okay I just have to say I am SUPER SORRY for those who are starting to read this story!

See as I was adding a new chapter I accidentally deleted the first chapter so I'm going to rewrite it from memory best as I can!

So hopefully I remember everything and you don't get confused! SO SORRY!...on the up side people really like this story so the only problem really is this first chapter... ^_^'

Yuu slid her hand against the wall as she walked through the maze known as Ouran. She was trying to find her brother's club room, the Black Magic club, and currently she was lost. She kept walking and soon found her hand on a handle.

"Well I guess I might as well give it a shot!"

Yuu opened the door and walked inside with a smile plastered onto her face, like usual. However, when she walked in she felt things fly into her hair and she started to freak out.

"ACK! What are these things? They're attacking me!"

Seven boys who were moments before having a meeting and quickly put together a greeting for the girl who just walked in, were now staring at said girl with confusion. The shortest one bounded over to the girl and gave her shirt a light tug and smiled up at her, now that she finally calmed down.

"Hi! My name is Honey and this is Usa-chan! Do you want to hold Usa-chan?"

"You sound adorable...and short."

Yuu moved her hand in front of her till she brushed against the top of Honey's head.

"Ha! You are short!"

A boy in glasses was writing in his book and looked up at the girl.

"Are you the sister of Ryuu Tsukino?"

"Twin sister to be exact!"

Just then a very tired Ryuu came through the doors, out of breath.

"Yuu, there you are! Mom and dad said you left the house without their permission again. We've got to go home now." He grabbed his sister hand and started to walk out the door. He waved his hand in the air in a form of apology. "Sorry if my sister caused any problems."

"Wait. Ryuu one of them sounded familiar."

Ryuu and a host connected eyes and both frowning slightly.

"Come on Yuu let's go home."

"Aw please Ryuu?" She wrapped her arms around his middle and rested her head on his shoulder and sounded like she was depressed. "I just wanted to meet new people since I'm kept locked up in the house all day but if you don't want me to I'll understand..."

Ryuu rolled his eyes.

"Make it quick."

Yuu smiled and turned around and walked forward, slowly trying to find the host that sounded familiar to her when her brother came to her side and brought her closer to said host. Once Yuu was standing in front of the boy in glasses she smiled up at him.

"Hi my name is Yuu Tsukino and I would like to feel your face."

All the other hosts stood shocked at her words but the boy in glasses sighed.

"Very well."

Yuu started to trace his face when her hand bumped into his glasses.

"Oops! Well we don't want these to fall off!"

Yuu took off his glasses and put them on herself and continued tracing his face. After what seemed the hundredeth time she traced his mouth, Yuu frowned.

"Alright, why won't you smile Mr. Grumpy!"

"Maybe its because some random girl is feeling his face." Said a red headed boy.

"Oh just be quiet!"

Yuu pointed a finger at the boy who spoke and said boy sweat dropped as to how far her hand was away from its intended target. The girl turned back to the other boy and handed him back his glasses.

"Sorry I just can't remember you. I swear I have heard your voice before!"

Suddenly a blonde boy stood next to Yuu.

"My dear, Kyoya's looks are hard to forget but is nothing compared to your incredible beauty. You shouldn't wear your hair in such a fashion for it doesn't allow us to see the beauty that are your eyes!"

Ryuu felt sick watching his sister getting swooned by a host and glared at the boy as he tried to push Yuu's bangs back.

"Tamaki just leave her alone!"

"Ryuu its alright. I may as well show them so they can understand."

Yuu pushed back her bangs and when she heard the collective gasp throughout the room she let them fall back into place.

"As you can see I'm blind. Hence all the face touching but I could have sworn I've heard your voice somewhere before!"

"I believe you have. My family runs the hospital your family used."

"Oh yeah that's right!"

Tamaki was still looking at Yuu.

"Princess how did you lose your sight?"

"Well I was going into surgery for my brain when-"

Ryuu glared at Kyoya. "When your doctor made one wrong cut and your family is the reason she can't see!"

Yuu took one of her brother's hand.

"Ryuu calm down. It wasn't his fault."

"Come on Yuu. We're going home."

Right before Ryuu closed the door he sent one last glare towards Kyoya. Tamaki stared at his best friend for a while before finally speaking.

"Kyoya? Is that all true?"

Kyoya sighed and adjusted his glasses.

"Unfortunately is it. The day of her operation we found out that the doctor who would be preforming the surgery had started a drug dealing business on the side. A few of the nurses had noticed he was acting strange when he walked in but by the time we realized he was high we were too late. He already made the cut and she lost her sight."

Kyoya continued staring at the door, thinking about Yuu's face and how he was amazed, even though he wouldn't show it, about how after all that she was still able to smile.

Okay so I think I rewrote it pretty well...sorry about all that I feel horrible hopefully it won't be a problem!

Thanks for reading though! :D :D