Jeremy sighed as he sat on top of the baseball dugout, blowing smoke out through his lips before taking another hit of the joint. Sure, maybe he was in fairly plain sight, but no one ever saw him anyways. That was the curse of the younger Gilbert – no matter what he did, no one saw him. He was, for all intense and purposes, invisible. His sister and Aunt, they were gorgeous, popular, and everyone saw them, but him? He was just the fucked up emo kid that no one looked at twice. Sometimes Jeremy liked that, times like right now, when he could smoke in public and not have to worry about getting caught, but sometimes, like when he watched Tyler Lockwood move fluidly down the hallways, the crowds parting for him, he wished that the popular jock could see him.

With a sigh, Jeremy heard the lunch bell. He quickly finished the joint, left it on the roof of the dugout and headed back inside. His urge to ditch class was overridden by the disappointment that he knew Jenna would feel when she found out. He hiked his backpack up over one shoulder and started walking to Chemistry. However, he was knocked down by someone barreling into his side, and he fell on his ass, books flying everywhere.

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there." The girl who had run into him didn't even look down at him, she just ran off to class, leaving him on his hands and knees to clean up his own mess.

"No one ever does," Jeremy murmured to himself as he began to pick up his things and shove them back into his backpack. He closed his eyes in frustration as the bell rang, making him late, again. Was there really a point of going now? Not when he was already so late…

"Hey, need a hand?" Jeremy looked up to see Tyler Lockwood bend down and start picking up his books.

"No," Jeremy snapped. "I'm fine." He grabbed the books away from Tyler, shaking his head. Maybe he wanted to be seen by the boy, but not like this, not like the pathetic damsel in distress.

"Hey, cool it, dude." Tyler rolled his eyes. "I saw Charlotte ram into you and not even think twice – god, what a bitch, right?"

"You'd be surprised by how frequently that happens to me," Jeremy muttered, shaking his head.

"You serious?" Tyler frowned.

"Um, yeah…" Jeremy nodded. "No one sees me, Ty, I'm not like you…I'm not tall and sexy and popular."

"Wait…" Tyler tilted his head to the side. "You think I'm sexy?"

"I guess so." Jeremy shrugged. "Everyone thinks your sexy."

"Yeah, I guess so, but I didn't realize that extended to you…I thought you hated me."

"I do." Jeremy nodded.

"Why is that?" Tyler asked, sitting on the ground.

"Because." Jeremy shrugged. "The mountains would move for you and they don't even see me." He looked down. "You don't even see me."

"I see you right now," Tyler said softly.

"Yeah, a pathetic lump on the ground trying to pick up all of his crap after someone ran right into me because no one ever sees me there. I'm invisible, Tyler, don't pretend that I'm not."

"You know, I think I might know a way to get people to see you." Tyler smiled gently.

"I don't need your charity," Jeremy snarled again, grabbing his backpack and standing up. He didn't want to hear anymore of this, so he headed off down the hallway. However, he found himself stopped by Tyler, who grabbed his shoulder, pushing him against a set of lockers.

"Not charity," Tyler whispered, biting his lip. "Everyone would see the first gay couple at Mystic Falls High." He leaned in so that his lips were right by Jeremy's ears. "I've seen the way you look at me, I just can't believe you haven't seen the way I look at you. You're not invisible, Jeremy, not to me." He kissed the boy's jaw, just below his ear. "You've never been invisible to me."