CPR/KM: Haha~!

Lilly: W- Why?
Tsunayoshi: I think she liked the idea...

CPR/KM: Yup, I did! This story is an idea from Zylia16. I thought it sounded interesting, so I am writing it~!
Kyoya: glares Why the hell am I related to the old man?
Alaude: Why am I related to that weakling?

CPR/KM: 'Cause that is what Zylia16 said, go and bother them about it and not me. I am just writing here~

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR, nor do I own this idea for this story. I just write the idea out and the plot is mine...

Summary: Kyoya and Tsuna had known each other since they were children, yet Tsuna had never known that his older brother figure had an elder twin. Let the chaos and love ensue from Tsuna's first visit ever to the Hibari Household!

Pairings: A27, 8059, 1827-brotherly

Warnings: AU, Language, OOCness, Lemons; smut, bondage, etc

A Strange Love


Meet my older, sadistic Brother

~ After school, in front of Namimori Middle...

A boy that looked to be around 15, yet was actually 16 years old, was standing in front of his school that was looming over him from behind. The boy had brown hair which was really light in colour and fluffy and in wild spikes atop his head, yet it looked time due to his hair being long. His hair was reaching from behind past his shoulder blades and was tied in a low ponytail. It looked really cute on the boy. The boy in question was not very tall and was maybe about 1.59m tall. He had very pale skin too, yet it did not look very sickly on him. He was build very lithe and agile, yet he had this effeminate look to him. He looked very fragile too, like you could break him with the slightest touch which might be true.

Honey coloured eyes which were big and wide were glazed over in thought. Normally, those eyes would hold innocent in them that let you wonder if that boy had anything evil in him. Fine eyebrows were furrowed a little and a button nose was wrinkled in thought. It made the boy look even cuter than he already was. Plump pink lips were pressed together in a thin line. A sigh left those lips before the boy puffed his cheeks out that hold a light flush to them. His face seemed to be in heart shape which you would rather seem to think a girl would have, yet the boy had it. All thanks to coming more after his mother. `What is taking him so long?´ the boy asked himself while blinking a few times. A brow furrowed at his anger while the boy impatiently tapped his foot.

The boy in question was dressed in black slacks and had a white dress shirt on where the sleeves were rolled up. A dark brown vest was over his white shirt and on both, the shirt and vest, was the crest of his school engraved. Black leather shoes on his feet were tapping up and down faster than before and a scowl was slowly settling on his youthful face. What was taking his friend so long? Sure, he knew that he was busy. But he had never taken this long!

"Kyo-nii!" the boy whined out with a melodic voice. "Why do you take so long?"

"Because," a deep voice said from behind the boy, "your friends were being idiots again, Tsunayoshi."

"EEEP!" the now named boy, Tsunayoshi, squealed out, jumping in the air and holding his hand above his heart. "Don't scare me like that, Kyo-nii!"

Kyo-nii chuckled when he saw how Tsunayoshi turned around to face him and glare at him. My, it was always so much fun to make Tsunayoshi squeal like that. It reminded him of a cute little animal. The only difference was that an animal could be actually dangerous when they glared at you, while Tsunayoshi was just too cute to be taken serious when he was angry.

"A cute little animal," Kyo-nii murmured out while petting Tsunayoshi's hair.

"Stop that, Kyoya!" Tsuna whined out with a pout.

"Hn," was the grunted answer.

"You will never change, huh?" Tsuna seemed to ask no one.

Kyoya is a year older than Tsuna and knew Tsuna since they were toddlers which were all thanks to their mothers. Kyoya, unlike Tsuna, was taller and reached about 1.69m. Black hair which was in a neat cut was longish and had a few strands hanging in cold cobalt blue eyes. Those eyes would never show any emotion in them, yet when they were looking at Tsunayoshi they would soften up immediately. Kyoya had a lean and very agile body that allowed him to deliver swift punches and kicks when he fought, especially when he was using his tonfas. Like Tsuna, Kyoya had very pale skin, yet unlike Tsuna's, Kyoya's skin had this healthy glow to it. A pair of pale pink lips was twitching a little and trying not to smile when he saw how cute Tsuna pouted. `He is too cute for his own good,´ Kyoya thought while watching Tsuna pout.

