An: I've only read the book's The Sliver Chair and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but I've seen the movie's. Plus am kind of obsessed with Narnia and its character's.
All I'm saying is if some of it doesn't make sense well, please forgive me.
Emma lives with here three sisters' (Grace, Charlotte, and Helen), her mother (Margret) who dies in this chapter, and her little brother (Arthur) who is deaf.
The point of the prologue is for you to understand how different she and Edmund are and yet how similar they can also be. Also to understand most of the story you need to know the background.
This chapter is very long so if you get bored please just tell me in the reviews and I'll shorten the upcoming one's.
Emma's P.o.V-
"We're back!" I said as I opened the door to our hut. I set the rabbit I had shot and Grace's dead chicken on the table while Grace brought in our bows and arrows. Charlotte who was the oldest out of all of us took the turkey and looked at Grace, she cringed.
"Did you fall down the town well or had a fight with a centaur?" she asked Grace who just raised her hands up in the air.
"Who do you think wrestled that chicken?" Grace asked back pointing at the chicken. Charlotte just shocked her head and went back into the kitchen. "Tell me is it so hard to believe that I killed that chicken?"
I looked at Grace and sighed her black wavy hair was in a tangled miss and her blue eyes where wide open... "Charlotte is just playing around with you Grace." I told her.
She rolled her eyes and left taking her arrows with her. I hid the chuckle that was escaping my mouth and put my bow and arrow away. When I straighten up I heard Helen's voice coming from the back of the hut. At the back of our hut was the infirmary where they we're taking care of Ma. I sucked in a breath as I heard what she was saying.
"Ma we're doing everything we can" she said in a low voice. I moved closer to the infirmary, knowing they wouldn't see me because there was cloth that hanged at the entrance that divided it from the rest of the hut.
"I know but …" I heard Ma pause. "I need you to realize that if I don't make it Charlotte and you will have to take care of the family."
"I know Ma but you will make it." Helen insisted but I heard her voice quiver.
I closed my eyes Ma had always been taking care of us. When dad died about eight years ago she completely devoted her life to us. She didn't give up on Arthur are brother who's deaf, while most people who have a death child give the child away. Ma kept Arthur and found a doctor that taught us a way to communicate with us threw are hands (the doctor called it sign language). Life without Ma, we would be lost and hurt without parents.
"Let's hope child." Ma voice took me out of my trance.
"You have to trust Aslan he will help us out." Helen told her.
I shook my head she stilled believed Aslan would help us. After the coronation Aslan disappeared, but Queen Lucy still insisted we believe in him and that he will return. Am sure if I was living in a castle and ruled Narnia I would believe in Aslan too.
"What are you doing?" I looked up at Arthur. Arthur can hear a little, he can also talk. It's just he talks slow since he can't hear his own words clearly and sometimes he mispronounces them. I put a finger on my lips; he looked at me confused and frowned. I moved closer to him and noticed that his cloth where full of dirt.
"Why aren't you taking care of the crops?" I signed. He rolled his eyes and sign back.
"I can't spend my whole life taking care of crops!" He paused to see if I understood, I just gave him and amused look. "I did it this morning and don't change the subject. What are you doing?"
He finished signing and raised an eyebrow at me. I just smiled at him and signed back.
"What do you mean?" He chuckled at me.
I walked towards the table and noticed that there was a basket of apple's. So he really did take care of the crops the apple's where red and shinny. Reached to take and apple that was at the top of the basket. Just when my hand grabs it Arthur slapped my hand away and took the apple from my hands.
"I just picked those!" He told me placing at back at the top of the basket. He was always so protective and passionate about his crops, he reminded me so much of dad. I smiled and ruffled his brown hair, his green eyes turned towards me. I looked at him and at the apple then back at him. It took a moment before he smiled and gave me the apple back.
"Thanks." I told him and took a bite of it, as he took one for himself.
