Warning; Rated M for Pevensiecest (Incest), Yaoi, Sodomy and Bondage
Give Yourself To Me
Chapter four: King Of The Damned
Edmund wasn't going to accept the fact that he was going to be Peter's for as long as he shall live. And since Edmund was a vampire, it just meant that he would be Peter's for an infinite amount of years… He wouldn't get out of this one so easily.
"No," Edmund protested, pulling himself away from the blond smirking. "I will not be possessed by you like… some pet!"
He watched Peter who remained on the sheets with a smug grin, and a holier-than-thou look on his face. He wasn't going to let Ed get away with this.
"Oh, but you are going to let me." He replied bleakly as he slowly got up from the satin sheets, still stained with Edmund's mortal blood.
The frustration and anger boiling within Edmund just grew hotter, burning his insides as he glared at Peter with ferocious blood shot eyes. "I will not let you own me!"
The older male watched the younger as a fire as hot as Hell's rose from the male's eyes, causing a light chuckle to escape Peter's throat.
"Someone is in need of Human blood," He commented, grabbing a hold of the younger's lithe body as he pulled him close. He watched Edmund's skin, trailing his long fingers down his pale flesh. "But don't worry my little pet; you'll get what you desire." His tone was deathly as he pronounced each syllable in his sentence, especially the word pet.
Peter was sure a growl left Edmund's lungs as he in response gave the younger a toothy grin.
"I'm not going to drink the blood of Humans, are you crazy?" Edmund yelled, pushing Peter away with mighty strength as he clawed at the sheets; trying to find his ripped garments.
Peter just watched the boy as he quickly formed into a hot tempered beast. "Your thirst for Human blood will only worsen Edmund," He added, causing the younger male to come to a halt.
The dark and lonely reflected room was cold and quiet for a moment. The two males stood close to each other, but it felt like each body were a million miles apart. Edmund could feel his hollow chest and his empty veins hungry as he stood hunched over the large bed. Peter was right, he needed blood.
He slowly looked up at Peter, making both of their eyes meet. "You're right, I need Human blood," he admitted calmly, continuing to stare into the many deep depths of Peter's calming blue eyes. "But I won't do it!" Edmund wasn't going to succumb to this new disease so easily.
"You say that as if you're so sure Edmund, my pet…" Peter started, as he made his way over to the balcony that let in the moon's bright rays of light. "But you won't know until you smell the sweet, bitter and strong scent of Human blood. You won't know until you can feel your lips upon that soft flesh, beating with veins that pump with blood. You won't know until you feel your fangs ripping through the flesh of that Human's slender nape, as you devour their blood stream and suck their veins dry, until there is not a drop left!" Peter's eyes were still fixated on the large moon outside. "You won't know until you feel their warm, and mortal blood flow through your own cold and lifeless stream. Knowing that you feasted on a soul that is somewhat replacing your hollow body for just a moment… That strong feeling of life and power! Feeling it rush through you like ecstasy!" By now, Peter's voice had grown stronger and more powerful as he continued to speak; and it was as if his body was pounding with life as he did. "You will never know how wonderful that feels Edmund, until you do it yourself. And quench that hunger and thirst within you!" Peter cackled sadistically. "You are a vampire Edmund!" He echoed, swinging his body round to look at Edmund as he held an arm up in the air and another over his chest as if he were about to sing. "And a vampire must feed!"
Edmund had listened all the way through Peter's speech, seeing him more alive than he had since meeting him yesterday. It was as if they had known each other for years the way they acted around one another.
"I am neither a beast nor a killer, like you! I was Human… only yesterday! And you are who made me what I am now; a lifeless, hollow, empty murderer." Edmund growled, pounding his fist hard against his chest that no longer beat with life. "I am not going to be who you say I am, and I am not going to drink the blood of a Human."
Peter returned to Edmund, wrapping and curling his long fingers and large hands over Edmund's neck, as if he were caressing it before strangling him. His eyes were ferocious with anger as he glared at Edmund, so close to his face that their noses were brushing against each other.