Kyoya had a very sharp face with not one ounce of baby fat on it while his eyes were narrowed in a way that let them seem to always glare at someone. It let many people feel like they were judged for something that they had yet to do. It was quite scary when you think about it. Not even an adult had such a look, yet Kyoya possessed one and he was only a teenager. Kami-sama knows what this look will be in the future like when he was all grown up. Kyoya's face was cut in a way that made one shiver, a straight nose, showing nothing abnormal, high cheekbones and fine arched eyebrows. It made him look dangerous, downright evil if you asked the people of Namirmori. It was a fact that Kyoya liked very much about himself.

A black jacket was draped over Kyoya's shoulders while a band was pinned to its left arm. The band was yellow and red in colour and had the word Disciplinary Committee stitched on it. Kyoya, much like Tsunayoshi, wore a white dress shirt, black slacks and black leather shoes. There was nothing out of place on him. His head snapped to his left side when he heard another sigh leave the one he considered a little brother. Now, what was wrong with his Otouto?

Kyoya had known Tsuna since they were toddlers and they had been friends ever since. Tsuna had always followed him around like some lost puppy and admired him, calling him 'Nii-tan' all the time. It had made Kyoya feel special and that had yet to change. He still felt special when Tsuna called him that. But he worried for the one he called Otouto too. He was a very well feared person in Namimori due to his reputation and his discipline that he brought to the delinquents in his school and the part he patrolled of Namimori. Through this, Kyoya had many enemies that would love to get their hands on him, even if they had to sue Tsunayoshi his only weakness. It also did not help that Tsuna was not as healthy one can be.

Tsunayoshi had a very weak immune system which led to him easily getting sick. Something, that had frightened Kyoya when he had first heard about it and it made him want to protect Tsuna all the more. Which had led to Kyoya always being around the younger of the two and protecting him from any harm that could come to him, be it bullies or mean teachers. Kyoya would always make sure that Tsuna was safe in any way, shape or form. A fact he was very much proud of to have accomplished. Kyoya was snapped out of his memory lane by a hand in his face and a voice calling out his name

"-oya! Kyoya!" Tsuna tried again while having his hand in front of said person's face. "Are you in there?"

"Hn," Kyoya grunted out while gently swatting Tsuna's hand away from his face. "Do you need something?"

"N- No," Tsuna said in a nervous voice while fidgeting slightly.

Kyoya sighed at Tsuna's sudden shy behaviour and wondered what the little kitten might be wanting from him this time. It was not very often that Tsuna was behaving like his old shy self. It only happened when he was around new people, like in school, or when he wanted something from Kyoya. So, now the question was, what did Tsunayoshi want from him?

"Just spit it out, Tsunayoshi," Kyoya said while beginning his walk home with Tsuna by his side.

It was for once peaceful on their walk home because no annoying silver and octopus haired boy with the name Gokudera Hayato was following them. Nor was that baseball loving fool with them. It was silent and Kyoya enjoyed the silence, especially when he was alone with Tsuna.

"I need a place to sleep over for the weekend," Tsuna began and shifted a little around next to Kyoya before coming to a stop. "A- And you know that I can't go to Yamamoto or Gokudera-kun for obvious reasons..."

Of course, Kyoya knew why Tsuna could not stay with either of those. Tsunayoshi's friends they may be, but they did not know the little brunet as long as Kyoya did. It also did not help that the onetime Tsuna had slept over at Yamamoto's place that the brunet had gotten sick and needed to stay home for a few weeks. Kyoya had been very displeased with Yamamoto and Gokudera, and he had shown it to them the next day in school. It was safe to say that the whole school was trembling in fear while Tsuna was gone in those few weeks and that the relief was great when he was back.

"You can stay over at my place," Kyoya said, having come to a stop a few steps away from Tsunayoshi.

"R- Really?" Tsuna's face had light up at Kyoya's words.

"Yes, really," Kyoya said out while turning his head away and glared at the staring people, Tsuna was sometimes too cute for his own good. "Now come, you need to be home, and I need to get everything ready for you then."

"Hai, Hai, I am coming~!"

~ Time skip to this weekend, Friday, in front of Namimori Middle School...