When dinner time came around we all sat at the table and quietly eat the chicken and soup Charlotte had made earlier that day. Helen was not eating she was just staring at her food; I looked at Grace who gave me a weak smile. I turned back to my food but didn't eat I just played with it. I looked in front of me at Charlotte her hazel eyes caught mine's but they looked away quickly.
I avoided looking at Arthur; I knew that would make me lose it. Some more time passed until Helen put her fork down abruptly, we all looked at her. She looked at us her eyes were full of tears, she opened her mouth but nothing came out. Her head went down and I saw her take a breath.
"I can't save her." She quietly told us. I sucked in a breath, there was no sound.
"Why not?" Charlotte asked her. Helen looked at Charlotte her eyes where full of tears.
"I don't know what to do Charlotte. I tried everything, but it just won't work. I've been asking Aslan for mouth's now and nothings happening and I just don't know why!" She said quickly breaking out in tears she put her head in her hands, her blonde curly hair falling all around her face hiding her.
Arthur tugged at my arm, I looked at him. "I don't understand what she said?" He told me.
I looked at him, I don't want to tell him that mothers going to die and that we couldn't do anything about it. I shook my head and looked away from him. Somebody had to tell him, it's just not going to be me. I had already told him about dad when he was five and I can't forget how terrible that was. To see him cry and beg for it not to be true.
I looked up at Charlotte she was the oldest and in charge, she should do it. Charlotte found me looking at her and shook her head.
"I won't do it again." I told her. I saw from the corner of my eye Arthur start to understand and look at Charlotte. She looked back at him and took a breath.
"Helen can't save mom." Charlotte told him, I could see from her eye that's all she could say. Arthur looked at me just as Helen said once again.
"I can't believe Aslan won't help us…" We all turned towards her.
"Aslan?" Arthur asked as if she was crazy and shouted. "All this time you've been waiting for him?"
"Aslan won't listen to us, his to busy helping out those so called Queen and Kings!" Grace told her furious." I mean am no fan of the White Queen but at least she…"
"GRACE!" Charlotte shouted, Grace just raised an eyebrow and looked at all of us.
"What you think am scared to say it." Grace asked.
"No it's not a matter of being scared, it's a matter of respect!" Charlotte shouted at her.
"What respect if they don't treat us with respect then why should we?" Grace shouted back at her.
"Aslan choose them for a reason." Helen told Grace.
"You still are talking about that stupid lion?" Grace said giving an amused laugh. I heard a sniffle and looked to see Arthur crying.
"Guy's that's enough!" I told them looking at Arthur.
"No! No! He needs to know that Aslan has never helped us. Oh and those Kings and Queens there traitors! Especially that king Edmund he betrayed them for the White Queen. " Grace shouted at me.
"He didn't betray them, he was set up." I told her calmly, I am no fan of the Kings and Queen's but there still human and we all make mistakes.
"Yeah all because he got a little crush!"Grace shouted at me.
"You shouldn't talk like that about the Kings and Queens, there doing there best to help us. And With Aslan's help…" Helen stared saying
"There you go with Aslan again. When will you realize that he doesn't care!" Grace told Helen. Helen looked like she was struggling and then out of no where she slapped Grace. I gasped as Grace stumbled back her hand flying to the spot where Helen had hit her. She looked at Helen with tears in her eyes.
"I hate you." Grace told Helen.
Just then Arthur threw his plate across the room and ran to his bed. I tried to get a hold of him but he just pushed me off. Charlotte who was next to me looked at the food on the floor and then broke down crying. Grace just moved to the far end of the hut still covering the spot where she was slapped.
"Can't we talk about this some other time?" I asked
"What other time Emma mom won't last another week." Helen told me. This just made Charlotte cry even harder then she already was.
"How did this happen?" Charlotte asked turning to us.
"Ask Aslan that." Grace said as she went off to bed also.
I looked at Charlotte who was starting to clean up the mess on the floor I felt a tear fall from my eyes. My family is falling apart, my other is dyeing, and I couldn't do anything about it. I heard Helen walk away but didn't look up I just stood there allowing myself to go numb.
