Demi P.O.V
I look up at the posh white door, it's obviously made of glass and it slides, I'm on the top floor of a posh aparment building, I had to get the adress off google. I take a deep breath- hes family, hes my brother, he'll love to see me, I'm sure. I place to raspy knocks on the white glass and wait pationtly, tapping my foot. Eventualy the door slides open, revealing a tall blonde man with pale plue eyes and bushy eyebrows, he gives me the once over before biteing his lip, I shake my head a little.
"Hi, who are you?" The man asks, still looking at my bare stomach and most likely my tits which are sort of visible through this top.
"Is James here?" I ask, not smileing at all, I pobably look like some kind of goth, but I'm not- I'm walking art.
"Yeah, who are you again? I didn't catch you're name." He asks, I role my eyes pushing past him.
"I didn't tell you my name." I mutter, wandering through the almost completely white apartment, it's very big for one guy. "You always did love the colour white didn't you?" I chuckle, looking over at my brother who is sat facing the window wit his glasses on, staring at a blank peace of paper. "If you're looking for song lyrics, you're screwed, that never was you're tallent James." His head snaps up to the sound of his name.
"Who the fuck let you in?" He barks, throwing his pad of paper on the white sofa beside him.
"Aw are you not happy to see me James? I thought after all this time you'd atleast welcome me in, offer me a cup of tea? Coffee if I'm lucky." I fake a smile for him before putting my bag on the sofa and sitting down.
"You're not staying here Demi, you need to leave." He says, picking up my bag and shoving it towards me. I look down, tears forming in my eyes.
"Please James, I don't even know me anymore- I'm so scared. I just need to crash here for a few days, clear m head a little then I'll stay out of you're life forever, I promise- if thats what you want, I'm gone." I whisper before looking over to him, he shakes his head, bringing his hand to his mouth and taking a deep breath.
"I can't believe I'm doing this, you can crash in the spare room for a few days, you pay you're way whilst you're here, I know you're not broke." He mutters, a tear roles down my cheek. "So what made you get kicked out of dream world then?" He asks, taking a sip of his coffee, black with one sugar, like always.
"I kind of ran away from it actually." I sigh, shoving my hair into a pony tale.
"Why?" He frowns, shouting over to the other man to make another coffee, white with three sugars.
"Because I'm an idiot, because I'm pretending to be this big supperstar but really I'm just a kid who's terified of herself." I whisper, looking out through the lass walls, which show the busy streats of newyork.
"You're rooms over there." He points over to a door, who'd of guessed, it's white.

James P.O.V
I run my finger through my hair, letting out a deep sigh as I hear her bedroom door slam. "Whats up man?" I hear a rough voice call as Carlos comes into the room, logan by his side.

"Just my.. oh she hasn't!" I groan out as I hear the shower switch back out.

"okay for one there is a taked chick in my bedroom, too she just kissed me. I font even care, she is the finest peace of ass I have ever seen."

"and she's my sister." I grimace thinking about the two of them together. "and she's his sister." He smirks, but his face drops when if realises what he just said.

"You have I sister?" Carlos asks, I nod. "You rice you where an only child." if scolds me, it wasn't I lie, I am.

"My family disowned her." A few confused faces show up across from me "demi, she..."

"Didn't act how a diamond should, I loved showing of my body, talking drugs, sleeping around amongst other stuff." Demi whispers as she enters the room, her hair damp and shorter than before. Had she cut it? "I just came in to give you these." she hands us all white tickets. "I heard you didn't get an invite so you can come as my guests."

"Thats great really, thanks Demi."