A woman of about 50 sipped her coffee. She reached for the paper, cobalt blue eyes flicking over the page's headline. She smiled at what she read:


The device has been modified again- and can now use three portals. This has been a triumph of Aperture's that left Black Mesa in the dust. Amazingly headed by only two persons, with no other staff in the building, Aperture has been making history in science for more than 10 years now…"

A child of around 6 burst into the room, happily yelling "Gramma! Gramma! Was Mommy in the newspaper again today?" She wore an expression of extreme excitement- after all, who wouldn't, if their mother was one of the two greatest names in science? The woman laughed.

"Yes, yes she was. It really is amazing what your mother and your aunt manage to do together. Hey, Terra, what do you say we go visit them today?"

"REALLY? COOL!" Terra bolted to her room to get dressed. Chell laughed again. Terra always looked so excited to visit her mother. My daughter, Raiados… Chell was so proud of her Raiados, she could burst. Heh, who'd have thought that Raiados and GLaDOS would finally create the triple portal device… even after She said it was impossible. Well, there's Aperture for ya, making the impossible possible. Those two make the greatest team… She was snapped out of her thoughts by Terra coming back out of her bedroom, dressed and ready to go. "Now?" she asked, shivering with anticipation.

"Yes." Said Chell.

"Let's return to Aperture."