"You cannot deny who you are Edmund. You are a vampire, and you are mine. How are you going to survive in this, hollow body of yours if you have no blood to drink? You can barely survive off the blood of an animal, but that isn't filling enough for a vampire! A vampire needs the warm blood of a Human…" Peter was trying his best to convince Edmund that what he needed was good for him, but Edmund was a stubborn boy and he wouldn't easily give in to other's persuasion.
"I gave you a gift, Edmund. I gave you eternal life, strength, and even powers if you are strong enough, and willing enough to enable them! But, you are far too stubborn to do so…" Peter's gaze and face soon turned into a mischievous, dark and plotting expression, as his beautiful plump and pink lips curved into a sadistic grin. "But that was what drew me to you… Not only the strong scent of your blood, but your personality Edmund."
"You don't know me!" Edmund spat, both of their faces still close.
"Oh, but I can… I am a vampire, and have accepted who I am. I accepted the fact that I'd never see the daylight again, that I would lose family and friends, and watch all of those I love pass away. I accepted the fact that I would have to give up food and drink in exchange for blood. I embraced this so-called curse, and took it as a blessing! Even though we all know, we are damned for Hell..." The way he spoke the last sentence, sent a chilling tingle through Edmund's empty body.
- Even though we all know, are damned for Hell.
He turned away from Edmund, slowly letting his fingers slip off his neck, gently brushing down his chest until he had at least taken two steps away from Edmund. Edmund couldn't help but feel lost for words, not knowing what would happen to him. He began to feel an unfathomable loathing towards Peter, damning him for what he had created.
'He made me into a monster.'
"This whole world is damned," Peter continued, but his voice and tone was off as he trembled, resting his weight against the arm of a chair as he staggered slowly to sit in it.
Edmund didn't want to move any closer to him, fearing that Peter might actually be… upset. 'What was this,' he thought to himself, 'the beast has feelings?'
"You have nowhere to go now Edmund; you are now a creature of the night until you die." Peter spoke, still sat in his seat that didn't face Edmund who stood behind him near the large bed. "You'll die if you step out into the sunlight, and your family… how are you going to survive around them when you can't leave your home during the day? When you don't age and you can no longer eat, what are you going to do? Are you going to just let yourself die a very slow and painful death? If that's what you want, then leave now. But if you do want to live and be able to live in reasonable conditions, stay with me… Because life as a vampire is not easy Edmund, the law of the vampire world is very different to the normal world."
Edmund clenched both his fist and his eyes, wanting to bellow cries at what Peter had just spoken. He really was damned, and cursed. There was no way he would ever be able to get out of this curse. A nightmare he'd never awake from. A horrid Hell he'd never escape. He was trapped here forever, and he was going to belong to Peter forever. But not just as a murderous vampire, but as Peter's pet!
He was surprised as Peter's emotional mood suddenly lit up and his voice aroused once again, "But on the Brightside Edmund, you'll be able to spend eternity with me; playing with me, being my pet and getting to have me every single night…"
Peter got up, and out of his seat he appeared to be sulking in just a second ago. Strutting close to Edmund's side, "You're mine." He hissed into the raven's ear with a smirk, running his fingers down the boy's pale sides, "and, as my pet. My possession and my object… you have no choice other than to do what I say, and obey to my every demand. For, I am the King of the damned." He gripped tight to Edmund's wrists, holding them up as he forced him over to the bed.
"What are you doing?" Edmund protested, fighting as the older and more powerful being threw him to the sheets, landing on top of him as he trailed chaste kisses down his neck and chest, making Edmund whimper and writhe in resistance as Peter unwrapped his fingers from Edmund's reddening wrists. He drug his fingers down the boy's torso, scratching his finger nails down the sides of his rib cage to his thighs.
Edmund bit into his lower lip as he felt his body reacting helplessly to Peter's tantalizing touch. Even though it was rough, and Edmund wasn't enjoying Peter's harsh play, he found he was unable to hold down the arousal and pleasure stemming through him, shooting all the way down to his lower abdomen. And it wasn't long till Peter caught the sight of Edmund's member slowly arousing.
