Moon Princess at Hogwarts?

Disclaimer: I don't own sailor moon or Harry Potter. Nor will I ever own them, a girl can only dream -hehe-


What if the Potter's weren't the only family visited on that summer night? What if Harry wasn't the only child with a cursed mark?




He was a man on a mission, he would kill them before the night was over and done with. But first he wanted to enjoy a little bit of fun. So he made a detour in his route, to go to the house of Headmaster Dumbledore and his family. He wished to pay the Lady Serenity Dumbledore a visit, one that was filled with lust and rage.


A lovely woman was chasing after a soaking wet little girl, whom appeared to have just gotten out of the bath, with a towel. Said woman stood about five foot six inches tall, slim with very beautiful ankle length silver hair which was worn into two individual spheres on top of her head with her remaining hair flowing from each sphere. The little girl, who appeared to be around one, had a head full of golden locks which clung to her wet skin. "Selenity ReAnn Dumbledore!" The woman said having stopped chasing after the little girl, she folded her arms with the towel hanging from them. "Stop running this instant!" She told the little girl. Selenity stopped running at the sound of her mother's voice, she turned to her mother with a pout on her face, "But fun!" she exclaimed excitedly while raising her arms up high. She smiled up at her mother before dashing forward and taking the towel and running up the stairs. The mother then shook her head and sighed, "She is going to be the death of me, not even her brother put me through this."

Suddenly there was a rather loud knock on the front door; the mother looks over to the Grand Father clock which stood next to the fireplace, the hour was late and she began to worry. After about ten minutes she felt like whomever it was had left, but as she turned to follow her daughter there was a loud bang on the door followed by a man shouting. "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR SERENITY! I have a score to settle with you." The mother, now known as Serenity, held a face of pure terror; but she soon took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Voldemort, leave here you are not welcome!" Her words held power behind them. All was quite and she thought he had left until the front door came blasting into the living room.

She stepped back surprised but soon began walking towards the doorway yelling. "I TOLD YOU THOMAS THAT YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!" The man began to laugh halfheartedly at the woman before him, "Now, now Serenity a woman of your status should know better than to yell in a household where children reside. Speaking of children where is that darling daughter of yours?" Serenity got furious at the mention of her daughter, "You leave her out of this!" and tries to slap him but ends up being thrown against the nearby wall. "Now Serenity, where is that asshole Headmaster you call a husband? He must have something much more important to do than to be with his family." Thomas said spitefully as he began to roam his hands down her slim body. "Oh what a delicious body you have...I'm going to have some fun tonight." Serenity spit into his face, "Get off of me you disgusting asshole!"

Thomas smirked when he saw a certain little girl out the corner of his eye, "Tisk..tisk...using such language in front of your daughter." Serenity looked over towards the staircase spying her daughter and cries out, "Lena run, get out of here, go HIDE! Mommy loves you!" The little girl just stood there frozen with fear. Thomas slams Serenity's head back into the wall once more with enough force to dent it, causing blood to seep from an unknown area hidden beneath her hairline. As his hands roam he grabs a hold of her dress, ripping it from her body, he then proceeds to rape her in the most violent of ways right there is front of her own daughter. Lena screams, "MOMMY!" She then runs over to her mother's bruised, bloody, limp and dying body. "Mommy, Mommy!" the little girl yells out crying. She then looks up at Thomas with such a hatred that a child so young as her shouldn't have known.

" girl, there is no need to be crying, seeing as you are about to join your newly departed mother." he said cackling. "AVADA KAVADA!" he screamed as a bright green light flowed from the tip of his wand, but before the light was even able to touch the little girl she began to glow a blinding brilliant silver. "BAD MAN!" Lena screamed causing the house begin to shake all the way down to its very foundation. Suddenly a silver crescent moon appeared upon her left collar bone at the same time that a golden crescent moon appeared upon her brow. Thomas took a step back in shock at the young child before him that held so much power; her power was so great that the silver glow molded itself around her causing the green light to fizzle itself out. For the first time that night he felt fear as the silver glow began to expand from her body and came out to touch Thomas. As the light from her pure glow reached out touching his robes causing them to catch fire from the darkness held within.

Without a second thought or glance he apparated out of the Dumbledore household heading towards his original destination that was located in Godric's Hallow. When he disappeared the house stopped its shaking and Lena threw herself over her mother's now cold body, crying out loudly for her daddy and big brother to come home.

(A/N: Thank you for reading. This is the revised version, hope to get many reviews. I now have my sister helping me as my beta reader.)

Mother Gaia