me gently, like he had all the time in the world, which he does, but he usually doesn't kiss me like that. During the kiss his hands slipped from my shoulders to my hips and then under my shirt so they rested on my back. That touch, though not pressing, told me that he had missed me, that he loved me, that he enjoyed just being with me. That's romantic."

Alice pouted, knowing he was right. Jasper's hand came and rested on the side of her neck and she smiled at him. A wave of love enveloped her and she sighed. "I guess love is different for everyone…"

Seth nodded. Marcus pulled him closer and Seth smiled at him. What they had was deep, it was beautiful but more than anything it was comfortable.

"What about 'ever ever after'?" Alice asked.

"I live in a castle in one of the most beautiful countries in the world with my perfect mate. What else do I need to create 'ever ever after'?" Seth questioned.

Alice smiled brilliantly. "Seth, you are wise beyond your years."