"I hate my job." Ichigo mumbled, digging into a half a pint of ice cream with his feet rested up on his coffee table watching a documentary. Renji rubbed his temples with a clenched hand and stood up from the Bar stool he was sitting on. He moved his way over to the television, snatching the remote from the Strawberry's side and clicking the show off.

Ichigo dropped his spoon into the tub and swallowed his bite. "Hey, what the hell was that for?" He hollered, taking his feet from its comfortable position on the coffee table. Renji dropped the remote on the marble countertop and turned back to his younger roommate. "Maybe you wouldn't hate your job as much if you had a life after work every day!"

Ichigo narrowed his auburn eyes and stood up; tossing the almost empty tub of ice cream into the trash can next to his 3 year old couch. "I do have a life you nimrod!" He retorted, shoving Renji out of his way to the countertop. The red-head cursed under his breath and ignored the younger man's attitude. "I'm sorry, but lying around watching Television isn't a life!"

"Oh shut your trap, you idiot, it's enough for me." He answered, sitting down on the barstool and resting his chin on the cold marble countertop.

Renji could smell the boredom coming from Ichigo like an aroma. The red-head grumbled to himself and rubbed his forehead. His mind reeled on ideas to get Ichigo out of the house and out of his hair…

His mind make a spark and he smiled at his brilliant idea. "Say Ichigo…"

"Hungh?" The strawberry grumbled, his eyes slowly making its way to Renji who stood over the younger male. "How would you like to take a little trip?"

"To where…" Ichigo grumbled, sluggishly sitting up and letting his head roll back. The man's auburn just screamed boredom.

"It's a surprise." He piped in, grabbing Ichigo's wrist rather roughly and wrenching him from the barstool and to the front door.

Ichigo cursed under his breath, twisting his wrist from Renji's grip and glaring him down from head to toe. "I can walk, THANK YOU." He let the older man open the front door for him and nodded. "I hope you aren't taking me to a deserted part of town so you can molest me or something." He retorted as they walked to Renji's Black Toyota.

Renji closed the door and rolled his eyes, answering, "You only wish."


"This is where you brought me?" Ichigo mumbled from the passenger side of the car. Renji bit his lip, not wanting to go off on the ungrateful young adult. Ichigo sat back in his seat and chewed on his thumb. "A fucking coffee shop?"

Renji slammed his head rather hard onto his steering wheel, unlocking the passenger door and pointing to the shop. "I swear to God you get your sorry ass in there before I kick it so hard you'll WISH I molested you instead of this!"

Ichigo halted from opening the door and turned to him with a cocked eyebrow, "So…you wanted to?"

Renji rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance and slammed his elbow into Ichigo's thigh, "OUT!"

The strawberry burst into laughter, opening the car door and hopping out, "Okay okay, calm down!" He waited for his older roommate to get out and headed for the front door. He halted at the door, noticing why Renji wanted him here.

He could clearly see Orihime and Rukia nestled on one of the comfy sofas in the coffee shop, talking over a hot mocha.

He reeled on Renji before they entered the shop, his eyes narrowed, "Is the reason you brought me because Orihime is in there? You want us to be a couple don't you?" Renji only merely smiled and rubbed the back of his neck in response.

"Renji I don't like her like that! I've told you time and time again!" He snarled, stabbing his finger into the older male's chest. Renji grabbed Ichigo's hand roughly, shoving it to the side and growled under his breath. "Just get in there, get some coffee, AND SHUT THE HELL UP!"