Right. So I'm sick and all and I'm so dumb and distracted because instead of writing chapters in order, I wrote the ending first and now I'm working my way up to chapter 6, 7, 8, 9. BLAH BLAH. So I guess, this will have a minimum of 15 chapters. It's a long, complicated story with backstories (Yes, I have Eugene's and Gothel's, and a little Young Rapunzel). So, I apologize for the long wait and the crappy fluff-only chapter, but I'm happy to say, it will not be in vain, this story is about to get juicy.

Review time!

twihardandveryobsessed: Oh really? XD Don't be afraid to guess! You'll find out soon enough, though. So don't worry. And thank you!

KiraAirenHunter: Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! :)

RadosianStar: He's evil. He's close to one of the characters. That's all I'm gonna say. You'll find out in about two chapters :D

sunnyprincessbird: Bahaha, thank you! I wrote that little line while I watched the Tangled credits (yeah, I know. Weird), and there was this little image of him dancing with Punzie, so I was like um…That's two times I've seen them dancing. I have to write about that. So here it was XD Glad you like it!.

I very sadly don't own Tangled, or Eugene, or Rapunzel, or Pascal… *cries*


She stood in the middle of a deserted hallway somewhere in the castle. Warm, soft hands covered her eyes gently and she could feel his breath close to her ear. He tucked her beneath his chin and turned them around, walking slowly at some direction she couldn't see.

"Where are we going?" she asked, a light smile playing on her lips.

"You'll know it when you smell it." he replied with a smirk.

"Ha-ha. Very funny." she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes under his hands. "So why won't you tell me if I'm already going to know where we are once we get there?"

Eugene couldn't help but chuckle at her tangled response.

"Just trust me."

That's right. She needed to trust him. Trust him to make her feel better and relax about the whole 'I'm having nightmares of my fiancée being stabbed over and over again by some witch who claimed to be my mother and then after that a creepy old man appears in my nightmare AND my room and keeps telling me it's all my fault and that he'll come for revenge and get me someday' thing.


Eugene sighed exasperatedly and kicked the door in front of him open, the smell of damp grass and blossoming flowers filling their nostrils. She sighed with contentment as he slipped a hand off her face and placed the now free arm around her waist.

"Eugene, I want to see!" she squeaked with a grin. She accelerated their pace enthusiastically and almost dragged Eugene behind her, making him rush to make sure he kept a hand over her large eyes.

"Watch it!"

Rapunzel would've tripped down the stairs if it weren't for his quick Flynn Rider reflexes; he snatched her legs from the ground and walked her down in his arms, settling her back on the ground at the bottom, one hand still miraculously covering her eyes.

"Just walk slowly and trust me." he pleaded.

With a low growl, she muttered "Fine," and crossed her arms stubbornly.

After a few minutes of walking across the palace's garden, Eugene slipped his hand off her face and turned her around to face something she never thought existed until now.

Rapunzel was facing a big tree, no. Not a big tree. She was facing and incredibly large oak tree, with large, thick branches that were covered in leaves of different tones of green. Around that magnificent tree, there was some sort of moat. Visible through the transparent water, fish of all colors swam happily across. The floor was wet and tickled her feet. She looked down, expecting it to be covered in spiky grass, but instead, beautiful flowers of all sorts surrounded them, creating some sort of color blotch that she very much appreciated. She lowered herself onto them, taking in a deep breath, smelling their sweet scent, filling her lungs with the aroma and letting it take over her. She felt the flowers sink beneath her weight and then she felt some rising again when she opened and closed her legs, the gaps between them covering and uncovering the blossoming lilies and violets over and over again. A soft giggle escaped her lips and she looked up to see Eugene grinning at her, he was enjoying her happiness and was secretly proud it was him that made her smile. Okay, not technically; the scene had made her smile, but he had come up with the idea.

She got up from the ground and kissed him full on the mouth as her way of saying thank you. Everything was so beautiful she couldn't even bring herself to speak. She parted away with another giggle and ran across the moat, her bare feet feeling the cool, smooth water slide between her toes. She kept walking to the space left between the enormous tree and the little river and sat down, crossing her legs and patting the grass next to her, a silent invitation for Eugene to join her. With a chuckle, he imitated her actions and sat down at her side, his legs sprawled in font of him. He took a small calm breath and smiled, taking her hand and pressing his lips against it.

They stayed like that for a while, each of them sinking their eyes into the beautiful view around them. They were silent, their hands entwined, their arms touching gently, warming and making each other feel bright and tingly and perfect. Rapunzel would gasp every now and then at an animal that ran across or at a bird she'd spot flying in the sky. A leaf that fell from the tree had landed on her lap and she had inspected it closely, admiring its cracks and stem, wondering what made it a darker green than her eyes. She made a mental note to ask Eugene about it later. Right now, she was too distracted to make herself remember something new. Besides, they weren't in need to break the silence. It was pretty comfortable and actually kind of nice.

She took a hold of his arm and squeezed it.

"Thank you." she sighed.

Eugene kissed the top of her head and smiled. "No problem, princess."

Rapunzel chuckled softly and closed her eyes. "Rapunzel." she corrected.


They both shared a quiet laugh, their bodies shaking together, their hands entwined. Eugene planted a peck on her cheek and smiled, for he wouldn't trade her love for anything else.
