DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight or the Characters associated with Twilight. All owned by Stephenie Meyer. Just playing around with the characters.

AN: I will try and post every other day and send previews of the next chapter when responding to reviews.

So, I hope you enjoy.

Rated M for Language and Drug Use.

The Unknown Being


Edward left Bella two years ago, not knowing she was pregnant with his child. Bella left forks because she could not handle the shame she would face of being pregnant at the age of seventeen. As a high school drop out with a two-year-old daughter, Bella does what she has to do to survive. When The Cullen's show up in the same town as Bella, what well they think of her and the child they never even knew about.

Chapter One


I was coming down from my high; my night was over. The dressing room was almost empty as I was the last dancer to perform. I hated that my life ended up this way, but would not change it for the world. Changing it would mean loosing the best thing that has ever happened to me since the day he left. My little girl, Payton Marie Swan, is the light of my life and the reason I'm still living.

I have had many jobs these past two years, but none of them gave me enough to support my little girl and myself. I struggled a bit at first, usually only having enough money to give her things while I went without. It was something I was happy to do, she did not ask to be in this position, I was the one that chose to leave everything I have ever known and set out on my own. It was about ten months ago, when I got up enough nerve to walk into this adult entertainment club that were looking for dancers, I was hired on the spot without even dancing for anyone because they said I had the look that would make the men go wild. I was just excited because I new that if I played my cards right, I would make enough money to provide a decent life for my little girl.

The first night I was set to go on, I almost ran off and was never going to look back, but when one of the other dancers gave me a couple of pills and said "take these, they will do wonders for you," all my worries just seemed to melt away. Little did I now at the time that those little pills would only push me further into a world I never thought I would get into. Little by little I started to drift into stronger drugs, cocaine being my drug of choice. But it was only a work thing, I never brought it around my house and I never let my little girl see that way I acted when I was using.

I was walking out from the club with three hundred dollars in my pocket, it was nearing two am in the morning and I was dead tired, one of the many side affects of using. My car was nothing special, but it got me from point A to point B numerous times, it was my little sanctuary when I was not at home. It was the place where I would come down from the night's activities before I walked through my door. It is where I would still think about him, and they way he left me in the woods with nothing to remember him by. It was a place I would get all the emotions I had to let go before seeing my baby girl.

The lights were still in my apartment by the time I got home, I just hoped that my little girl was sleeping and not up watching television with the babysitter. My place was cleaned, one of the reasons I loved this babysitter. As I closed the door she came walking around the corner with her things in her hands. She looked extremely tired.

"Hey Jasmine, Was she all right tonight?" I asked her. Some times my little girl did not always have the best time trying to fall asleep; she would usually wake up screaming from her nightmares.

"She was perfect, not a single problem." She said as she walked by me. We said out goodbyes and I made my way to my room, it was small, but it was something I could call my own and I was proud of it. It was calling my name, but before I could even think about lying down, I had to wash this filth off of me. It was relaxing to say the least, but I was dead tired and climbed in my bed. I do not know how long I had been lying there until there was a small knock on my door. I could see the light shine through as the door creaked open and could see it disappear as the door was being closed. Light footsteps were making there way around to the side of the bed I was on.

"Mommy," a little sweet voice called out.

"Yes baby," I said and she moved closer to the bed.

"I had a bad dream, and I couldn't get back to sleep, can I s-sleep with you." She asked in the same small voice as before, a voice I could never say NO to.

"Of course my little girl, climb on up." And she did as she was told. She snuggled into my side after giving me kiss on the cheek.

"I love you mommy," and a tear escaped from my eye. No matter how many times she said it, it was the best thing I have ever heard in my life.

"I love you too sweetie, now lets get to bed." I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before we both slipped into darkness.

That night I dreamed what I dream every single night. My mind replays the specific day in the woods that my loved left me. Every night, it starts and ends the same way; the only thing that changes is the scenery. His words flow through my mind and open the whole in my chest a little wider.

"My family and myself are leaving forks…"

"I'm tired of controlling myself, I need to be somewhere were I can be me…"

"I don't want you…"

"You are NO good for me…"

The ringing of the phone brought me from my sleep, I really did not feel like getting up so I let it go straight to the machine. The voice that came through the phone shocked me, He was one of the people I regretted leaving without even a goodbye.

