Thank you to everyone who read the first chapter. No here is the second chapter hope you enjoy. -April

Rose's Point of View

Once I got to Frostbite I knew this place was full of vampires, more than usual. It made my skin crawl. I let my senses heighten a little so I could be prepared for what could happen.

I looked over to the door and saw that there was to long of a line. I didn't have time to wait in a stupid line. So I walked right up to the bouncer. He was big, wearing all black and bald.

He glared at me and spoke with what must have been a threatening voice. "Hey there little missy. You can't go in there. You got to wait in line."

Then I used compulsion. It's something that all vampires have. Even though I can't do it as good as them because I'm a half-breed I can still do it pretty well.

I looked right into his eyes and said, "You will let me in right now. You will also not let anyone else enter tonight. If someone questions you then say it's just too crowded." After I was done his eyes glazed over. He didn't say a word but let me inside. I just smiled in triumph as I entered.

Once I entered I saw why vampires there was so many vampires tonight. There was drunk humans all over the place. It's easy for them to lure their prey that way.

The was a dance floor and a bar area with many tables. But there is also what looked like a hallway leading to a bunch of doors. They must feed in them, or have sex, maybe both. I walked over to the bar and ordered a ice cold beer. The bartender got the drink and gave it to me without even asking for my ID, for which I was thankful, I'm only eighteen.

I took my drink and scoped out the people. More than half of the club was full of vampires. I might be able to kill three if I'm lucky. But I have to lure them in and not cause any disturbances. They only way to do that is to act like a drunk human looking for sex. I chugged my drink not caring about the taste. Then I set off.

Dimitri's Point of View

I waited for my friend Christian and his girlfriend to be done doing whatever it was they were doing. I had been waiting to leave for the club Frostbite for about twenty minutes now. I needed to eat soon and I was losing patience.

I was about to leave alone from the mansion we share when they came running down stairs. They looked nice and neat to anyone else but there was a slight tilt in their clothing and their hair not so perfect and also they were trying to hid their smiles. I have known Christian long enough to know that something just went down up there. Lissa I haven't known quite as long. She was one of the sweetest girls and wouldn't hurt any living thing, so I found it odd when she wanted to be a vampire like us.


I walked into the kitchen at mid morning. I was just getting back from talking with the council about something that has been killing an over average amount of vampires. Apparently whoever they were they weren't part of the Savior Society, they are vampire slayers. I let it drop from my mind for now. I had spent three hours already thinking about it. Now it's time to let my mind rest.

Then I walked by the dining room to hear Christian and Lissa arguing. They never did that. I felt like I shouldn't have intervened, but it was just too out there. When I walked in they both shut up real quick. Christian was standing at one end of the long table with a furious face while Lissa sat at the other looking clam relaxed.

I took a seat in the middle and said with a straight face, "Oh no, please continue. I would love to hear what has gotten into you two."

Christian glared at me while Lissa looked indifferent. Lissa was the first to speak. "Well I don't know if Christian has told you but…" She took a deep breath and said slowly, "I want to become a vampire."

I didn't say anything. Saying I was shocked was an understatement, nut I didn't let it show. They both stayed quiet to let her words sink in. People never really choose this. Most vampires are created in vengeance, hate, or because of some serious injury. Very few choose this life, it's full of violence, blood and a lot of death. But to hear those words come out of the sweetest girl I had ever met made me wonder… Why?

After a few minutes of thinking I break the silence by saying, "Lissa… you do know what you are saying right?" She just nodded her head confidently. "You know that this could change who you are. You might not be the same Lissa on the inside. You are one of the nicest people I have ever met and for you to tell me this is shocking. I don't want you to do something you'll regret later, and I'm sure Christian agrees."

She had a determined look in her eyes as she spoke. "Yes I already know that Christian has been saying the same thing. But I don't want to lose him. We have been together for three years, since I was fifteen. I found out what he was along the way. I'm not stupid and you both know it. It's just one day I will die. He will always stay at the age of eighteen. It's not fair we love each other and we should be together, I don't care if I must drink blood to survive. I know it's a harsh world, but I love Christian and want to be with him. There's no way for him to turn human. So let me become a vampire." By the end she still held her calm demeanor.

I looked over a Christian to see his face sad. I know if there was a way for him to become human, even if there could be side effects he'd take his chances. Then I say to Christian, "She's your girlfriend, but it's her choice and you half to respect that. There's nothing else we can do."

Then Christian said through clenched teeth, "Well someone has to change her and it's won't be me."

Lissa still didn't waver. "That is true but there are many other vampires who would be willing to continue their race." AS I walked out they started to go on again about what would happen.

Only then 2 days later I saw Lissa as a vampire.


When we got to the club at first the bouncer wouldn't let us in. But Lissa used compulsion, which she's a natural at, to get us in. Vampires love to come here. We can get our prey easy. A vampire owns the place so it's also easy for us to get our food. But we can't kill anyone because they don't want it closed down. But it's also a good thing that you can't kill people because neither Christian, Lissa or I like to kill. But sometimes I will kill. Christian used to kill but then Lissa wouldn't so he doesn't. If I ever do kill it's for a reason and I kept from Lissa.

Our night started out like normal. Us having a few drinks; we can still eat normal food, just not a lot. Lissa and Christian went off on their own and I started to look for my meal tonight. I saw a few girls interested in me but none of them were good enough, they were all wasted. Human blood with alcohol in it isn't very good. Then there were other girls that weren't drunk but didn't spark my interest. It was strange because it was now eleven and I still couldn't find anyone. Normally I would have had something by now.

I sat a booth in the right corner and scoped my options. That was when I saw her. She was beautiful. She had dark hair and a nice tan and had on a small black dress and showed off her amazing figure. Though I couldn't see her face because she was looking away. But then she turned my way. She had the face of an angel. And I saw stunning big dark brown eyes I could almost get lost in them. Then I knew I had to have her.

Thanks for reading. Please review. I love to hear what my readers think. -April