A.N. ... this is what happens when I try to write fluff. I write insane!MarikxBakura ... guuuuh...

Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh or any of their overly effeminate male characters.

There's something really sad about falling in love.

You feel like nothing could be better then being in the presence of the one you loved and all you ever think about is them. You feel happy, whole and complete. You feel like they are your whole life and you can't bare to live without them.

But that only sets you up for a bigger fall if they break your heart, or even worse... if you lose them.

There's something sad about falling in love with someone who isn't even alive anymore.

He may smile at you with borrowed lips and kiss you with a borrowed mouth, but it isn't even him. Nothing about him is his and you find yourself wondering about the owner of the body... Is he even aware that his life is slipping away from him second by second, passing him by as he sleeps?

But then he kisses you with that borrowed mouth again and you forget about him... even as you see the real owner screaming in the reflections of borrowed eyes and crying for freedom.

There's something sad about falling in love with a thief.

Because thats all he ever does isn't it? Steals everything he wants and throws it away when he's done. Like his borrowed body, which now has a lost boy, silently screaming that he doesn't know he is anymore while he smiles. Like the souls he used to collect, keeping them in neat little rows so he could gloat his victory over them. Like your heart, which he ripped out of your chest and broke it into pieces before putting it back together the way he liked it and shoving it back into your chest.

But you don't mind because you were never really whole to begin with but neither was he and isn't it nice that the broken pieces of you seemed to fit together so nicely?

There's something sad about falling in love with an object.

You know it isn't really the object you love, but the personspiritbeing that used to be inside of it, but you can't help but stare it and think that maybe he was inside and and just couldn't get out and wouldn't it wonderful if you just put it on and he would be with you, under your skin forever?

Your hands press against cold glass as you stare at the prettyshinygold and you wonder vaguely if you have gone insane but realize you were never sane to begin with. Otherwise you wouldn't have fallen in love with a deadpersonthiefobject. Glass shatters and you snatch the shinyprettygold up and runrunrun as fast as you can but you never really were a good thief were you? Not like him. You could never be like him.

They find you later, a wide happy smile on your face as you clutch the prettyshinygoldmetal laughing because he's here, can't you hear him? That wonderful rich voice telling you that he loves you, that you'll never be alone again. And you can live together under your skin! Isn't that wonderful?

Can you hear him?