"Bella honey…please let this be you. I have been looking for you since you left. I just need to know that you're OK, that you're sa…please just give me a call. I love you Bella; I miss you so much. Please come home…Dad."

Hearing his voice brought tears to my eyes. I have fought with myself over this for the past couple of months. Really, what would it hurt to give him a call, to talk to him for a little bit and allow him the benefit of knowing that I am all right. But I couldn't do that, I couldn't do that because I know I would cave and tell him everything that I have been doing and to hear the disappointment in his voice was the one things that would end me all together. So NO, I won't give him a call little Bella was nowhere to be found and I knew he would not approve of the new version.

"Momma…Momma…" My little girl waked me; my eyelids fluttered open and landed on the alarm clock. It was barely 7 o'clock in the morning, I internally groaned, but put on my best poker face and turned to Payton.

"And what are you doing up so early young lady." I asked in a stern voice, which was met by a high-pitched giggle.

"But mommy, I's hungry," pouting while she said this. I quickly grabbed her up and made my way to the kitchen. I was definitely not a morning person, but when having a toddler running around, you have to be. We spent the rest of the day doing things Payton wanted to do, which consisted of coloring, watching the Disney channel and playing dress-up, although she did not have many things to dress up in. But all in all, we both had a blast.

It was nearing time for me to leave for work and Jasmine was do to arrive any second. I was preparing myself for another long night at work. Another night of dancing away my troubles and making the most out of my situation. Making the money I needed to provide for my child.

It was a quarter to eight when I pulled into the parking lot and the place was already starting to fill up, the usual crowd were here already judging by the cars and probably have been for some time. That was the one good thing about a job like this, if your liked, they keep coming back for more; the more they came back, the better the tips and the better the tips, the better I felt and the harder I pushed myself to give the best performance ever. I made my way to the side door, where Robert was standing waiting for the dancers to arrive.

"Good evening Ms. Swan. How have you been doing" He said in a deep voice. Robert was truly one of a kind, a person you could trust with your life and one whom would take a bullet for you as well.

"I'm fine Robbie, it's just another night in the life of Bella Swan." I gave him a little one armed hug and made my way into the building, not before having him wish me luck for the night.

The dressing room was already destroyed, clothes were thrown everywhere, make-up was spilt on the tables and cigarette smoke was filling the room. This was something I had to get accustomed too, I was one usually for keeping things clean, but nothing could help this mess. I could hear the other females talking about what they made already and squealing like little schoolgirls discussing what they would buy next.

Thankfully there was one station left open and I quickly made my way over to it. I immediately started stripping off my clothes, leaving only my bra and panties on. This was my usual routine before I applied my makeup, figuring that it would be quicker to change into my costume when the time was needed. Make-up was caked on my face, just the way the men loved it, the more the better, well in their eyes at least.

I was due on in fifteen minutes and I was already getting my syringes out of my purse, already filled with my drug of choice. Every night before I went out on stage or shot up, I think about where I would have been if everything worked out like I wanted it to. Would I be a vampire by now, would I be Mrs. Edward Cullen, would I have the family I always wanted to have? Who kno…

"Bella, ten more minutes," and I was effectively cut off from my train of thought. It was now or never, I picked up on syringe and held it in place on the crease of my arm. I did not even feel the pinch as it went into my skin, I could feel the liquid running through my veins and it was then that I was fully ready to take the stage.

My costume tonight was a skimpy cop uniform that was paired with thigh high boots, one of my favorite costumes I've worn since I started. By the time I was ready, the curtain was already down and I took my place in the center of the stage. My nerves were no longer and like every other night, I was ready to dance my ass off.

Sirens started to play over the speaker system and the announcer was roaring up the crowd.

"Gentlemen, please welcome the scandalous Alexis Love…"

AN: Let me know what you think. I am planning on updating tomorrow night if everything goes according to plan. Which I think it will. I WILL NOT demand a certain amount of reviews before I post. If you don't like it, then keep on moving.

Next Chapter: A little of Emmett and Jasper's trip to the local strip club, and who do they see, but none other than Alexis Love.