Tsuna was leaning against the gates of his school yet again and waited for Kyoya to show up like he always did. But this time Tsuna was not waiting alone at the school gate. Two of his other friends were with him and those were currently having a shouting match between each other. Well, it was more of a one-sided shouting match with the most work coming from Gokudera than Yamamoto. Tsuna had to smile at the silly argument Gokudera was trying to have with Yamamoto. Sometimes, it was really hard to believe that they were a couple at all. Their personalities were just too different and their interests too. It always promised a fight between them.

Where Gokudera was smart, short tempered and not a great fan of sports was Yamamoto his total opposite. Yamamoto was not smart, yet he was not dumb either. He was just Yamamoto. He was calm and he loved sports, especially baseball. So, you can imagine that there was always a fight between them. But as the old saying goes, opposite do attract, it was the same with those two. Gokudera Hayato was a half-Japanese and half-Italian boy with silver hair that was in the form of an octopus which led to Yamamoto calling him 'Octopus-san' on accident. It was safe to say it ended in a shouting match yet again. Gokudera was a good head taller than Tsuna and more build than his shorter friend. His face was always set in a permanent scowl while his emerald eyes were always fixed in a glare.

It was one of the few reasons as to why Gokudera had a fan club. He hated it and he was showing it always. But the other reason might be because he looked like a delinquent and dressed like one too. His school uniform was always in a styled messiness while he used chains as a belt and he was smoking. It was more than enough reason for the girls to make a fan club for him while Kyoya was always after him for disturbing his peace in Namimori Middle with the way he was behaving and dressing. Yamamoto on the other hand was a head taller than Gokudera and thus towering above Tsuna, something that depressed the petit boy. He had very agile body that was helping him very much in his baseball playing and keeping away from his fan girls.

It was the only thing that Gokudera and he had in common. It was their fan clubs but nothing more than that. Yamamoto had a tan skin and always a smile playing on his lips while his dark brown eyes always seemed to sparkle with a mischievous glint in them. It was one of the reasons as to why he was very popular at the school too, now that Tsuna came to think of it. He was about to think more about it when Gokudera's angry yell brought him back to the present.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN OTOUTO IS SLEEPING OVER AT YOURS, YOU BASTARD?" Gokudera yelled out at Kyoya who had just arrived.

"Maa, Maa, Haya-chan~, I think Hibari-Senpai has his reasons as to why Tsuna is with him!" Yamamoto laughed out while taking a hold of his angered boyfriend.

"Urusai, Yakyuu-Baka!" Gokudera hissed out while trying to wriggle himself free from his boyfriend's grasp. "Let go of me! I need to kick that Teme's ass!"


"SCREW YOU, BASTARD! AND STOP THAT SMIRKING OF YOURS!" Gokudera screeched out while still trying to free himself.

"Hn, no," Kyoya said with a smirk while crossing his arms, this was just too much fun.

"GAH! I am going to whip that smirk off of your ugly mug!"

"Hahaha~ Haya-chan, you should be nicer!"

Tsuna sighed and shook his head as he watched on how his friends were arguing like that. Well, more like Gokudera screaming his head off, like usual, Yamamoto laughing and trying to calm them all down, like usual, and Kyoya just fouling Gokudera's anger on more, like usual. So, in short, there was nothing new was happening between those three. It was a normal routine by now.

"A- Ano... sh- shouldn't we be going now, Kyo-nii?" Tsuna asked with a tilt of his head, a light blush on his cheeks when a light and cold breezed passed him by.

Kyoya's eyes narrowed on Tsuna when he saw the light blush and felt the cold breeze. Curse the damn autumn session and its cold breezes; he did not want Tsunayoshi to be getting sick now. So, instead of answering, Kyoya walked swiftly over to Tsuna and took his hand into his and began to walk away from the school in a fast pace. Not bothering to see if the silver haired octopus and overgrown puppy were following him. His first priority was it to get Tsuna into warmth and away from the cold.

"O- OI! Where the hell are you taking Tsuna?" Gokudera yelled suddenly out when he saw Tsuna being dragged away.

"Maa, Maa I think we should follow them~!" Yamamoto said with a chirper voice before running after Kyoya, Gokudera still in his hold.

"L- Let go of me, B- Baka!"

"Hahaha no can do! Or we lose Senpai and Tsuna~!"


"Ah, but I am already! Senpia is just too fast!"

~ After a short run later...

