A/N: Sorry this one is so short guys, I'll try to make the next one longer

After school, Santana had driven Brittany back home and they had lounged around for a few hours watching tv and just enjoying one anothers company. All the while, Brittany pestered Santana, trying to get even the slightest hint at what the big surprise was. But Santana was insistant on keeping it a secret.

"Just one little hint, pweeze," Brittany said, pouting in the way she knew would make Santana break.

"Aw Brit you know that isn't fair!" Santana said, apart of her now wanting to spill the secret. But, she managed to compose herself. "Sorry B, but I really just wanna surprise you. You'll be glad you waited."

"Fine, no sweet lady kisses for you then." Brittany turned dramatically from Santana and crossed her arms.

"I can wait until later, I think I'll get some later though," Santana said with a smirk.

"Don't be so sure."

"Well... I guess we can leave now it's dark enough out," said Santana slyly.

"Why does it have to be dark Santana?" Brittany asked, sounding nervous.

Santana took the blonde's hand to comfort her, "Don't be scared, it's just because I'm such a hopeless romantic when it comes to you. Now, go upstairs and dress warm. Get your coat with the lining and then meet me at my truck okay?"

"Okay S," said Brittany quietly.

Brittany walked upstairs to get ready. Santana jumped up and grabbed her thick black pea coat. She patted the inside pocket to make sure the object she had placed in it was still there. When she found it, she left the house and went to the car. She peaked into the truck bed to make sure everything was in place.

"Cooler, check. Blankets, check." Santana mumbled to herself. Everything was there. Right on cue, Brittany bounded out of the house and over to Santana.

"Hop in B," Santana said, holding up the passenger door.

They both got into the car and Santana quickly pulled away and headed out on the dark road. After ten minutes of driving, they started seeing less housing and Brittany began to question Santana again.

"San, where are we going?"

"I told you Brits! It's a surprise, I promise you'll like it." Santana placed her hand on the blondes lap as she continued up the road in silence.

Soon, they began to ascend a hill just outside of town. At the top, the road ended abruptly and a dirt clearing took it's place. Santana stopped the truck in the middle of the clearing and hopped out. Brittany got out too and followed Santana to the rear of the truck. The latina pulled down the back of the truck, revealing a cozy set up in the truck bed.

She had covered the entire truck bed in thick blankets with pillows leaning against the cab. In the back left corner was a cooler.

"San... this is so sweet," said Brittany, wrapping her arms around Santana and pecking her on the lips.

"Told you I'd be getting sweet lady kisses in no time. Now climb in!" Santana offered the blonde her hand and helped her into the truck bed before climbing in after her.

Brittany laid back against the pillows and waited for Santana to join her. But first, Santana opened the cooler and pulled out bottle of vodka.

"I know this is your favorite. Don't worry it's not actually cold I just am using the cooler as storage not actually cooling stuff." Santana explained.

"Thanks S, you just know everything about me don't you?" Brittany said before taking a sip from the bottle.

"Of course I do B, I wouldn't have it any other way. Now, lie back so you can see why I picked this place to bring you."

They both lied back, passing the bottle between each other and taking small sips. Neither intended to get drunk, just a comfortable buzz. Looking up at the sky, Brittany understood why Santana had wanted to take her here. With no trees to block the sky, they had a full view of the sky and they were far enough away from town for the artificial lighting not to blot out the sky. Here, they could see the stars clearly. And they both were silenced by the beauty of it. They just laid there in one anothers arms, staring until they lost track of time.

After what was probably around thirty minutes, Santana propped herself up on her elbow and looked into Brittany's eyes. Even in the dark, the blonde's blue eyes twinkled and too Santana's breath away.

"Brittany, the reason I brought you here is that I wanna give you something."

Santana reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a box. She handed it to Brittany who opened it before looking back up at Santana. Without saying a word, the latina took one of the rings from the box and slid it onto Brittany's right hand.

"B, these are claddagh rings. I know neither of us are Irish but I still thought it would be cool, "Santana explained. "So if the heart is facing towards you, it means someone has your heart and you're loyal to them or something along those lines. And it's on your right hand 'cause it's not an engagement ring. It's just a symbol of how crazy in love we are and always will be."

Brittany pulled the other ring out of the box and put it on Santana.

"Santana," Brittany whispered. "I don't know what to say..."

"Don't say anything." Santana replied. Instead of speaking further, Santana lay back down and pulled Brittany into a long, passionate kiss. Before they knew it, their hands began to wander over each other. They both knew where this night was headed, and had no intention of trying to stop it.