"Someone is hard," He said, running his thumb over the pink tip teasingly. "And so quickly too… It just shows how much blood lust you have right now, heightening every sense in your body. Your sexual libido should be at its peak. You've only had a mouthful of my in-Human blood; therefore your animal instincts are in dire need of something better…"
Peter didn't seem too happy as he pulled away, reaching for a thick ribbon lying at the bottom of his bed side drawer. He took the silky fabric, running it against the palms of his hands before pinning Edmund into the sheets and wrapping both of his pale wrists within it; bounding them tight together. After seeing that the fabric wouldn't let Edmund budge, watching the younger fuss with struggle as he attempted to pull his wrists apart, Peter let out a chuckle of satisfaction.
"That's better," he hissed before pulling out yet another strip of black ribbon. This time, Peter moved down Edmund's body, stopping at his ankles, tying them together as tight as he had done to Ed's wrists.
Edmund's body started to suddenly squirm and wriggle against the bed sheets in frustration as he felt both of his limbs bound. Unable to move freely and left lying limp on the large bed, and what was worse, was he was at Peter's mercy.
Peter's face was bleak and emotionless as he gazed at Edmund's bound body, admiring him in his defenceless pose. "I'll teach you that you are my pet," he whispered, locking his eyes with Edmunds. His eyes were wide and filled with fear and anger mixed together in an uneasy blend. "Edmund my dear, you look petrified." He smirked.
Edmund didn't respond, continuing to stare back up at Peter with mixed emotions as he continued to wriggle his body.
"You'll eventually stop trying to fight against the confinements you're in," the blond added after Edmund's silent response.
He took one last glance at Edmund's arousal, before flipping his body and lying the boy onto his stomach; causing his hardening member to become crushed under the weight of his body. Edmund groaned in discomfort as Peter Pressed hard on his back, pressing his body even deeper into the soft sheets of his bed.
Peter wasted no time getting Edmund's entrance ready for penetration. He pulled another substance from his bed side drawer, throwing it next to Edmund's side on the bed. It resembled a wine bottle, with a light liquid thrashing against its own glass confinements. Peter sat on the back of Edmund's knees, spreading the boy's cheeks as he observed the very place he would soon be in. But King Peter, of the damned wouldn't be as cruel as to let dear Edmund suffer in the process of it.
He grabbed the tall bottle by the neck, twisting the cap open and without any warning; poured the cold liquid upon Edmund's skin generously.
Edmund's muscles twitched as he felt the light substance run down his cheeks and in between them, trickling past his entrance and feeling it dampen his thighs and balls.
"W- What is that?" The young boy whimpered, resting his cheek against the linen as he felt more pour down his sensitive skin, before suddenly having a large finger prodding between his cheeks. He flinched in pain as he felt the large finger nudge at his entrance, still tight and un-experienced, feeling it roughly fight past the tight ring of muscles.
"Don't you like it Edmund, your master touching you in such an obscene way?" The elder spoke, pressing kisses to Ed's slender back. He loved to tease the younger.
Edmund shuddered and whimpered, fighting the urge to cry as tears pricked at inner corners of his eyes. Unable to move freely, Edmund clung to as much of linen he could. He could feel his toes curling as he felt Peter's large finger prodding inside of him, massaging around his inner muscles.
"Don't worry," Peter spoke soothingly. "It won't be this painful for long. I know this is your second time being penetrated by me, since your first time was just last night as you have slept all day."
Edmund could barely remember the past events that occurred when he was with peter the first time he met him. He felt ashamed, and embarrassed for getting himself into this situation. But Edmund could blame the entire thing on himself, he remembered quite well how the substance he had been given to drink had drugged him, or more or less, hypnotized him. Heating his body and making him crave for different and wilder things. It was all a messy memory to Edmund now. His mind was a blur and chopping up of different scenes that played in disorder through his mind –
"Agh," Edmund grunted, feeling a pair of scissors cut his string of thoughts as a button was pressed within him. Making white stars appear behind his lids, and a swirl of pleasure explode in his lower organ.
Peter gasped in excitement. "That's the spot." He mumbled to himself, slowly slipping another finger in, but as he kissed Edmund's back, he slowly began to bite it too. He nipped and bit the sweet flesh of Edmund's drawing little bite marks of possession near his lower back and at his sides. The metallic tang of blood spoiled the air with its strong scent; causing Edmund to grow wild and needy with its scent.