Tsuna blinked when he was dragged up the steps to a temple and let out a gasp of surprise when he saw the grounds of the temple he had been dragged up to. It was a really beautiful sight to behold. Trees upon trees were littering on the ground while in the far back a big mansion was standing. He figured that this was where Kyoya had to living. It was a really beautiful place to live, that much Tsuna had do admit. Kyoya did not lose any time with looking around and began to drag Tsunayoshi in the direction of his little house, more like mansion. Tsuna let himself being dragged, too dumbfounded at finding out, finally, where his best friend was living. It was most interesting for Tsuna to find out.

Yamamoto and Gokudera were following Kyoya, having finally caught up with the man atop of the stairs and were looking around the property. It was safe to say that it surprised the two greatly when they saw where their friend, more like Tsuna's, was living. They had imagined many places for the cold hearted Perfect to live at, but a temple was not one of them. It had never crossed their minds and why should it? Hibari Kyoya was not really someone you would imagine to live at a temple, now would you?

"Woah! Senpai's home looks awesome, huh?"

"Shut up, Baka!" Gokudera hissed out and speed up to follow Kyoya; he did not want to lose Tsuna out of his eyes.

"Hahahah! You are no fun at all, Hay-," but a fist had met his skull and made him shut up.

It seemed like Gokudera was not as happy as Yamamoto when it came to see Kyoya's home for a first time. What a pity, eh? Ah well, it was his loss, no? Yamamoto just smiled at his moody boyfriend before draping an arm around his shoulder and then walk up to the mansion. He would really like to see what the mansion looked like from the inside. Was it like the rumours said it was? Totally dark and no light in it, was there dungeon too that had tortured people in it? It certainly would go with Kyoya's personality!

Or maybe, Yamamoto is reading too much into it, like usual.

~ Inside the mansion in the living-room...

Tsuna blinked while he looked around the living-room, Kyoya had left him alone to sit in while saying something about bringing their bags up to his room. Tsuna had just shrugged and let his friend do as he pleased. It was not like he could do anything about it. He did not have to do any homework either because of the simple fact he had already finished it in school. It was the only plus that Tsuna had with his weak immune system. The only thing that he could do was study, study and study. He had never really had the liberty of playing outside without getting sick. But, Tsuna had never minded it, through this had more time to hang out with Kyoya and that was all that counted for him in the end.

Sighing, Tsuna let himself relax into the couch he was sitting on and looked at the shelves that were full with some little trinkets and books. He would have never thought that Kyoya had kept all the stuff that Tsuna had made for him, like the clay-hedgehog he had back in their kindergarten days. A soft smile was on Tsuna's face when he remembered the day he made the hedgehog for his Kyo-nii. It certainly had been an interesting day.

"Tsuna, where are you~?" Tsuna suddenly heard Yamamoto's voice sing out.

He sweat dropped at the cheerful tone in his friend's voice and shook his head, letting his hair follow his every move. Tsuna had failed to notice that at the back door a person was standing and watching him. Said person was staring with slightly wide eyes at the boy that was sitting in the living-room and didn't dare to enter it. They were too memorised with Tsuna sitting there and the smile that was on his face.

"I am in here, Yamamoto!" Tsuna yelled out and was not disappointed when Yamamoto came into the living-room.

"Hahaha~ found you~!" Yamamoto laughed out while having Gokudera dragged with him.

"Let go of me, Yakyuu-Baka!" Gokudera said with a light flush.

"What is this entire ruckus about?" Kyoya hissed out, having appeared behind the two.

"Hahaha... nothing~!"

"Tch, none of your business," Gokudera grumbled out while taking a seat on a floor.

"Hn," Kyoya grunted out while letting his eyes go around the room. His eyes widened slightly when they saw a very well known person. "... Aniki..."

"Huh?" Yamamoto tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean, Senpai?"

Gokudera whacked his boyfriend behind the head and let out a tired sigh, "What he said, you dolt! He has an older brother, right? Oh God! Now there are two of him!"

"Hahaha, really? I didn't know you had one, Senpai!" Yamamoto laughed out while nursing the little bump on his head, ignoring Gokudera's whining.

"Eh, you do, Kyo-nii?" Tsuna asked with a tilt of his head. "I never knew you that you did!"

"Aa," Kyoya petted Tsuna on the head slightly. "It is not important for you to know."

"Still, you could have told me!" Tsuna pouted out.


