Summary: As the title says, twenty seconds for Ikarishipping, seventeen if you're a fast reader.

A/N: You know that Christmas song, "12 days of Christmas"? (That might or might not be the title of the song, but you all probably know it.) Well, I was inspired by that, so I was like, "Hey, why not make 20 seconds for Ikarishipping?" and I did.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

20 Seconds for Ikarishipping

Dawn was sitting on her bed in the Veilstone Pokemon Center watching her Pokemon eat their food when there was a knock on her door. Wondering who that could possibly be, Dawn pranced towards the door in a very merry manner. She yanked it open just in time to see a pair of lips crash onto hers.

Dawn's eyes shot open in shock as she stared at the closed eyes of the trainer in front of her, her Pokemon (even Mamoswine) had even stopped eating, the brown pellets of food dropped out of their gaping mouths as they processed the scene before them. Paul was kissing her, but before Dawn had any time to react, he broke the kiss and abruptly continued down the dim hall of the Pokemon Center until he disappeared from the dazed blunette's sight.

"Wha…? Did Paul just… kiss me…?"

And then Piplup promptly fainted into its half empty bowl of Pokemon food.

-The End-

A/N: Well that certainly was fun to write! And if I had to rank this on the randomness scale, I'd give it a good ol' 8.5.

Review please!