"Even if our blood is dead, it can still rouse a new born crazy," Peter commented, catching Edmund's quick change in attitude as his body began to craze for blood. "But be calm, you do not need blood… Remember?" Peter half chuckled, lapping the droplets of blood from Edmund's minor flesh wounds that began to heal, but at a slow pace giving Peter time to lick up Edmund's blood and listen to him grunt in discomfort and displeasure.
Oh, how Peter enjoyed Edmund's discomfort at this point; giving him utter control over the male's whole body and to do as he wanted.
He let his fingers ram in and out of him, letting them brush past the softer spot in Edmund. Hotter and needier whimpers drive themselves from Edmund's lungs with force as he used what little will power he had left in him to fight the passion eating his body.
The higher vampire smirked, withdrawing his fingers out of Edmund, to replace it with something far bigger, something much more capable of causing his new pet the pain of unbearable pleasure.
He placed the tip of his arousal at Edmund's slightly stretched out entrance, feeling himself suffocated by the tight ring of muscles as he pushed past them all with force until he felt himself fully inserted in Edmund.
Edmund grunted and groaned in pain as he felt Peter pushing his member in with desperate force, causing his innocent and tight flesh to tear at the demand; only causing more blood to stir within the air that was already reeking with the whiff of sex.
Peter let himself sit inside of Edmund's hole of inexperience, where not many had ventured. In fact, where none had ventured, other than Peter himself.
Between ragged breaths, Edmund managed to let out a strangled groan. "You're so cruel," he hissed between gritted teeth.
Peter was taken aback by Edmund's hasty comment; cruel? "Cruel…?" Peter resounded, feeling a twang of hurt prick at him upon the word. Peter was many things, but he didn't consider himself cruel. Especially not to his dear pet, Edmund.
Edmund gave a growling, "Yes!" Before bursting into a flood of whimpers and hurt as he squirmed in his restricted bounds. "Why did you do this to me…?" He whimpered, hurt filling his throat.
Peter wasn't ready to answer such a question. "Stop fussing on about being a vampire, take pride in what you have become." His tone was very serious, yet irritated as he very slowly pulled his hips back just an inch. "Some would say that, one would kill to be in your position… and I mean that quite literally in fact." He added, breaking out into a soft, short chuckle as he pressed his hips against Edmund's rear.
A gasp escaped Edmund as he felt Peter's arousal push into him at such a slow and gentle speed.
"Oh, Edmund, why don't you see that what I have done is of your benefit, and a gift?" The King sighed, admiring Edmund's pale wrists slowly redden, and his knuckles fade to white as he clenched hard to the soft linen sheets as much as he could.
Peter repeated the same action with his lower torso; slowly pulling back to push all in even slower… Enjoying the spasm his muscles endured during each tantalizing thrust, only making Peter's grin grow even wider until he could feel it was stretching the corners of his mouth.
With Edmund's ankles bound and Peter hovering over the back of his legs; made it so that he couldn't spread his legs apart so easily, keeping his lower body clenched. Making it especially pleasurable for Peter, feeling his manhood snugly fitted in between the firm butt cheeks that would soon react to him as his pace would speed up. He kept his hands grasped to each cheek, squeezing them each time his length would drive in and out of Edmund at the terribly slow pace.
It had been about several minutes of unbearable pleasure for both males as they felt their sexual organs begin to hurt and tingle with the wait, that was until Peter slowly began to slowly increase speed.
Edmund groaned at the sudden take on speed as Peter began to slowly rock his hips back and forth, pushing a little harder each time he felt himself press inside of Ed's tight body. He too was moaning at the beautiful tightness and wetness of each stronger thrust into him.
"Ah, Ed- Edmund," He groaned with a hint of playfulness in his voice as he hung his head, pressing his chin in line with his collar bones.
The beautiful raven that had become intolerable of the sweet passion that swarmed his empty body, making him feel, somewhat filled at the precious pressure building in his lower abdomen as Peter continued to violate his lower body with his gracious thrusts.
