= Please =
He grabbed my hand and led me out of the bar. "Where are you taking me?" I asked Ricky.
"We are going to tell DeLordy that you are leaving him! I don't care if he wants to kill me. We will just go on a run! He can never track me," Ricky laughed, "because he is losing his best tracker."
"Who? You," I kissed him. I knew the answer.
"Of course," He kissed me back, "My dear. I tracked you down years ago even when I don't have DeLordy's tracker ring."
We walked to the forest where DeLordy parked the space shuttle. DeLordy, Nation, Cosmo, little Jude and a few of Transylvanian agents were standing in front of the ship and talking.
"You ready?" Ricky asked. I nodded. We walked closer to the ship and a few agents greeted Ricky. "My Majesty," Ricky said, "Judy and I have something to tell you."
"Great, Judy, you are back," DeLordy said to me, "Nation said you were saying goodbye to your friend from high school, Marcy, right?"
You didn't give the letter to DeLordy? I lipped to Nation.
I am sorry. He looked so sad when I told him you were coming, so I lied. She lipped back.
"My Majesty," Ricky took control again, "Judy will not marry you. She and I are in love."
"Ya, I know," DeLordy said.
"What?" I screamed.
"You have pictures next to your bed side," DeLordy said it like it's obvious.
"And you still want to be with me and marry me?" I asked.
"Why not?" He answered my question with another question.
"I am a horrible two-timer," I uttered.
"You do know that polygyny and polyandry are both legal in Transsexual, right?" DeLordy asked, "Ricky and I are going to be brother husbands."
"You sure you want to share?" Ricky asked.
"Why not? Besides, I love your muscle," DeLordy wrapped his arm around Ricky's shoulders.
"Okay," I said together in a doubtful tone, "Why did you tell me earlier?"
"Com'on we have men dressing up as women, of course people can have multiple spouses," Cosmo rolled his eyes and jumped into the conversation, "I didn't know why you were having such a hard time choosing." He and Nation laughed.
= The End =
Okay, I have tricked you into reading all 4 different endings... Honestly, you could have stopped after the first one if you have picked DeLordy, but you have decided to read this far. I have lost a couple readers, but thank you very much for supporting, reading along, reviewing and having this great journey with me. :) I hope you like at least one of the ending! (tell me which one in your review!)
You know what, in the most original ending, Judy, Macy, Ricky and DeLordy they all went back to Transsexual. After a RickyXDeLordy fight, Judy decided to stay with Ricky. Macy (who has never met DeLordy) met DeLordy on the street (same apartment building and DeLordy was coming downstairs) and they felt in love. But I just never had to time to write it...
It feels like a good moment to make this announcement – I am taking a break from RHPS. No worries, your Rocky Horror Easter fan fiction is still up! I will come back to RHPS after my American Horror Story fan fiction is completed. It's hard to juggle things and I am not in the right mood to write some RHPS things.