"Otouto," a new voice said which was much deeper and colder than Kyoya's and let a shiver run up and down Tsuna's spine. "What is this flocking all about?"

Kyoya narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Don't ask me, ask the Puppy and Octopus why they are here and crowding around."

"Who the hell are you calling an Octopus?" Gokudera hissed out, his emerald eyes having turned to slits.

"Who do you think?" Kyoya shot back without missing a beat, yet he was still staring at his older brother.

"Maa, Maa you two should calm down~!"

"URUSAI/Be silent!" Gokudera and Kyoya hissed out at the same time with a glare aimed at Yamamoto.

"Hahaha... ha..." said person laughed nervously out while backing away from the glares.

Tsuna sweat dropped at his friends' behaviours but then tuned it out. It was not like there was anything new going to happen between them; instead he focused his whole attention at the newcomer in the room. Said newcomer was looking exactly like Kyoya, yet there were many differences between those two. For one was the fact that instead of black hair this newcomer had blond hear which nearly looked like it was bleached white. His eyes were more of a grey-blue colour than a blue and were much more piercing than Kyoya's and his choice in clothes was much different either. Unlike Kyoya who was always found in either Namimori Middle's School Uniform or in black pants and a white dress shirt, this boy was dressed in black slacks, shoes, a purple shirt and a dark purple with some black lining on it trench coat.

It was a greater difference than you would think. Of course, then there was the fact that he seemed to be much colder than Kyoya and he was a bit taller too. Yet, the build, face and expression were so much like Kyoya. It was frightening when Tsuna thought about it. Tsuna blinked when he saw how those eyes were fixed on his own and it made him shiver. Was it just him, or was he being judged by this person's gaze? He was snapped out of this staring when he heard Gokudera suddenly yell out.

"GAH! WHAT HELL ARE YOU DOING, YAKYUU-BAKA?" Gokudera yelled out while being dragged out.

"Hahaha I think we should leave now! Senpai doesn't look really happy with us here! Yamamoto said with his usual smiling, seemingly flying out of the living-room.


Tsuna sweat dropped yet again at his friends' behaviour and watched on how Yamamoto took Gokudera out with Kyoya following them. A satisfied smirk was playing on Kyoya's lips while he followed them out. He had to make sure that those idiots would not come back, period.

"Scre-!" But there was a loud slam of a door suddenly, cutting Gokudera's yells off.

"Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto," Tsuna sighed out with a shake of his head.

"Who are you?" it was that question that let Tsuna's attention snap back to the person that was still in the room.

"Eep!" Tsuna squealed out while whirling around to face that man again. "I- I am S- Sawada Ts- Tsunayoshi, n- nice to m- meet y- you..."

"Hn, so you are that boy Kyoya told me about," the still unknown male murmured out. "Alaude, I am Kyoya's older twin."

"Oh," Tsuna blinked at Alaude with wide eyes and tilted his head to the side. "Kyo-nii never told me about you."

Alaude let out a grunt at what Tsuna said before taking a seat on the couch next to him, crossing his arms and leaning back into it. He closed his eyes and seemed to ignore Tsuna which Tsuna did not like at all and pouted at that. He hated it to be ignored like that; it reminded him too much of the days that his father was at home and only had eyes for his mother which would lead to his mother ignoring him too. But he did have Kyoya in that time who made up for it and who liked to ignore Tsuna too, only to tease him and rile him up a bit.

"Doesn't surprise me that he hasn't mentioned me to you, Otouto doesn't like me much," Alaude said after some silence.

Blinking, Tsuna stared at Alaude and was about to say something but Kyoya beat him to it.

"Who would like you anyways?" Kyoya threw in the room while taking a seat to Tsuna's left side.

"You are the only one that doesn't like me," Alaude shot right back.

"You wish, no one likes you," a glare was thrown at the blond.

"That is only your opinion, Otouto," a glare was now aimed at Kyoya.

Tsuna sweat dropped yet again when he saw the two brothers glare at each other. How the hell had he gotten into the middle of that one now? Sighing, Tsuna tried to ignore the building tension between the twins, yet he was failing at it. He began to fidget a little when he could feel how the glares became more intense. `Why did I ask Kyo-nii again to stay at his place?´ Tsuna asked himself while fidgeting more around. `I should have asked someone other!´

"Stop it with your glaring," Kyoya hissed out suddenly. "You are making Tsunayoshi feel uneasy."

