I do not own Glee... This is sort of a short and weird chapter because I couldn't figure out how to introduce the new character at first lol... review if you want, thanks for reading.

Chapter 1

Quinn! Get over here." Coach Sylvester called over the team captain.

"Yes coach?"

"That new girl, Adriana Reed. I want her as a Cheerio. She is from New York City and I've done my homework. She was on a National Champion Dance Team. I've already asked her and she refused. I think she just needs to see how amazing it will be." Quinn looked uncertain.

"But, if she doesn't want to…"

"I don't pay you for buts!" Sylvester interrupted.

"Umm… Coach… you don't pay me."

"Just convince her."

"Okay." Quinn wandered away. How was she going to convince someone who doesn't want to be a Cheerio to do exactly that, be a Cheerio. She spotted the new girl standing by a locker by herself and decided to just be blunt. "Hi, you're name is Adriana right?" Quinn plastered on a smile. Adriana looked up at the uniformed girl.

"I already told you're coach that I don't want to be a Cheerio. All I want is to be left alone." She looked back down at the book she was reading. "We're done now." Quinn didn't know whether to be angry for the attitude or to just walk away. She stood there a moment too long and Adriana looked up once more. "Are you're feet glued to the ground? I said leave me alone!" She said a bit louder. Quinn turned and walked away. She didn't want to start anything with her. She seemed to be someone she didn't want to mess with. As she walked away Adriana began reading again.

"She doesn't want to join." Quinn sat at her coach's desk.

"I told you to convince her."

"Coach Sylvester… she won't be convinced." Coach Sylvester seemed to think for a moment.

"Becky!" She said loudly and the short blonde Becky came inside.

"Yes, Coach."

"Bring me Santana."

"Okay." After Becky left the two sat in silence waiting. Once Santana was inside Coach Sylvester dismissed Quinn.

"Thank you Becky." Becky smiled at her coach and walked out. "Santana, you have an attitude, and I want to make use of it. The new girl, Adriana Reed is a National Dance Champion, and I want her to be a Cheerio. She has turned me and Quinn down. I want you to convince her, by any means necessary."

"Okay then, but it sounds like she really doesn't want to."

"Santana please, everyone wants to be a Cheerio." Santana stood and walked out of the office. How was she supposed to convince the girl? She spotted the girl leaving the cafeteria and decided to follow her. She followed her outside and behind the bleachers.

"You know, smoking is bad for you." Santana walked up next to her. Adriana took a drag from her cigarette.

"I already told you're friend, I don't want to join you're squad. I don't care that you're champions and I don't care about being popular." She blew smoke out of her mouth after she finished speaking.

"Fair enough, but does that mean I can't even talk to you?"

"You can do whatever you want." Santana took her cigarette and flicked it away. When Adriana tried to reach for it, her sleeve pushed up a bit and revealed some cuts. Santana grabbed her arm and pushed her sleeve up to see more cuts. Adriana pulled her arm back quickly.

"You know, when I said you could do whatever you wanted, I didn't really mean anything."

"What happened?" Santana interrupted.

"It's nothing, I have to get to class." She turned and started walking back to the school as Santana followed.

"Can we talk again sometime?"

"Whatever." Santana watched her walk away and made a decision. She was going to go talk to Ms. Pillsbury about the new girl.