"So sticky and wet," Peter hissed, picking his pace up more gradually as he admired the flesh of Edmund's cheeks as it gently bounced in reaction to his movements. "You make me want to cum inside of you and soil you, Ed."
Groaning, trying to contain the heat of lust crawling all over his flesh, Edmund felt the lewd comment take effect on his most sensitive organ. Making it ripple with heat and need; still crushed under his weight, and dug deeper into the mattress after each and every strong thrust Peter shoved into him.
"Come on my dear pet, tell me how much you want me to flip you right now, and jack off your aching arousal?" Peter cooed in pity as he held back his sadistic laughter with an even more menacing grin.
Who was he helping if he just resisted it? Edmund knew he needed this release, and the pleasure of having his body shrieking with excitement was too loud to let his hatred for Peter get in the way of what his organ sought. He couldn't deny how he loved the way Peter's large manhood drove in and out of him oh-so-beautifully, with every long, slow, fast, and hard thrust he gave unto his quivering body.
Edmund raised his hips as much as he could, aching for Peter to go deeper, without actually telling him. But as he did so, Peter caught on that very second. Pulling out of Edmund and flipping him onto his back to look one another in the eye.
Peter smirked, satisfied with Edmund's lusty face. Edmund scowled at Peter; trying to hide the fact he wasn't enjoying it, though it was obvious to Peter he loved it.
Since Edmund's ankles were pressed together, Peter grabbed his legs and pushed them all the way back, forcing Edmund to hold them in place.
Edmund wrapped his arms around the back of his knees as he held them back. Peter pushed himself into his entrance once again, feeling himself pushing past the still tight skin and groaning in pleasure as he did. Edmund's face cringed slightly as he felt peter brushing past his sweet soft. Peter continued to push his hips down, feeling his, pet clenching down in his member every time his tip would press against the young boy's inners.
"So I've hit that spot again," Peter murmured, holding Edmund's legs back with one hand, continued to press down into the same spot with a harsher thrust. Edmund yelped with a startling happy look in his hazy and clouded eyes.
Peter continued to press his hard member into the same spot before stopping to swiftly move Edmund onto his side.
Edmund now lay on his side, with Peter behind him in a spooning position. This position was great for both of them; especially Edmund, because now he was at least a little more comfortable and Peter could reach his bouncing arousal with ease.
Peter sped his hips into Edmund, thrashing his hips into his behind with no mercy. Feeling his skin slap against his with beautiful echoes that filled the room, along with the moans that began to emit from Ed's throat as Peter's hand reached his neglected arousal, already trembling at the King's fingers as they wrapped around the solid shaft. He pumped slowly at first, until he could get in sync with his own wild thrusts as he grunted in Edmund's ear, breathing down his neck as he blew on the boy's skin.
With perfect movement and glorious pressure, Peter could feel his member beginning to dribble immensely with his seed as he started to let himself release into Edmund, seeing as Edmund was doing just the same; thick pearly drops, dripping from the pink tip of his blushing arousal.
"Oh… GOD!" Edmund groaned, feeling himself exploding slowly, as splatters, and ribbons of his white substance began to shoot out his tip with generous help from Peter.
Pete watched Edmund's beautiful expression as he released the last drop of milk from his orgasm. The way his whole body trembled against him and clenched around him, until he too felt every bit of his release churning inside of Edmund as it leaked out, running down his thighs.
"So beautiful…" Peter whispered, kissing Edmund's shoulder.
Edmund sighed as he realised it was all over and done.
A/N: Ummm, that ended a bit weird. I'm sorry, I had no idea how to this chapter lol. More smut! :) yay~
Evil, OCC, Vampire Peter is fun to write about, especially when he and Edmund have sex... Because, Peter gets all evil haha! But not cruel! D:
Peter is still nice... Hehehe! So what did you think of this chapter? Okay? There's plenty more to come, with smut of course... ;) I want to thank everyone for their reviews so far, every review is special to me :) I would also like to thank Bibi and Tatty and Dragon. For being there from the start, and Tatty and Dragon for really making me continue this fic! D: without your encouragment and lovely reviews, these chapters would never have gotten writter! So, thank you :) Thank you!