"My glaring?" A blond brow was raised. "You are the one glaring here which makes him uneasy."

"Mine? Yours!" cobalt blue eyes narrowed into slits now.

"No, yours!" grey-blue eyes were turning into steal.

"A- Ano...?" Tsuna stuttered out and flinched a little when he was suddenly glared at. "EEP!"

Kyoya's eyes softened up immediately when he saw how Tsuna flinched under his glare. Alaude on the other hand let his glare vanish from his face, watching with an indifferent face the boy.

"Come on, Otouto, I show you were you sleep," Kyoya said while taking a hold of Tsuna's hand and leading him out of the living-room.

"O- Okay..."


Alaude watched on with narrowed eyes how his little brother led Tsunayoshi out of the living-room. My, how interesting it was. He had never thought that he would actually get to meet this Sawada Tsunayoshi his younger brother had told him about. Now, here he had meet that mysterious boy. Alaude would have never thought that the boy would be that cute and adorable when he had heard right from his brother about him the first time. But now Tsunayoshi would be staying with them for this weekend when he had heard right from his brother. It was more than enough time for him to get that little kitten to know better.

"Heh, this is going to be fun," Alaude murmured to himself.

~ Meanwhile, up in Kyoya's room...

Tsuna blinked while he looked around Kyoya's room. It was a very big room which held many shelves full of books, weapons and little trinkets. Tsuna was astound at how spacious the room still was even with the desk that was pushed in front of a window while next to it was a glass door which led to a balcony. A bed was off to the right site and pushed into a corner, there was even a big bird cage that hung from the ceiling, yet no bird was in it. A futon was lying next to the bed which had Tsuna's bag on it. Kyoya had taken a seat on his table that was standing somewhat in the middle of the room and was watching his guest look around the room.

It amused Kyoya at how Tsuna's face was showing his wonder and childish happiness. But it was to be expected, it was Tsuna first time being over at Kyoya's place, ever. Normally, it had always been Kyoya being over to Tsuna's place but now Tsuna could see his for once. A nice change, it really was.

"Tsunayoshi," Kyoya's voice rang suddenly out.

"Mhmm~?" a tilt to the side with his head was showing that he was listening.

"Keep away from Alaude."

Tsuna blinked in surprise at hearing those words, turning his head a little so he was facing Kyoya. Tsuna gave him a confused look. Why would his friend say such a thing? It was surprising and confusing at the same time. Why should he keep away from Alaude? Kyoya's older brother seemed to be nice from what Tsuna had seen of him so far.


"Just do it, Otouto," Kyoya said in a voice that was not open for a discussion.

"B- But-!"

Sighing, Kyoya stood up from his position at the table and walked over to Tsuna. He stared with hard cobalt blue eyes into the confused honey coloured ones.

"Tsunayoshi, keep away from him," Kyoya said, making sure to not break their eye contact. "Promise that you will not be around him, please?"

Now, this surprised Tsuna even more and he stared with wide and shocked eyes at Kyoya. Kyoya was never one to beg someone for anything. He would never do something like this. Kyoya's pride, ego and super ego would never let something like this happening. Yet, the few times he did beg for something, it was something very important and serious, just like it seemed to be now.

"A- Alright, I- I promise," Tsuna stuttered out with a nod.

"Hn, good," Kyoya said with a nod of his own.

Tsuna just blinked, he did not really know what this was about just now. Oh well, he would be finding out what this all was about this weekend.

"Now come, I don't want to be here any longer with my brother around," Kyoya said with a sneer.

`What is it with him and his older brother?´ Tsuna asked himself, yet he nodded to what was said to him.

"Otouto, don't even think about leaving," Alaude said while opening Kyoya's door to his room which earned him a glare from his little brother. "It is your turn with cooking and doing the laundry."

"Screw you," Kyoya gritted out with a glare.

"No, I am not one for incest."

`Yes, a long weekend indeed,´ Tsuna thought, watching the two twins fight yet again.

CPR/KM: Heh~!
Kyoya: smirks

Alaude: glares

Tsunayoshi: sweat drops G- Guy?
Lilly: ... Oh no...

CPR/KM: Please read and review~! And I hope I did well with writing your idea out Zylia16 grins