"Go to bed Emma." Charlotte told me silently.
Once I reached my bed I notice Arthur was sleeping on it, I smiled and settled in to.
"Promise me you won't leave me." I heard him say, I turned to him he was watching me.
"I won't." I told him holding his hand, he snuggled into me. I put my arms around him and started singing a lullaby that mom taught me when I was little.
"Why don't we go see her?" I heard Arthur say. So we went to see mom she was laying in bed looking around when we walked in.
"Hey, long time since you guy's have come visit me." She told us once we had entered. She was looking weak but other than that beautiful as always.
"We've been busy." Arthur told her to which mom nodded her head to.
"We miss you." I told her she looked at me and I could see it in her eyes she knew she was dying.
"I've missed you to, but soon I'll be back on my feet." She told me.
"Arthur wanted to talk to you." I told her back she nodded.
"Yeah we've already talked a few days ago." She told me, I nodded remembering to nights ago when she had talk to me about her illness. She has kind of been telling all of us little by little.
"I'll leave you two to talk." I told her, she smiled and looked at Arthur. I started to walk out wanting to get out of there.
"Emma!" I heard her say I walked back.
"Yes?" I asked her.
"I love you." She told me. I held a breath and smiled.
"I love you to Ma." I told her and give her a kiss on the head.
"Mom?" My eyes shot open, sunlight blinded me for a second. Once I got my eyesight back the first thing I notice was that Arthur wasn't next to me. I stood up and woke Charlotte who's bed was next to mine's in the process.
"Mom wake up." I heard a boy's voice but this time it was louder. My heart froze, I didn't move or breathe. I glanced at Charlotte, she also froze but only she had her eyes closed.
I shook my head Helen had said a week ,I tried to convince myself.
"It can't be." I whispered to Charlotte.
Charlotte shook her head standing up slowly
"Mom wake up! PLEASE! MOM!" I walked out of the room and into the infirmary, there he was. Arthur was kneeling next to Ma shaking her.
"MOM WAKE UP!" He screamed at her crying. He notices I was in the room and looked at mom and then me.
"I don't know what happened Emma! I was talking to her at night and she told me she had to sleep…" He said looking at her with more tears falling. I heard foot steps behind me and I knew that the other's girls where her. Helen who was next to me, gasped while Grace turned away.
"Emma go with Arthur." I heard Charlotte whispered to me.
I started walking towards Arthur he looked back up at me and then the others.
"Now she won't wake up!" Arthur shouted at us.
I felt my heart break Arthur had to watch his mother die and I wasn't there for him. He saw me coming towards and shook his head.
"No." He told me silently moving away from me.
"Arthur please." Was all I could manage to say without breaking out in tears.
"Get away. She isn't died." He told me. I reached him put my arms around him, but he pushed me back.
"NO!" He shouted at me and looked at Helen. "Tell her that she's not died Helen. TELL HER!" Arthur shouted at Helen.
I looked at Helen she just stood there not moving , Grace slowly faced mom again and then moved to a wall to lean on.
"Go." Charlotte told Helen. Helen looked at Charlotte and slowly started walking towards mom .
She stopped in front of mom and looked at me, I just looked at her and back at mom. Helen slowly took mom's hand and checked mom's pulse; we all held are breathe and waited. I saw her shake her head and look back at all of us.
"She's gone." Helen said her voice breaking at the end.
I started crying and backed up against a wall. The feeling of dizziness taking over me, I held to the wall. How could she just have died, one moment she was here the next she was gone.
"NO! She can't be..." Arthur said turning to me." She can't be Emma, she isn't. She just can't" He told me breaking down in tears; I shook my head and moved towards him. I gently hugged him to which hethis time accepted my hug.
I looked at Mom she was turning pale, life was living her. Grace came towards me and held my hand as Helen covered Mom with the bed sheets.
Charlotte and Helen hugged each other but Charlotte wasn't crying. I could see she wanted to but she didn't allow herself.
"We're on are own now." I heard her say.