Authors Note: I want to go and thank EVERYONE who has reviewed this story so far. You guys are the ones who keep me going and improving my writing skills. Please, if you have any suggestions for this story, do tell. :) Come on, don't be shy!

As I get further into this story, I feel more pressure... I feel as though every chapter has to be better and better than the one before, which is starting to stress me out. So I think I am going to have to make a change in the way I write the chapters. Normally I write a chapter and upload it all within one day. I'm thinking I'm going to start writing it one day, and the next TWO days will be for editing and adding details. How do you guys write your stories?

Anywho, chapter 4!

P.S. Can someone tell me how to make a "Break" in the page, so I don't have to use ~`O`~?


As lunch time came around, I realized many things about the students here at Kadic.

They are stuck-up, snotty, and rude.

They have everything they could ever ask for and more.

They are ungrateful.

I never want to be anything like them.

If I'm not careful, I will become one.

So when I came to the cafeteria and saw the gourmet meal planned in front of us, I was not the least bit shy to eat my homemade lunch. I reached into my school bag and wrapped my fingers around the bento box my mom had packed me, opened it up, and inhaled the scent of home. I looked around the room and sat by myself at an empty table. Placed neatly inside of my lunch was a pair of chopsticks that I easily broke in two. I was so hungry after this crazy day of school that I picked up a large amount of rice, shoving it into my mouth. At this moment, I didn't care who saw me eating like a pig. I was just happy to be out of class and anticipated the feeling of a full belly. I swallowed the rice and was about to take a bite out of the steamed vegetables, when a voice stopped me.

"What in God's name are you DOING?"

I looked up from my food, dreading the faces I was about to see. In front of me stood Sissy and her "Crew" consisting of Emily, Heidi, and of course, herself.

"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed. Didn't these girls have something better to do than talk to the new girl?

"Don't you see that buffet of food over there?" Emily said, gesturing to the professional chefs that had cooked the school its meal. I looked at the buffet, and then back at the Barbies who were standing by my table. I didn't want to answer, but I knew I had to.

"Yea, so?" I must have said something wrong because Emily's face scrunched into a horribly ugly shape. She put her fist on the table and then bent lower till she was near my face.

"They cooked that for you. What are you doing eating this filthy garbage? If this is what you wanted to eat you should have stayed at home." Heidi snickered from where she stood and Emily looked quite pleased with herself. I didn't want to start any drama, just like I hadn't before when they confronted me, so I simply shrugged my shoulders and went back to eating. This only seemed to anger the girls further. This time, Sissy spoke.

"What? Is our food not good enough? Are you too good for this? This meal costs more than the home you live in! Why, it's even worth more than you. So don't eat it, Yumi. We don't want a disgrace like you to taint our school anymore than you already have. Come on, girls." Sissy whirled herself around, and pranced away, her clones right behind her. I opened my mouth to say something back, but no words came out. I glanced around the cafeteria, and saw that half the students were looking at me, waiting for what I was going to do next. I looked down at my food, and picked up some rice. I stared at it for a second before popping it into my mouth. There was no way I was going to let those girls ruin my appetite.

"E-excuse me..." I looked up again to see a girl with medium brown hair with her plate of food. "May I sit with you?"

I looked her up and down. She looked friendly enough so I said yes and together we ate our lunch.

Once lunch was over, Naomi and I (the girl I sat with) walked outside for a while. We talked and laughed for a bit, before it was time for our next class. She was the first person to be nice to me on my first day of school, and I soon felt very comfortable with her. Maybe I could make a friend, though I shall never forget my best friend back home. I walked to my next class by myself, and pondered everything that had happened in the last week or so. I saved a life, got accepted into the richest school in France, and possibly made a friend. Was I happy about all of this?

Not really.

I know I may seem ungrateful, but I truly detest being at this school with all these snobs. From that stupid boy who thinks he can do whatever he wants, to the preps that walk right over everyone. Naomi seems to be the only person here whose head is not up in the clouds. Maybe my stay here won't be so bad if I have her. Besides, she can be quite funny.

I came to my next class and reached my hand to the cold door handle. As I opened it and walked in, I immediately brightened. Naomi was here! She was sitting at a desk in the back, writing something down before class started. She looked up from her paper, and once she saw me she smiled. Naomi waved her arm above her head and gestured for me to sit down next to her. Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be so bad after all.


With school over, I decided to go to a new place I saw on my way Kadic this morning. There was an old abandoned three story building that stood in the middle of the older part of the city. I parked my bike along the side of the building and started climbing up to the roof from the stairs outside. As I made my way up, I found I could see so much from up here! The city was quiet down below. Just looking around at the view made me feel peaceful, but I just couldn't help but think back at what had happened today.

"You stupid, self-centered jerks!" I yelled to no specific person. "How dare you act as if you are the King of France! How dare you treat your fellow classmates as filth!" I began to release all my emotions to the sky above me. "And you, Willem, are the worst of all. I will see to it that you learn a lesson." I said that last part quieter, to myself.

"It's William." I turned around, stunned by the voice behind me. As I turned, I became face to face with the boy from earlier, the one who played the violin.

"What?" I asked him.

"If you are going to yell his name, atleast yell it correctly. His name is William."

"Oh, sorry." How lame of me was that? "What are you doing up here?"

"I think I should be asking you that." The boy said. "I come here to think, it's nice and quiet. You're Wondergirl, aren't you? I'm Ulrich."

I was going to tell him my real name, but he was already turning to leave down the stairs I had come up. He put his foot on the first step and was about to climb down when he looked back up at me.

"Oh, and you're right. William isn't the King of France. His father is."


Oh how mean of me to end it there! I was going to write more but the "O" button on my laptop keeps getting stuck so I have to push the O really hard and it's getting annoying. Anyway, a new chapter soon! How did you guys like this chapter? Better or worse than the other ones? R&R